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Everything posted by blackjohn
I agree. But I've always been something of a minimalist with regards to these sorts of things.
I thought maybe I'd be able to edit my own post's title block, but it seems only mods have title block editorial powers. And I'm only the mod for Plunder, not here. But I'll go back and double double check my first post to see if, as originator, I can/cannot edit that portion. This is actually kinda fun, testing to see what this new Pub can and can't do. It's like... imagine how much fun Scotty must've had when fussy around with the upgraded Enterprise!
Me too. He is one of my favorite people I have never met.
By gum! You are right, I didn't see any mod tools on mine either. Maybe they are hidden somewhere? Or maybe Stynky isn't going to fuss with any of those settings until he determines who the mods will actually be. In any case, I'm happy. I just finished off a pumpkin muffin with cream cheese frosting, and am nursing my morning brew. EDIT: Actually, it seems we do. Notice you can see IP adds for posters. I went to the first post of one of the threads in Plunder, and clicked on P Edit for that post, then clicked Full Edit. It opened up that first post in full -- body, title, etc. Of course, I didn't actually do the edit on that post since there was nothing I wanted to edit, but it seemed to be working fine.
As do I. What con is it that you hit here in the East?
Sweet! Too bad there is such a huge distance between Maryland and Utah because I bet we'd have fun hanging out, eating bacon, kicking back and playing some games, etc.
Hey Rumba... Any chance you can get into a moderator screen that will allow you to change the first word in the title of this thread to "Hear" instead of "Heat"? Thanks!
Well, when they said the chirurgeon was a butcher, they weren't kidding!
Maybe we've all died and gone to heaven... I'm sure our man at the helm will do everything in his power to restore the Pub to its original hues. One step at a time...
Hahaha... thanks. Red meat, just what the chirurgeon ordered!
Ok, next stop is Netflix. Considering the amount of gaming we've been doing lately, I really should see both. Heh heh... new D&D 4e books came out today! Adventurer's Vault... one of the best I've seen! And the missus gave me a Barnes and Noble gift card for our 18th wedding anniversary!
William, yes, I have gone to a few. Once upon a time Balticon used to be a really good con. Now, not as good as it used to be. I went to Balticon in '07 to see Larry Niven and Jerry Pournelle, and the con was just so-so. It didn't seem to have nearly as many people attending as it did back in the 80s. The next con I'm going to is SheVaCon. One of the folks organizing the con asked if the Pirate Brethren and yours truly would be interested in doing a lecture on pirate shtuff. For some odd reason I said yes. But I'm looking on it as an opportunity to run a game or two... D&D 4th edition pirate scenario possibly. And for me... beyond that... I don't know if piracy is even in my future. As for gaming cons... I haven't been to one in years. Origins used to come around to my neck of the woods once in awhile, but I don't know if it does anymore. When Avalon Hill was still in business, Baltimore had more pull on the gaming community. Now, not so much. Interesting tidbit... the place where modern wargaming (ala Avalon Hill) started is not too far from where I live. There's an old road called Gun Road, supposedly name thus because artillery used during the Revolution took that road on their way to crossing the river. The guy who founded the company ran it from his garage in the early days. I really want to find his old house and pay homage... cowtow to it or something silly. There is one other con that I'd like to attend... TravellerCon! I missed the first one, and chances are I'm going to miss this one too, unless I go up on Sunday. But Traveller was always one of my favorite games. And Lancaster PA isn't tooooo far away. So, we'll see.
Mmmmm... now I'm hungry... a nice rare steak would do the trick...
I've heard of the movie... hell, for that matter, I know some people who were into the whole Darkon thing... for instance... http://www.darkon.org/gallery2/main.php?g2_itemId=84 is... http://www.piratebrethren.com/lockhouse06/lh0604.html (hmm... I really should consider trying this Darkon thing out) But I digress... And I'm going to be lazy and cut-n-paste this bit from another forum... (and it also gives me a chance to check the functionality of this forum) I've been having so much fun playing D&D 4e that I decided to try my hand at something I have never done before - making terrain. One of the encounters in the Keep takes place in a room that has undergone partial excavation. I decided to re-create that in three dimensions. As luck would have it, one of my players was out of town for this battle. So I took some pictures of the layout so he'd get an idea of what he missed. Without further ado, the pics: http://www.piratebrethren.com/dnd/view1.jpg http://www.piratebrethren.com/dnd/view2.jpg http://www.piratebrethren.com/dnd/view3.jpg I made the planks connecting the walkways from wooden coffee stirrers. I was hemming and hawing over how to make them as I was driving in to work one morning. Stopping for some java, I noticed the stirrers and Bingo!
I (more or less) stopped coming here once my work PC gave me a virus warning. I did check a couple times from home after that, and it kept doing the same. Now.... TADA! It seems we a virus free! Thanks to Stynky!
You know the old saying, "Rome wasn't built in a day." Stynky deserves a BIG round of applause for getting us to this point. I'm sure the bric-a-brac will follow. And hey, mods, now's the time to test this software out by editing the title of my post so the first Hear is spelled right.
I do believe this pub is now opened.
Ok, lets see if this is working... hmmm... so far, so good! Anyone licked any bulkheads lately???
The new DMG has a whole chapter devoted to how to deal with a wide variety of troublesome players. And the not troublesome ones too. Some players can be like kids, so you have to spank them every once in awhile, sometimes take away all their toys, etc. Yep, Charisma is still one of the stats. In fact, it probably plays a larger role in this version than in any other. They've done a great job of overhauling the rules, balancing them, and giving every character class something useful to do during the game.
That's me with 3.5. Having spent a ton of money on 2, I was slightly hesitant on 3. It didn't rock my world (unlike 4!!!), and when they came out with 3.5 a year or two later I said "you can have it." But I do know how you feel. And I wonder if I'll feel the same way when 5 comes out? Come to the darkside Rogue. Join us! Join us! (roll a 20-sided vs your willpower)
Santa can get them for dirt cheap on Amazon. You can get three books for the price of two!
I can see you and I are, to use a term in keeping with this thread, diametrically opposed in this respect. I got into reenacting to have personal experiences. And have I had some doozies! Wow. That's nothing like my experience rpging. Ok, maybe the cheetos and sodas (or chips, salsa and rum), but other than that, my gaming experiences have always been about sitting around a table with my friends creating stories together, stories which leave us laughing harder than ever.
Ha! No. A brother. He introduced her to D&D back in '75 or '76. So she has probably been playing longer than I have!
Fwiw, rpging is my longest lasting hobby. If I had to choose between it, and reenacting, I'd choose rpging. It costs less. You can do it in the privacy of your own home. There's as much creativity involved, more actually. I can't think of anything reenacting has over it, except for the possibility of being outdoors and traveling to interesting locations.
You must be old! Geezer! :angry: Heck no! Actually, when we first met, I was surprised to find rpging (and gaming in general) was one of the things we had in common. In fact, she was the one who prompted me to buy this new edition. It was Father's Day, we were at a game store, and I was flipping through the new PHB, not really planning on buying it, when she walked up and said, "why don't you buy it." However, she's aghast at the price of miniatures... she didn't want to pay $10 for a one of the very high quality ones.