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Joe Pyrat

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Everything posted by Joe Pyrat

  1. Interesting Michael, I'll keep that in mind. Use to use boiled linseed oil on modern rifle stocks and it produced a much nicer finish than that which came from the factory. But then it has been a while. Callenish Gunner, never heard of this product before but it does look interesting. Seems I could use it on both the stock and barrel. Not sure about waxing the stock though, seems like it would make it feel kind of strange. Does it soak in and still feel like wood to the touch or set on the surface? They say a little goes a long way, has that been your experience? I was thinking about getting the small bottle (2.25 fl oz) to give it a try, approximately how many applications would this amount do on a blunderbuss?
  2. Just received my Loyalist Arms & Repairs doglock blunderbuss (and yes I got a few strange looks from my fellow sailors while carrying it to the boat not to mention the seagulls became quite scarce). Since I'm aboard ship, as it were, it has already starting to tarnish in the salt air. This brought to mind polishing, which brought to mind, would they have actually polished them? From my previous muzzleloading experience we browned barrels in order to do a controlled rusting of the barrel so as to prevent uncontrolled rusting. It occurs to me that letting the barrel turn green naturally might be more historically correct, but perhaps not structurally sound, although the bronze fittings aboard don't seem to be suffering any structural damage as a result of this. Blair at Loyalist suggested that if I did polish it I use some carnauba wax to temporarily prevent oxidation. What say ye ladies and gentlemen of the coast? Additionally, the stock is a nice piece of rosewood I believe and I'm planning on using some boiled linseed oil on it to protect the wood. Any thoughts on this?
  3. Sounds interesting Michael. I made some quick mead once. It was quite good after about 6 months, but when you opened a bottle half it's contents foamed away. In another thread I saw where you could buy a small keg and make your own rum. Problem was it wasn't really rum. You added essence of rum to vodka. Not good! If there be a way to make real rum, now that I'd be interested in matey.
  4. I was watching a documentary on Mel Fisher just the other night. When he found the Nuestra Senora de Atocha he initially offered the state of Florida a sizable portion of the take. They got greedy along with the Feds and tried to make off with the whole thing. The case went before the Supreme Court and the Court found that Fisher owned it all. Since then the Feds have passed laws stating they own anything found on the ocean floor, or something to that effect and states, notably Florida, are claiming ownership of the ground underlying the ocean near their shores (which is a problem for boats in passage who want to anchor, exercising the maritime law related to freedom of navigation). This may also fly in the face of historical maritime law stating the salver is entitled to the cargo or a large portion of the cargo of any salvaged vessel (or something to that effect). Foreign nationals (France) claiming property that is in either US or Canadian waters (not clear on that exactly) throws another wrench into the works. There is also the issue (assuming she was sunk in action) that the ship was defeated and subject to the pirze laws in effect at the time. How about arguing that failure to attempt salvage in a reasonable amount of time constitutes abandonment? In any event, should make for an interesting case. I can just imagine packs of lawyers salivating at that very thought. :angry: Actually if I was a lawyer I think I'd just love to get involved in this case, it would be fascinating to argue. Cap'n Bo, my blunderbuss just arrived and I got me new cutlass so when do we ship out mate?
  5. A product of having entirely too much time on me hands I fear. :angry: And I am very glad I found the Pub. It is a wealth of information on many subjects.
  6. Glad you enjoyed the pictures Nell, here something else to whet your appetite...
  7. Thanks for the words of welcome mates. The Pub is a great place to drop anchor and an outstanding resource for anyone interested in the GAoP and how to bring it to life. I created a gallery and posted a picture of me pyrate ship in the gallery for ye so ye can see what my world looks like. It ain't big, but it is fun! :angry:
  8. Joe Pyrat

    Joe Pyrat

    Adventures in Paradise...
  9. Thought about going to Bucdays a while back, but after researching their website it doesn't look like a real pirate thing, probably why they shortened the name from Buccaneer Days to Bucdays. Corpus Christi is a really neat city though, too bad.
  10. While not vocal, you may find The Chieftain's Film Cuts of interest. It includes the music from Treasures Island 1990, perhaps the best Treasure Island ever done, IMHO. Listen to Samples
  11. Wow Dorian, that looks great. Now you've done it, I'm hungry again.
  12. I picked up a couple of small chests at Hobby Lobby. They were inexpensive, look OK and serve as a place to store my gear aboard. When I get really serious about having a sea chest I'd probably build my own, so I didn't respond to the poll.
  13. The USS Constellation in Baltimore carries fake main guns starboard and larboard. It was a financial decision, unfortunately they could not afford replicas. One of the unfortunate side effects which the lighter guns contribute to is that she sits about 6 feet (estimate) higher than her original water line which detracts from her sleek appearance in operational trim. Original armament included two 20 pound and two 30 pound Parrot rifles on swivel mounts fore and aft. These guns were not part of her original complement of guns but were added at the request of her original Captain as she had no way to deal with steam powered vessels who could stay in front or astern and not be in her arc of fire. Currently these mounts are not in place but they do have one Parrot rifle aboard which they fire at noon.
  14. If you were to split one of these four ways it would probably amount to a couple of slices of bacon per person and it it undoubtedly low carb. One of the people posting had an interesting take on the original recipe. You might also use the weave idea to do an interesting take on eggs Benedict by making one of the weaves, cutting it into sections, placing it on a halved English muffin with a poached egg on top. You could then do a small weave using sliced cheddar or your cheese of preference, put this on top of the egg and melt it slightly in the oven. hollandaise sauce would probably work, but some experimenting here might be interesting as well. Or slice the bacon log up and place a poached egg or egg over easy on top of it without the muffin. Or slice it a bit thinner and put it on a burger. Or do the burger thing but add jalapenos to the cheese. Not to mention, bacon is probably period correct pirates...
  15. Johnson's General History and Hacking Roomba
  16. Interesting. A couple of thoughts. First if the Chamber does not support anything other than that related to it's members and the cost is $301 then pay the money. Cheap advertising. An optional approach might be to hook up with the Pirates Sole and the Rum Barrel and have them sponsor the event, I'll bet they are Chamber members and PiP ties in with their business plan. I plan on making port in Keys April - May and being there for a while, maybe a couple of years, maybe more, depending on time and tide and if a hurricane don't get me, so if I can provide any on the ground support or assistance please let me know.
  17. Ye knot-heads might find this of interest... www.animatedknots.com I bought the CD and am quite pleased with it.
  18. That was the Myth Busters that made me question all their other conclusions.
  19. I've gone through a few swords so far and none of them really hit the mark until I got my Loyalist Arms shell guard cutlass. This is the one for me mateys!!! Apologies for the not very good photo.
  20. Aye, but if there's always an idiot bureaucrat somewhere who can mess things up. Hope it gets here on Monday, I can't wait to get me hands on this baby.
  21. Welcome aboard Sam.
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