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Everything posted by blackjohn

  1. Yep, so there I was, casually strolling through the gaming aisle, when the 4th edition D&D books caught my eye. Having no intention of buying said books (I own at least three other prior editions), I assumed I was safe in picking one up and flipping through it. Here we are, three weeks later, and I've dropped at least $100 on new stuff! My group has played once. In between, I've played a bunch of solo encounters to familiarize myself with the rules. And... I think this is my favorite edition!!! :angry: Anyone else out there caught the 4e bug?
  2. Congrats!
  3. Three really nasty storm fronts moved through Maryland on Tuesday. I'm still without power. They are talking ~100° temps for the weekend.
  4. Strange as this may sound, that is also one of the reasons why I like it. However, if you look around there long enough, you'll see even they have some dogma and the occasional argument.
  5. HA! I love the one with the pilot grabbing the glass of wine as he flies by the waiter. Brilliant! I don't remember if I said this here before or not, but my money is on Steampunk being the next big geek trend. Just looking at the numbers, it seems the Steampunk board gets a helluvalot of activity!
  6. Yeah, those are the glass grenadoes. He sells two-hole iron ones too. That's where I got mine. It was $20. He had them at Ft Fred about two weeks ago. Email him to see if he has them.
  7. Fwiw, I think the guy at Raystown Forge sells 'em cheepah! He sells glass grenadoes too. http://www.raystownforge.com/cat/index.php...tail&product=66
  8. I had an EEO training class the other day, and the speaker, an ex-federal judge, asked the question "how many people here... like their job... tolerate their job... hate their job?" He then went on to say to the people who hate their job (which I number myself among) "quit it, and do something you love." At that point I think I came to the conclusion that this whole notion of quitting a job you hate to do something you love is... selling people a pack of lies. You can't just quit your job! That's ludicrous! It's... insane! While on the outside it seems all golden, on the inside the advice is rotten. There are people who depend on me. I can't just up and quit my job to do something I love. Reality just doesn't work that way.
  9. That's Z-E-R-O. Maybe even negative zero. Me? as a reenactor, paying to go to an event... that's just crazy. If I wanted to pay to do an event, it would have to be a private event, by invitation only, with no public attending. At a typical event, reenactors are the draw, and if anyone has to pay, the public are the ones who pay to be entertained. In a best case scenario, part of the proceeds go back to the reenactors. Royaliste's case is special. I can only imagine the insurance nightmares associated with running a ship. My hat is off to anyone who is willing to wade through that bureaucracy in order to bring some happiness to the spectators.
  10. I'm actually standing in front of the computer giving you a standing ovation! Bravo!
  11. I'd do it in a second if I didn't have a family to take care of. Years ago I spent 10 days at sea on a survey ship, part of that was beyond the sight of land, and I miss it.
  12. I've done many strange, fun, unusual, et cetera things over the years. This has to be one of the most memorable things I have ever done! Darrrrrth Piratus? Pirate Brethren and Silkie vs Stormtroopers Uncropped
  13. I didn't even bother taking my camera. My new Sony cybershot... that I'm not too happy with because it doesn't have a viewfinder. That stinkin' little screen on the back of the camera is NOT in my focal plane. That being said, Kenny took a bunch of pics. He told me to shanghai the ones I liked, so I'll begin here... http://www.piratebrethren.com/bpi08/bpi0801.html (I'll knock out a few more pages today. Couple more tomorrow.)
  14. John Glass is the guy who first contacted me back in the day to supply pirates to the first Hampton Blackbeard Festival, back when you could count on one hand the number of people actually reenacting pirates. He then went on to form Blackbeard's Crew (or at least, that's what I believe happened next) to keep a steady supply of pirates down there. I saw him for the first time in a few years last Saturday at the Baltimore thing. If memory serves, his story was he wasn't with Blackbeard's Crew anymore. That Pern was now in charge. That they had gotten a hull and were working on turning it into a period(ish) schooner. And that he had created a non-profit group, the Colonial Seaport Foundation, to do for the Southern bay (Virginia waters) something similar to what the Sultana does (education) up here in Maryland waters. I just assumed you guys were all in this together. Of course, I don't know who's who down in Virginia, not having been down that away in quite awhile. Frankly, with the price of gas these days, the notion of traveling more than two hours to an event doesn't appeal to me. But... if someone builds something cool, sets a high bar for authenticity, and does some stuff that sounds like it makes for good reenacting, my guys might be enticed into making the trip. EDIT - revised a "hadn't" to a "had"... and a "the" to a "that"... duh... ok, I was tired, not drunk.
  15. Would this be the gist of John Glass' Colonial Seaport Foundation that he has set up? Or is this something with the Mariner's Museum in Hampton? Or are the two one and the same.
  16. *Is* this weekend. You still have tomorrow if you care to go. Callenish, it was very nice to finally meet you. I had a blast, but I'm exhausted. I don't know how far someone can walk in 6 hours, but that's how long I was there. I think I did more talking to old friends (and new) than shopping. It was kind of like a high school reunion... held at a shopping center. Got a sweet deal on some fustion... $4 per yard... nice. Saw some really nice wool too but passed on it. And I picked up another calabash... for $2!
  17. Is she joking... Cheeky, are you having a laugh??? If not, the fellow has a twisted yet fitting ( ) sense of humor. No wonder I liked him!
  18. Huh... We live in the same metro area and I haven't a clue. I guess we don't really travel in the same circles.
  19. Happy Birthday! Hope it was fun-filled!
  20. Brilliant! One of my favorite movies quotes of all time!
  21. I do believe you are correct.
  22. They can have my $4 latte when they pry it from my cold, dead hands! Actually, I went to Caribou this morning, thinking I'd treat myself to a mocha. I did in fact treat myself to one, but probably for the last time. I treated myself to a mocha last week at $3.95. Today, the price had gone up by 30 cents! Oh, and fwiw, on the news radio station here in DC, not only do I hear the word Recession bandied about, I've heard the word Depression used twice or thrice. Eh. whatever.
  23. Thanks for the update Misson. My only contact with her was an attempt via email, which she never responded to. I chalked it up to system failure, but didn't pursue matters further via telephone, which fortunately for you seems to have worked. I'm looking forward to seeing pics of the queued you.
  24. Thanks Misson. When I did Revwar a guy I knew had one of these, matched to his own hair, and it looked just like the real thing.
  25. `!&*^$>*#&%**&*~#%$&^%@! wordperfect!!! <?"}!@%$*&%~+ computers!!! That's it... I'm going to get up and walk away from them before I drop kick them across my cube...
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