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Diosa De Cancion

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Everything posted by Diosa De Cancion

  1. Great idea and I know that the BIB would welcome the hands. The folks at the Fort luv us, but I don't think we will get a committment until the "new guy" gets into his office. But a list would surely help show the value of having us Pyrats around the Park. Motion seconded ! Thanks! Woohoo!!! Spike seconded my motion!!! Well, let's see...... off the top of my head....there's.... a general clean up of all the areas that we will be using before hand. It's good that they're clean for us as well as for the park. Clean up during the fest to keep the place clean. raking and smoothing of the encampment area... Trash buckets to be put out for the encampment (as well as inside the fort) fire buckets in place at the encampments as well as water in the main bucket. Setting up of any of the tents, game tables, or anything else that needs to be set up pre fest. Take care of early registration and check ins (train a couple of people for this and make them the cell phone numbers to call so Harry can sleep in a day or two) Heck, I'm an early riser...which means so is my crewe since i wake them up, so any of us could do that. Security, to make sure there is always someone on site during the pre days keeping the public out of things they shouldn't be in. That's a start.... feel free to add those who know what else needs to be done! Diosa
  2. See, the more days we can do camping, the more days of labor you get from pirates cause they can afford to be there. Honestly I know the BIB's broke their darn backs setting things up.... more hands can help. Not to mention we could do the mundane tasks like raking the grounds before we set the first tents, then raking the grounds for the rest of the tents.... Heck, SPike, if you think the Fort cares, let me know and I will make a darn list of all the things that early campers could do.
  3. We will do our best for that Jim. We will be able to provide information as to availability of Fort camping by March of 2009. Hmm... I am willing to bet that plenty of pirates would be willing to put in some work for those extra days.... OK, so we would do any work you need anyways, but as far as the fort goes... they could think of it as free labor in trade for extra camping :)
  4. Thanks Diosa and Hurricane for such a great event at PIP. This was me first time off the plank, but I aon't letting that MAD Dogge get ahead of me next year. Oh crap - SPLASH I have no doubt you'll kick his arse the next time around... Heck... he knew for a year he was doing it and had all that planning time... you were just a smidge behind him with little to no prep time.... It's all yours next time around!!!!
  5. Hey Harry, isn't it nice to know that we can all play together and then all enjoy the Crud together in the days afterwards? Now, we just have to find that 1 sick person that we were all in contact with about 7-10 days ago....... Diosa
  6. Re: # 4 --Thank you Master Hairbone - it was no doubt thanks to your safety training courses and the watchful eye under the command of Ms. Grace - that the all girl cannon crew was so impressive. Huzzah to you both, I enjoyed every shot from Maeve and a special thanks to Crudbeard for letting us name her, it was truly an honor! Thanks so much Harry for everything you do, and for making it possible to have the most amazing home for this festival. Now it appears that I too have been dealt a serious round of the crud... I'm a progressively coughing up a lung, one wet cold night was all it took--- time for another swig of DayQuil ----ewwww (pinches nose and tries to imagine its rum) all the kisses and hugs were worth it, I'd catch it all over again! Hugs to you Nell! The Crud sucks, but the Dayquill helps! Hurricane and I have been living on the stuff the past few days!
  7. Don't you worry love! I will not leave the fort completely. I wouldn't know what to do without my ghost walks! I did one every night! I will always come to the fort. My problem, music wise, is during the day I am always running around doing things...so I don't start to settle down until the evening.... that is why we are thinking of those being out on the beach.... however, if I happen to be hanging in the fort and you're there, I'd love to sing a few with you! I know there are at least 2 or 3 we both know :)
  8. hmmm... is that the rare 'avoid them like they have a deadly disease respect' that you only learn about in Social Phych classes? :angry:
  9. So Stynky's hat is a girl's hat?! Diosa, you'll be glad to know that I either unearthed the memory of hugging you or I have constructed a really good facsimile thereof. (We can do that, you know.) I enjoyed our convertible ride/discussion a great deal which is alloyed with respect for you after watching you walk all the way down Duvall barefoot. As long as you have reconstructed it correctly of you stepping on my wrapped up foot each time you tried to hug me and me wincing :) I liked our talk as well and we'll have to chat more next year....I hear I will be more conveniently located so that may help :)
  10. I hereby nominate Stynky's hat...damn Buzby Berkley hat-dance producin' git! Except Stynky doesn't have a hat anymore because he sold it to buy mead on Sunday night...or Monday morning...I sort of lost track of time at some point. Stynky sold his hat for $20 and then didn't even spend it on mead because he figured out that he could con his fellow drunken pirates into buying it for him with the magic phrase, "Hey, do you want some mead? Do you have $20?" (This actually worked.) Damnit! Where the heck was I...I could have used the hat and I had $20! Hell, I would have traded a bottle of rum for it had I known.... oh well... I just had to bring the bottle of rum home instead....
