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Everything posted by blackjohn

  1. Aye, I'm in agreement with ye !! 'Treasure Island' with Heston is without equal. I think Polanski's 'Pirates' runs a close second, especially concerning characters and costuming.... >>>> Cascabel Walter Matthau is brilliant as a pirate, that's for sure!
  2. VERY COOL! Thanks for posting them!
  3. It's always been a toss up as to who was more fun, Jethro or Grannie. So were you ever a Double-ought Spy?
  4. I'll drink to that! On a pirate ship?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!
  5. bump... not again... *ouch* quit it! (rubs noggin)
  6. That alone makes the idea of a trip worthwhile! Crap... I'm about 100% certain this event is going to conflict with Marching Through Time, just like it did last year. If so... aaaghhhh... I'm torn over which to do. And I suspect it will be tough to get Jeff to give up his chance to be a gallowglass or do his Irish 1918 impression (whichever he has plans for). I'll look further into it. Maybe I can coax some people to do Saturday in Baltimore and Sunday at MtT...
  7. No, but how is this instead... http://www.kismeta.com/diGrasse/Costume/Otto/chajka2-d.jpeg As I understand it, our association of cossacks with horses has much to do with later eras. During our period, the cossacks were accomplished infantry and sailors too.
  8. Are you one of Doctor Who's companions? Nice ensemble.
  9. Awwww man that's nice! (I'm a GeeBee fan myself.)
  10. Cool steampunk clock that was hanging on the wall of the breakroom at the Franklin Institute.
  11. ^ Conspicuous consumption... sounds like something the Romans would have done! So I'm for it. < After a magnificent reenactment I'm back in reality... and you know what, reality sucks. v same question as above... you like your bird stuffed with a bird? You know, it could get complex, with ever smalled birds... turkey>chick>quail>gamehen...
  12. Reminds me of my RevWar days when we rolled, folded, tied and waxed them. But then again, we made a party of it, and did them assembly-line style so it wasn't all that bad.
  13. If you had $900, you could have made GoF an offer for his. Since my group and I are feeling so Eastern European right now (and we're talking of becoming Cossacks), I'm particularly fond of my Polish karabela.
  14. I wonder why we were kicked out of the exhibit? All things considered... the exhibit was pretty good. The collection of artifacts was amazing. The sets were equally amazing... at least most of them. Some of the clothing was... less than noteworthy. Other bits were just downright horribly wrong. But of the museum exhibits I have seen lately, I think this was the best. The follow-up exhibit is... Narnia. Narnia? C'mon... I think that's pushin' it a bit. Though I will admit the giant that was parked next to us there in the atrium of the Franklin was totally awesome. He was 15' tall at least.
  15. Right! I don't believe the good chirurgeon will be attending to us poor pirates tomorrow, but if I do see him, I will talk to him about it. He has shown interest in turning out to more events than the Lockhouse, so...
  16. The only man to have recommended himself for the Medal of Honor and then subsequently had it awarded! Of course, it was 89 years after his death. Wow, talk about lengthy processing times. (The whole discussion involves Black troops not getting credit for the assualt, vis-a-vi the current election, this makes this a bit of interesting trivia showing how the country has already changed before a discussion of change even took place.) Which puts him in a rare category: one of two father-son teams of Medal of Honor winners.
  17. If you do come let me know, that way we can press chirurgeon Miller into bringing his tent full of goodies and setting up shop.
  18. Ah. I'm hoping for a nice viking funeral... burning ship pushed out into the surf...
  19. Hey hey hey... "This is Bill Cosby coming at you with music and fun, and if you're not careful, you might learn something before it's done."
  20. Ahhh... you guys were sailing rings around us. And I'll never forget the look on your face as you put fire to powder... it was the proverbial kid in a candy shop look. Fun!
  21. How about the afterlife... which one do you want to be buried with?
  22. It'll be along before the end of the day...
  23. Thanks Red!
  24. Dorian and I get in a scuffle, while Silkie prepares to bean me with a traverse board. Taken in front of Captain Blackfrog's Tavern, Whydah Exhibit, Philly, Saturday, Nov 1.
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