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Joe Pyrat

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Everything posted by Joe Pyrat

  1. This is what we generally wear at Castillo de San Marcos, Spanish Marine (Artillery). The waistcoat changes to blue for Infantry. Time period is 1740 which coinsides with the major English attack on the Castillo. There are some other uniforms I will investigate shortly and try and get pictures of. Disclaimer: I'm new to this, just having completed Cannon School so there may be inaccuracies which I will endeavor to correct as my knowledge of El Castillo and her defenders increases.
  2. I blocked the user of course all they have to do open another account. If the site logs IP or MAC addresses you can do a better job of eliminating this sort of user before they can create an account. The hazards of the Internet...
  3. Beyond what we would want to tackle, but interesting nonetheless, the Frigate's Boat. A British Marine reenactment groups Frigate's Boat construction project. Sail Plan...
  4. I thought it was 'Old pirates never die, they just get a little dinghy." But then Key West is pretty dingy so I guess going to PiP is the same thing. Do the Duval Crawl. Buy one of those T-shirts with a picture of all the bars and "So many bars, so little time" on it. Watch the sunset at Mallory Square then start doing the Crawl, crossing off each bar on the T-shirt as you enter. This will allow you to see how far you got when you wake up somewhere the next morning.
  5. GOLD... Gold doubloons, lots of 'em all in me sea chest...
  6. Welcome aboard mate, fair winds and following seas.
  7. QM James, I find it interesting you brought this up as I had similar thoughts. I have recently started reading The Republic of Pirates which deals with the reasons so many turned to piracy during the GAoP; then as now, there is always two sides to every issue. Which is not to say governments should not defend their citizens on the high seas, but it does indicate the problem is not one that will be solved by force of arms alone.
  8. Now there's a concept for you. The pirate, a kid at his computer downloading music when he is attacked by the forces of the Knight, a battery of lawyers...
  9. Just a note guys, we don't call 'em "mercenaries" anymore, they are "contractors". Graydog, I enjoyed your research. Huzzah! Regarding armed merchantmen, the big problem here is entering a foreign port with weapons aboard. I will probably offload my weapons when I leave US waters, and these are flintlocks. The issue becomes exponentially more complicated when you start talking about automatic weapons.
  10. I remember reading somewhere that the old log buildings they use to make black powder in had an extra large gap between the logs so that when it blew up, and it was going to, it was only a matter of time, it would only blow out the chinking and they would not have to rebuild the entire building. This little tidbit kept me from trying this at home. Then there was the guy in El Paso with hooks for hands who tried it as a kid. I'd be interested in Cascabel's take on this.
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