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Everything posted by Diosa De Cancion
Hurricane has offered to come running with the hot poker from the fire that he can sink into the flesh (chicken breast or whatnot) beside the victim to cauterize the wound.....
Oh like the dragging bit... won't have to walk that distance... did I mention Maddogge is very, very strong.... snigger You don't have the be dragged the whole way... you can have a drop off on a side street near by and then just have Dogge drag, carry, etc.... :)
I love it! A couple of notes.... First, in the Catt & Fiddle we do teach the period games to the public... but that could happen after the tour comes through and people are still 'milling about' and can be educated on the games (then we accuse them of cheating :) ).... I don't see the people having to go back immediately. I think they would be able to mill about after their tour and ask questions and such... I have a feeling some people would hang out for a couple hours out there once they know what there is to offer. Now comes making the rest of it work We'd need an idea of what order the displays would be in.... who is willing to be there at a pre-determined time and then have a general outline for what needs to be explained at each stop and move on..... I also have an idea for the ending of the tour when I am running it of doing the Mary Read duel on the beach where she fights the man who was challenging the man she loved, shows him her breast then kills him off. More on that later..... While I love the idea of lots of tours, because of battles and such I think it may be a little harder to do so many.... but what about a noon and 3 or 4pm big tour..... the noon would be the regular tour... and the 3 or 4 would be the post-battle one where Mission could be doing surgery (or lecturing while doing the surgery and teaching his students about it), the fighters could be celebrating or mourning their loss in the ordinary... prepping for a funeral to bury the dead...weapons cleaning... etc.... If everyone lets me know what they are going to show and a little info I would be happy to come up with a tour guide script If we only do two a day I would say Hurricane and I can take those on and bring the crowds over....
Soldiers on Horses?!? But I don't have a horse... Now if you can find someone to loan me one ... I would happily change my portrayal from infantry to dragoon... Let's get some horses, I'll ride with ya!
I brought a couple of people out one time when I was coming over because they mentioned they didn't know where/what the encampment was... I already mentioned to Spike that it would be great if there were 'organized' trips out to the encampment from time to time to 'show the way' I have volunteered my crewe to do a lot of those trips (say leaving the fort at the top of the hour and heading back to the fort from the encampment at :50 after so they're ready to get the next one) That way people can get back and forth and not wonder where the heck they are. Additionally, if we were to do this, we may be able to have even more fun with it from time to time with pirates attacking along the way, or pirate hunters giving everyone a good roughing up trying to see if they're pirates...etc..... Just as a side note, I know we all have a lot of ideas. Heck, I have lots of ideas. But I also try to make sure I have a way to make them happen as the BIB's work their arses off and shouldn't be expected to take any more things on.... It's up to us (with the approval of the BIB's and Harry) to make it happen. So as you think of things, try to come up with a way we can solve it and not put more work on them...
I have their e-mail, I could write them if you guys want me to and see if they are interested. They are also planning on bringing MANY more chefs next year....
Wow.... I'm offline a few hours and there was a party it seems..... Lesse.... 1st back on the original topic.... Dogge - It was quite the event to watch. Well done by those of you that put this together. You do a damn great job at convincing the crowd they want to see someone hang. It was really interesting to watch the energy you were using at the front of the crowd start to spread from person to person until there was a whole mob going (I was camped out on the back right side of the crowd, on a bench and enjoyed watching the attitudes change). I just kicked back and felt as I had gone back in time and saw how the decision of the few to hang someone became the desire of the many. It was very curious to watch it in action. I am not surprised you have a lot of opposition before people see it. People are afraid of what they cannot understand. I go back to the PC Florida issues as well, they are overly sensitive to EVERYTHING and run and hide from anything new or different. I completely see how this could be a fantastic history lesson and be the catalyst for a discussion. Besides, New Hampshire and Washington State still have hanging as an execution option, so it's not like no one does it here anymore...... Dutch - From a sympathy angle I can see more people cringing at a flogging, as I think they look at that more as torture where a hanging is a bit more permanent and 'less suffering' in the long run.... either that or they can more easily imaging being the one flogged (and bristle at the idea) than they can seeing themselves hang. Spike - Harry -Dogge - Sterling - ETC... For the Mallory Square one could we do a reverse of what we do for Mary and Anne and drag one of your pirates down to Mallory Square in shackles and then do the hanging... more of a set up.... Off Topic Dogge We can write an official note from our company stating our congratulations for your win and our expectations for you to compete to retain your title next year. Wait a sec, she has to know it's official...even Good Morning America picked it up! :) Hurricane and I already offered to start a collection to send you a plane ticket with the official sounding paperwork to get your arse down here.... Spike What the heck was it with balls this year? Seems no one kept ahold of theirs... Crispy sent balls across the fort after playing with them with a stick (some questions are better left unasked), you lost yours in the water, Dogge lost his on the parade grounds....Sheesh...
