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Diosa De Cancion

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Everything posted by Diosa De Cancion

  1. Aye, That is pretty common in these parts. Hurricane and I have a small Christmas palm tree with all the lights and decorations :)
  2. No Dogge.... that flying face plant had nothing to do with you being tripped by someone...rather a pair of steps that never moved but you seemed to not be able to navigate around...
  3. woohoo! I think I will keep copying that quote... Usually I figure people say that the other way around to you. I'll have to test it out sometime and see if you really mean it Either size stockings would be good, totally up to you, I was just wondering what you were thinking...
  4. This could be very fun....I do beaded ornaments as well. This could be a blast. At the least we could do this for us after hours....at the most if we all feel creative we could even possibly sell them during the day as a fundraiser..... I figure with all of our creative minds, there could be fantastic things coming out of this. Capt Sterling, were you talking full sized stockings or small ones that go on a tree? Either way would be neat!
  5. Hurricane and I were talking and came up with an idea. We make a habit of picking up a Christmas ornament whenever we go somewhere to bring home and build on the tree of 'places we've been'... Why not have a PIP tree or at least PIP ornaments next year. I'm not talking some cheesy commercial things, but those of us who are crafty types make up ornaments to sell as a fundraiser. I would be happy to contribute some to this...any other takers?
  6. I agree... the D'dogge glare is hard to miss. But otherwise....ummm...well...wow! Yes, Nell, I think 'Nice Puppy' fits :) So, how long had you been growing all that fur?
  7. Is now good???? Hurricane and I are seriously considering if we would be any good at Civil War stuff...just to come play....
  8. hahaha, that's too funny! I wonder how long they wonder if they really heard that or start thinking, damn, I really must be drunk.... :)
  9. This is only a partial list.... but I figured I would pop a little of this on here.... Mama and Papa Ratzi'a laughs across the fort grounds. It was always an instant pick me up! Dutch's line of 'I'm going to pick you up in a minute' and meaning it... literally.... Getting kissed by the 1-3rd place winners of the walk the plank championship (While I hate to admit it, the prizes would have stayed in the same order…. Dogge won first there too… bonus points for dips that made me dizzy.) Being part of the Nervous Breakdown Club (Love you Fayma and Silkie!!!) Seeing what $171 in mainly small bills and coins looks like in my bodice (thank you all for great donations!!) Crispy's Stress relief massage that left me in tears(good ones) and really relaxed….awesome stuff! Singing Around the Campfire (and getting Capt Jim to sing… a little…) Nell's Tears intermingling with mine as we sang in the pub Sunday night. Capt Sterling's leg-buckling laugh after 1/3 of a bottle of Green Fairy (and whatever else he had consumed that night). The pinball table-like sounds that came from the Privy as a very intoxicated and seemingly lopsided Sterling tried to sort through all that damn clothing after 1/3 bottle of absinthe. Dogge's Hair cut after Spike saw just how close he could get to his skull while cutting. Did he get skin? Playing in the Ocean with Stynky… I just couldn't swim fast enough to get away :) Best Acquisition of the event – The haversack from Haunting Lily! I'm completely in love with it!
  10. Got your message when I woke up this morning! Glad to hear you made it safely while at the same time a little saddened I couldn't convince you to stay here longer on Friday.... I suppose I should just be happy with an extra afternoon with you all!! Next time, you're hanging here for a couple of days!!! We can get in all kinds of trouble together!!! Thank you both for EVERYTHING!!!!! Hugs and Love!!
  11. I am going silk....and going to do the embroidery and embellishments myself.... so this could take a while :) Mine is also in the brown spectrum (as I generally wear brown or black and since black is out....I went with a black/gold/peach spectrum. This will be a dressy one for me. I do have a set of stays (reversible nonetheless) that I can wear during 'working' hours and then be a lady at night or whenever I get sick of working and want everyone else to do it "I'm wearing a silk gown, you'll have to do that"...
  12. I think you have that wrong.... I am pretty sure we were all watching to see if your arse was going to collapse the plank...split it in two, bend it in half.... well you get the idea..... <hide>
  13. Do you recall what the one you got looked like? if so I can see if we came home with it and can get it to you! Diosa
  14. Amanjaria, This should help for the look. In doing he research, it seems the sleeves were shorter in the earlier part of the period, then got longer as the decades stretched on. The coat is a cassock, you can see it here. http://www.cwu.edu/~robinsos/ppages/resour...restoration.htm -- Hurricane (stealing Diosa's account for a moment).
