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Joe Pyrat

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Everything posted by Joe Pyrat

  1. I figured there was. Thanks Michael.
  2. Then it's high time you taught them a lesson!
  3. When did buckles first start being used? Was it as far back as the end of the English Civil War or say 1670 or more toward 1700?
  4. L L, You got a point there Cap'n, this kind fo talk would get you beat up when I was a kid. But be that as it may, I'm going to order me a set of the early Loyalist shoes. Bad news is a 6 month backlog, but I should have them in time for PiP. I would like these shoes to work for 1670 - 1720. I've been told that rough out or smooth are equally represented in period shoes, anyone with any thoughts on this? What about the buckle vs. laces issue. What I've been told is buckles were just coming into fashon and laces were more common from the 1670 end. Can you switch betwen laces and buckles on a single pair of shoes? Budding pyarate fashonistas need to know.
  5. Has anyone tried taking a file or a rasp to their leather soles? If so, did it make an appreciable difference?
  6. Aye, and many more!
  7. Signal to thequartermaster. I'll meet you on the dock at Marsh Harbor tomorrow night 10FEB09 at 6PM EST. Roberts Server Use messaging and add friend. Put in the name Joe Pyrat. That should let you IM me in-game. If the you need to change the time let me know here. I'm also on all the other servers so we can switch servers if need be, but I've got a Minerva Frigate on Roberts, Pyrat's Ghost" so I can cover you while we get you leveled up.
  8. When you go into the tailor's shop you can change clothes. Tailors are located in the major ports like Tortuga in the back of the auction houses. PvP is deadly, and their ain't much profit in it so I avoid the PvP zones and pray on the NPCs. The real problem with PotBS is the pirate endgame is the same as any of the empires. If they modified that feature so pirates could operate as pirates instead of the Pirate Empire Navy it would be a great game. If you get the urge to try again, I'm on the Roberts server, let me know when and where and I'll meet you there. Just look for this scurvy old seadog... Yaaar thank you Joe. I actually dug the game out of my closet and I'll probably be giving it a test spin tonight. I just hope you're not planning a lead ball enigma for me Let's move this to the POP section. I'll start a thread called Pirates of the Burning Sea.
  9. Thou shall not pass!
  10. Having worked for the government (US) for about 40 years I find that difficult to imagine, but having never lived in the UK I'll take your word for it. A sad state of affairs either way.
  11. Looks like the Library of Congress may have one although they have it attributed to Defoe.
  12. Checked the URL when it went down and it was showing expired on 2/8/08, but is now showing it's good to go until 2010 so looks like the bilge pump be workin' again and we be safe for now mates.
  13. What do you do with a grumpy pirate? You give 'em some bloody rum, that'll make 'em happy! And if ye don't believe me, refer to Blackbeard's log entries. This is the kind of stuff that leads me to believe we are on our last leg as a society. EDIT: And let us not be pointing too many fingers at the Brits, it looks to me as if we started this PC hog wash trying to placate everyone else in the world.
  14. Take a look at this. Click the graphic for the link to Amazon then scroll down and read the first review which describes the chapters. This type of miniature war gaming can be done with paper cutouts or can go to the full lead figure, highly painted route including sunken ships (just tops of the rigging models). Shots are based on templates which are numbered. A dice throw determines where the shot hits and in the case of land based artillery where the bounces go to determine which sections of a formation of troops get hit and which get bounced over. Very detailed but rewarding, not to mention the collection and painting of the miniatures can be its own reward. For your purposes you can modify or jus use rules that pertain to the type of ship and guns involved so it is completely customizable to any period, not just those covered specifically in the book. Google will lead you to hundreds of possibilities related to this hobby. It is also free-form which means you are not locked into playing and replaying some fixed scenario. You could, for example, setup Royal Fortune vs. Swallow or Adventure vs. Ranger and Jane.
  15. Welcome back aboard Kid Dread, all us recent additions to the crew, like Calico Anne and me, be lookin' to get back some o' that rum we had to dish out when we came aboard. WRT the Rum Renaissance in Miami, here's the schedule... Looks like if'n we were goin' to raid Miami, this might be the time to do it! Rum Renaissance Miami 2009 Rum Renaissance Friday, May 15 - Sunday, May 17, 2009 Miami Shore Club - South Beach, Miami VIP Parties sponsored by some of the best sugar cane spirits from the Caribbean. Saturday, May 16, 2009 Rum Renaissance exhibition on the beach The finest selection of sugar cane spirits in Florida. Sunday, May 17, 2009 Pool party at the Miami Shore Club Relax and enjoy sugar cane spirits at one of the most famous pools on Miami Beach Music, food, entertainment and more
  16. When you go into the tailor's shop you can change clothes. Tailors are located in the major ports like Tortuga in the back of the auction houses. PvP is deadly, and their ain't much profit in it so I avoid the PvP zones and pray on the NPCs. The real problem with PotBS is the pirate endgame is the same as any of the empires. If they modified that feature so pirates could operate as pirates instead of the Pirate Empire Navy it would be a great game. If you get the urge to try again, I'm on the Roberts server, let me know when and where and I'll meet you there. Just look for this scurvy old seadog...
  17. Pirates of the Burning Sea mate. Lots of fun. They did a fairly good job of researching the ships and the art work is exceptional. You can zoom in and actually watch the gun crews loading. EDIT: They are offering a 14 day free trial if anyone wants to try it out, or you can play Pirates of the Caribbean Online for free but it's more cartoon like. Panoramic of Marsh Harbour
  18. Welcome aboard Sarah. Did they tell you about buying a round of rum?
  19. Excellent Michael, a starting point perhaps. I hit the Library of Congress' online research data with no hits on either Little River or Richard Sanderson but then all that could mean is nothing is in the database or my search was inadequate. Wonder if tax information is available for 1705? Would be interesting to see if Sanderson showed up and if you could link him to property in Little River. From there you might find who was recording the tax information and where they were located, possibly leading to discovery of who the local politicians were (who might be more easily tracked) and the name of a local paper if there was one. Is there anyone who has done a history of South Carolina which specifically details small towns? EDIT: The South Carolina Historical Society is located at 100 Meeting street in Charleston and might be worth a look. Adam, when do the county/city records say the township/county was incorporated?
  20. A good point, and it would avoid one becoming Buridan's ass, but then a statement attributed to Einstein comes to mind, "Everything should be made as simple as possible, but not simpler." However lacking any evidence to the contrary one must proceed with what one has.
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