  11. That was a great list! I It has me thinking... I really must work now, but I also find that there are some people I meet that I just get a 'positive energy' from (for lack of a better term) and want to talk to. Others have the opposite effect and I tend to try to keep a wide distance... despite the fact that others find them nice and 'friendly'. Then there are the people who keep walking by...staying about 10-20 feet away(acting as if I have the plague) and say I never invite them over to have snacks... oh wait, that's just Mission....
  12. In case anyone was wondering...I found out how Stynky pics up chicks... when they're soaked in their wench gear and can't run... :) This was a great pic the Callahans grabbed of us out at the beach last week.... See... I can smile in pictures... they always yell at me for not smiling.....
  13. You should definitely come down! The more the merrier!!!
  14. I am guessing that someone lied to you :) Unless you are driving 90 the whole way it will be more like 2 hours... maybe a littler more if you drive the speed limit...still, it's a quick jaunt to a great location and sounds like a lot of fun people!!!!
  15. We would likely drive in if we go.... A mere 10 to 11 hour drive is nothing compared to the trip to and from Key West. The wife not buying into going is the only thing (barring real life interferance) that would keep me from going to this one... And if I recall correctly, the wife was inclined to this one, so it should be a doable thing. I guess at this point my going only depends on getting the friday and monday off of work for travel time. I hugely appreciate the offer of help though!!! You may want to chat with Red Jessi about helping her though... I am going to try helping her with the earlier period garb for this event, but if you or someone on your crew might have an extra canvas tent to loan her, that would be awesome!!! Unfortunately, Willie, Hurricane and I are the only ones in our crewe with a tent so far... the others have been cheating by sleeping in the casements at PIP, but have been put on notice to get tentage! I too have a lot of sewing to do. I am exceedingly short of PC clothing, but after seeing all of you in the PC stuff, I decided I need to have some of my own.... Tell your lovely misses that there will be plenty of us there to keep her company and entertain her.... can I bribe her with cookies? or jewelry making?
  16. I know some of our crewe are planning to be there... Well, what will it take to help move you to the side of being there :) Dunno how you were planning to travel, but if you need things ferried in, we will likely be able to do that. We're about 3 hours away here.... If you are flying, you could ship things our way and we will have them on site for you when you arrive. I can also make a pretty good taxi service to or from JAX :) Let me know if I can be of help, Diosa
  17. If we wind up crossing paths in St. Augustine in March, bug me about sword play... I've been working with wife and the other couple (Nick and Ashley) on the same methods used by the Archangel Crewe, which I hear are fairly compatable with what many of the other crewes are using.... You'll be at Searles' Raid? Fantastic! We are planning to set up for that as well! It would be a pleasure to spend time with you all again! Diosa
  18. What?! I'm not coming. No way. You and your freaking borrowed mead are evil. Put you in the previously safe confines of the encampment and... Good God! (Plus I won't have any surgical equipment left...) Haha never fear Mission, I know ways to guard you from the dangers of Stynky......we'll be making rum punch out in the tavern and you can have you fill of that first, so it will be too late for him to have any ill effect on you :)
  19. Ankle Update.... the doc says I would have been better off breaking it.... heck, I couldn't even get that part right.... off to do the therapy exercises I was given....
  20. Sure! I have only seen snow two times in my life... both times were just a dusting, but I did try to scoop enough together to make a little snowman...He was about 4 inches tall :)
  21. I know.... Didn't sing Dark Lady because my voice was shot.... I could sing songs in lower registers... but not that one.... Next year less cold weather in the rain, more tea, and I'm yours for the singing :)
  22. For those who are missing it.... here are a few pics I took of sunrise from the encampment..... sigh.....
  23. Dangerous the Drummer going into the Drink And Animal Overboard.... Thanks again to the Callahans for these shots. You guys are the best!!! Diosa
  24. OK,m as promised, I have a few of the wonderful pics the Callahans took from PIP. Here are the first ones I have been able to sort through of the Walk the Plank Championship.... First, Capt Spike of the Bone Island Buccaneers. Sheila of Pyrates of the Coast M.A.d'Dogge of the Archangel And a wet Dogge.....
  25. I never assume you will be there....I wait for you to tell me.... Aye William, Please add Animal to our list...
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