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Everything posted by blackjohn

  1. Box elder beetles... hate 'em.
  2. Not only do I have Monday off, I asked my supervisor for permission to leave early to give blood, so the weekend begins now! Which means... I guess I better go cut the grass... with old gas that cost ~$4 per gallon. They say not to, but booze after bloodletting gets you tanked quick. Bad advice.... but is it? You bet your bippy it does! I can remember back when I was a young man giving blood, coming home, running to the liquor store for some rum, running back home, drinking said rum, then putting on a suit of chainmail and doing jumping jacks to see what would happen... heh... if I did that today I know what would happen!
  3. Not only do I have Monday off, I asked my supervisor for permission to leave early to give blood, so the weekend begins now! Which means... I guess I better go cut the grass... with old gas that cost ~$4 per gallon.
  4. Nice. I can't beat that. I saw $3.19 at the station I paid $3.39 two days ago. But I found another station at $3.13 I think it was. Of course, across the street here it was $3.56 this morning... these guys are notoriously high.
  5. Which is one of the things I like about these guys... they are all young! And thin! How piratical!
  6. People have the most interesting hobbies... Whenever I see photos from this, the first thing I think of is...
  7. Son#1 agrees. He's a big fan of Bumblebee. Funny thing is, he's also a big fan of original VW bugs.
  8. Seriously. In a way, it is a curse. Hahahaha... truth! It's a cheap fix. And as such, it adds up over time! I must have at least a thousand bucks in 2nd edition D&D stuff, but from over the course of 5-10 years. The single most expensive thing I ever bought was... probably ~$40 for a new GURPS book. Still less than the price of a new PS3 game! Oh... I think that best gamers/least books thing has something to do with the fact that the more books you have, the greater the tendency to get bogged down in the rules. It happens with us at times. Nothing worse than, "hold on, while I look for the rule on grappling one-armed with my off-hand" type situations to stymie the flow. November... 8th? It's the weekend after the Whydah exhibit closes. I'm 99% certain that's the 8th.
  9. The event is an outdoor haunted walking tour of a replica historic house. We hang out on a darkened wharf on a lake, hiding in the rushes, and creep out to scare the touristas. First time I did it I when with white, but I thought I'd go for something different this time. I bought some grey, and was thinking of glow-in-the-dark because it seems much cooler. However... the glow might also give away our position!
  10. It's relative. Compared to roleplaying, this is an astonishingly expensive hobby! And insanely expensive to do right. C'mon... Sarah Juniper shoes will set you back $400.
  11. I trade emails with Joe, their leader, every so often. We've even kicked around the idea of giving up piracy doing something else together. After inviting them to attend any number of events, they finally showed at the last Lockhouse. I guess there were about 8 of them, including one obvious and very cute woman dressed as a guy (one of my pet peeves... ymmv). They showed up, did their thing, didn't rock any boats and were good guys to work with with the exception of the one guy who kept dropping cartridges out on the field and leaving them their after the battle. As I've said to someone else, they remind me of my friends and I when we were young reenactors. Rough around the edges, but interested in doing a good job. Anyway... I like them, and hope to do the Lockhouse again with them come November.
  12. I was always a big fan of the boardgame, and whenever I was in a ToysRUs I would always play the Xbox demo game. It's a shame they never did a PS2 version. But that's the competition so... Wow... ten years ago... I still know of a game store that has some of the original lead miniatures... http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Crimson_Skies
  13. I have an arrangement with the colony of Deep Ones that live offshore not to discuss the coastal morphology of the region.
  14. Any suggestions? I saw some glow-in-the-dark makeup at Party City yesterday. I was tempted to buy it, but I wonder how well it works...
  15. I'm thinking you need to be Mata Hari for Halloween...
  16. Ok, finally watched them both, and... I really like them. The opening with the newsreel voice over is a great way to set up the action. The planet Yoda confronts Asajj Ventress on is really cool. And... the way the jedi in both episodes treat the clones is brilliant. I particularly enjoy Yoda's pep talk to the clones he is in company with. That was a refreshing Star Wars moment.
  17. The fact that you've invited us to not pay attention to it has raised my expectations!
  18. Hey, if you ever get bored and feel like traveling to Silver Spring for lunch, I'm within walking distance of Piratz Tavern...
  19. Wow, that looks really nice! The shaved down stock and wooden rammer are great!
  20. ^ Barnabas Collins... just kidding... I haven't the foggiest... maybe undead pirate, if anything < Really could go for a caramel apple V is it gonna get worse before it gets better?
  21. I did?... Oh, I mean, I did. Thanks! Hopefully next year... though honestly, I don't think any of my people actually went, and I think they guy who invited us was a little perturbed by that. Which come to think of it, I would have been too. I doubt we'll be invited back next year. But if we are... bottoms up says I!
  22. Yeah, and there I was again flipping through SW RPG stuff at the bookstore. I have to admit, the Force Unleashed stuff looks really cool. It would appear they have rules for playing droids, which, if I couldn't play a Jedi survivor (waiting to be offed by Darth Vader & co), would be a tempting choice.
  23. I've watched bits and pieces of them again. Still haven't watched them beginning to end. The odd thing about watching them in bits and pieces, I find myself compelled to sit down and watch them because the stories do look interesting. Oh, son #1 did have one complaint. He said they were, at 15 minutes, way too short. I don't know if they were 15 minutes, or more look 20, but the point remains. Seems like there was as much commercial break as there was show.
  24. Whoa... for a second their I read that as "big fox holes" and my mind strayed to amphibious assaults... And I haven't even been drinking!
  25. Somehow, that doesn't surprise me... Half of my retirement fund is in stocks. It's a rollercoster, but I'm leaving it in there for the long haul. On Friday I heard some investment guy on the radio say that if you aren't willing to commit to 20 or more years, you are better off just putting that money in a savings account.
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