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Posts posted by Christine

  1. My favorite part was always the water slide down to the ship. And then from there on when they explore the ship. On the dvd it said the producers and crew played around on the water slides at night, after the kids went home-lol! I would too!

  2. Ah, cool! Wasn't sure if anyone knew of that show or the character-lol!

    I told Toby about this and he said he wouldn't be auditioning. He's got another character to play around with for Dragon Con, which will be unveiled then. I know you'll all like it, that's all I'll say. :P

  3. Hmmmm....Barbarous, me thinks you should apply and be Barbossa in the park. There are some of us who would love to see Barbossa run around as well. I for one am one of those peeps. :) As I said, I'd be running up to Disneyland a lot more often. It's only 88 miles from where I live-lol!

    But I agree, there needs to be something for everyone, Jacks, Wils, Elizabeth Swanns and...the wonderful Barbossa. :lol: Ah, yes indeed!

  4. LOL!

    *continues to have a few more and then lays back on the blanket, looking up at the sky. Curls up with a cloak that was brought and slowly...eyes grow heavy...closes slowly. To dream under the starry skies...*

  5. Oh, I feel so bad for all the nurses and caregivers who work up there. Especially the ones who do the Noc shift, graveyard. You'd find me passed out on the floor from fright! The whole place tho has some creepy vibes. Stuff happens in the day too. Hate taking the stairwell, day or night. Just weird vibes. And the elevator isn't any better! *shivers* Okay, I have to go there for the pm shift tomorrow, so let's talk about something else-lol!

  6. Ooooh...how could I forget this! Just this past Thursday the alarm down by my desk went off. This was for the smoke alarm. I looked to see that it was one of the rooms in the ALZ unit (ah, my favorite area...NOT!). So I called up to ask if everything was okay and told them the alarm was set off. They checked and said all was well. It was in an unused room. Actually it was one where no one has occupied yet. Weird! I switched off the alarm then and for awhile all was good again. The alarm went off again, same room. Again, nothing wrong. We started to freak, how the hell was it doing that? I called the maintenance guy and he said it could just go off, but, then said it is highly unlikely to do it twice like that. The rest of the night was quiet again, but we were freaked out!

  7. *sits back a bit, moving closer to the fire* I should tell the stuff that goes on at my work, such freaky crap there! We've had residents die and some don't leave if you know what I mean. The way the place is set up is we have emergency cords in every room. Once pulled, they will continue to ring until reset. Now, in the ALZ unit, the cords are never pulled. I've been there since the place opened 2 years ago, never been pulled, which is normal. The residents there don't know to do that. Anyway, one of the residents died...in the room. We moved her roommate to another room of her own. So now, it's empty. I'm shivering remembering this! :unsure: Anyway, one night, I'm down at the front desk as recepetionist. The alarm goes off like what is usually heard on a regular basis. I looked at my computer and it showed the ALZ unit. I was like, huh? I called up to the 2 caregivers up there and asked which room that was. They were already freaked out, it was the room of the deceased resident. Here's the other really creepy part, the room is locked! They were so freaked out to reset it. It kept ringing, it won't stop til you reset it. They asked me to come up. LOL! Yup, I went and set it back up. Freaking out the whole time. This has happened more than once. The managers can't figure it out either. :o

  8. The thing is I live in California, the divorce captial of the world. Actually, that be Hollyweird, er, Hollywood that gets that title-lol! So many friends of mine got married after getting out of high school and are already divorced. Okay, they rushed into it and were too young. But then there's ones who have been married like 3 times. I'm like, "okay, it just ain't working, stop!" My parents are divorced, both their parents are divorced. My dad's dad has been married 7 times! I just have always been turned off by marriage, even at a young age, when my parents were happy together. I always thought it silly that you need a piece of paper that says you can be together. A friend of mine from high school, her mom was with this guy for 16 years. They were very happy, but they were always bugged to get married, make it official and all that. And eventually they did. 2 years later they were divorced. Look at Kurt Russel and Goldie Hawn, those 2 will never get married. They're happy just the way they are. Why fix something if it's not broken? But to those of you who are married and make it work, congrats to you. It's rare, but it's great to see some can make it work. :)

  9. Aye, let us finish this great meal you prepared. Unless the ghost pirates from the surf decide to join us in this game? *shivers at that thought* ;) On second thought, back to the bonfire and barebeque, come on! :(

  10. *takes beverage* Thank ye! *takes a plate and fills it up with some of the goodies that was prepared*

    Oh, sure, not a problem. You all are my friends. :)

    *moves to sit on the large blanket that was spread out. While eating watches the tide roll in*

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