  15. Alright.... I need ladies attire.... I was debating going native (as there is MUCH less sewing to do), but current Florida law frowns on native attire :) So, what the heck should I be shooting for here? I see the plate you added Sterling, but for the life of me I don't think I'm up to that large of a sewing project yet..... Think these would work? They're 1670 - early 1700s. This is why I don't do PC... I am bothered that they are 2 to 10 years too late (1668 being the event date)..... I suppose these will do though, huh?
  16. Hey what more do you want - you're already in me britches. I want to start a new tradition of getting a piece of clothing from you each year, then I can have a whole Stynky outfit First me pants, then the children, next thing ya know you'll be have'n the shirt right off me back. Now if you're going ta do that darling, I should probably be gett'n me back waxed first. . . . hows that for a turn off? OH OOOH OH CAN I PULL THE TAPE! He's all yours Chrispy!!!
  17. I really think you'd need the stuff behind glass, not rope. I agree ~ under glass. Especially in the case of rain. If I may be so bold ~ did anyone else present beside myself work the Shipwreck Ball Silent Auction at PiP 2007? From my personal experience, I would not have another Silent Auction unless it were guaranteed in stone that completion and distribution would happen at X time, as advertised. The Island Style timing of events clashed with the completion of the Silent Auction, resulting in several irritable and impatient bidders hurling verbal abuse at myself for an hour, accusing myself of mismanagement and more, as representative of the auction. Well Luv, I will volunteer my crewe for this part of things... The way we have worked this in the past is that I will get a closing time from someone, and I will count down to it. We give warnings of 15 minutes, 10, 5,4,3,2,1 etc.... at the end My crewe literally dives across all the papers simultaneously and it is over. Sadly, you really do have to do this that way as there is always someone trying to grab the paper at the last minute... I can also go through other rules like 'no holding the paper' as people will do as the end gets close and they want the last bid, etc etc... we've been yelled at, threatened, etc and frankly don't care :) Silent auctions can indeed bring out the worst in people. Also, Capt Sterling and Nell, I don't think the idea is to have an item in the silent auction and then also sell it in the live auction. (Correct me if I am wrong Capt Jim) but the silent auction would be for the smaller things and the live auction would be for the bigger 'wow' items. Diosa
  18. Have a great one Mission! It was wonderful getting to talk to you at PIP this year! Heck, had we known it was your birthday coming up, we could have lined up a bunch of wenches for a spanking.... :)
  19. I have no doubt. If I recall you swept me off my feet twice within an hour. That is impressive :) I did find a few photos of us all in a heap on the ground in the fort, but none of the 'sweeping' itself. Hmmm You may win this one because as I recall Sterling merely took my feet out from under me. I don't think that's quite the same....
  20. Just as an update, the Callahans also are running a few days behind. They were at our place yesterday afternoon then headed towards Jacksonville last night...and were hoping to make it to Tennessee before the night was out (my bet is they were still in Jacksonville) They should make it back home today or tomorrow.....
  21. Hmmm... no counter bet? No attempt at all to win me.... sigh.... oh well.... Never fear Capt Sterling, Hurricane likes his beauty sleep and usually retires early. As I saw this past week, you do not. I'll have plenty of time in the waning hours of the night and wee hours of the morning to sneak away....
  22. Yes, we must have a ceremony at PiP next year. Something with bacon, I imagine. Thanks Mary. It was good to catch up a bit at PiP. So many pyrates and so little time. Michael, it was good to meet you, even if you were in service to that rat of a King. Perhaps Hampton? Yes, Mission, its true. I keep my shell collection and my classical sculpture pieces at the beach for all to enjoy. A fantastic birthday to you sir! It was great to chat with you at PIP, as well as being bullied a bit by you on my way down Duval :) Diosa
  23. Silent auctions can always have rules. So, you can say you have to be in attendance in order to win. Perhaps you start the silent auction an hour before the regular auction and explain that you must be present to have the bid. That way there is an hour for them to go back and forth bidding, and they likely will be around, since the live auction will start just after that. :) We've done this type of thing in the past and it works pretty well. No shipping required.
  24. I must agree with you Nell, I think it's the 'man of mystery' thing that gets Sterling all that attention... that and, of course, the old cliche of 'chicks dig scars'. It worked on me. I found myself trying to get him out of his clothes twice in one night!
  25. Captain, it was truly my pleasure to undress you, redress you and undress you again in your bed. Anytime you need such services, feel free to call on me. I am vying for the best mistress role :) Besides, contrary to your griping crewe, I found you a complete joy. I am sure I have not laughed, giggled and stumbled so much in...well as long as I can remember. It was a delightful time! Diosa
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