Wow... I am dealing with too many of these..... had that 'something smells like smoke' moment last night... and I found 2 bottles of rum(still with booze in them though) in all our stuff... I guess I was drinking too much Green Fairy to drink rum....
oi...i think you and Diosa are top of the fan club.. ..tho she might have ya beat...she actually crept into my tent in the dead of morning...and swiped the "green fairy"...!?!?!? It was definitely fun watching her holding out her skirts all night on Friday as if she were getting ready to curtsy, and then skipping to the head. I bet I wouldn't have suffered through that damn migraine on Friday, ifn I had some on Thursday.... I am pleading the 5th on the curtsying, skipping and such... but I completely agree on the feeling good part. I am pretty sure I got less than 2-3 hours a sleep a night while drinking that and felt perfectly fine and energetic when I woke up. I highly recommend it as a PIP enhancement medication. I use the word medication because it also treats all that ails you from the day before. (i.e. being dragged through the streets in shackles, picked up and dropped by Dutch....etc....)
oi...i think you and Diosa are top of the fan club.. ..tho she might have ya beat...she actually crept into my tent in the dead of morning...and swiped the "green fairy"...!?!?!? Ah, but at least I replaced it! If I recall, 1 bottle of Green Fairy became 2! This is why I swiped it...to help it multiply :) More for everyone. And you thought I was up to no good.....
Yes, beautiful samples, thank you!
Ah yes Dutch, but you picked me up as well... twice..... Nyah Nyah Nell!!!
I think a bunch of us would pay to see that...but be careful, we would take all sorts of incriminating pictures :) I suppose the auction price would likely be based on the diamonds though... are they real or zirconia :)
My responses to everything 1. Harry - Do you think if we had a 'non death' hanging we could get away with it? I know it's not you in charge of this, yet you are the poor guy stuck in the middle dealing with the higher ups as well as a bunch of grumbling pirates. I would never want us to do anything or even think of anything that would get you in trouble. But if you can think of anything we can do to work on softening them up, just let me know and I'm on it. 2. If nothing else, perhaps we could do what Harry is talking about and do a demonstration on video one year to show the history of it and have the actor there talking to the public to 'soften' the blow and maybe work up to being able to do this over the next few years. 3. Sadly Florida is an overly sensitive state... As some of you may recall we changed our state song last year because it referred to blacks as 'darkies' and everyone was up in arms... (It was written in 1835). I so wish it was more progressive than it is. I agree with you Sterling, we're not the best role models by rewriting history to be more politically correct. Shh.... Ignore it...don't look at it..... it will go away... 4. Sterling is not as heavy as you think once you remove that damn coat, vest and the other layers. Heck, I think those weight more than he does when I was carrying his clothes one night :) But holding anything up in that full kit of yours... WOW, that's impressive! 5. Nell --Nyah Nyah!! I got a Dogge Kiss and Sterling PM and Sterling out of his clothes...twice....And yes, if we made Sterling Calico, he would be Bawdy's and Mine for a day!
Which ones? Bone? wood? Metal? specify woman :)
Did anyone get a photo of me on the Fill My Chest night with $171 in bills and change in my bodice? I was so busy serving I didn't think to get a picture....
How we got here.... Moody memories turned into how PIP seems like more of a holiday than Christmas...so PIPmas came up... then I mentioned that I always buy ornaments when I travel so maybe we could make pirate ones for PIPmas...others do the same thing...etc etc... that's how we got here... That being said, oh great moderator, if you would like to move it all to a new thread, go for it :) On the 'people on ornaments' that is not quite what was meant, i don't think. It was more of an ornament that represents you... such as for me someone thought the idea of shackles or a ball and chain as Mary would wear would be an ornament that would represent me... Hurricane was thinking a hurricane flag or other hurricane type of image as representing him....etc etc... not necessarily a likeness of the person, but a representation through something else.
Hmmm... in order to keep this as a thing where we can all get ornaments and we can still do a fundraiser.... should we do it as a dutch auction (No Dutch, we are not going to auction you off) kind of like the hair auction. We put all the ornaments out there (my guess is I will likely make 4 or 5 ornaments in each of 4 or 5 styles because I get bored with making too many of one thing) and then bid for who gets first 'dibs' on buying. Highest bidder gets to pick as many as they want, paying the bid price for each one (i.e. if it goes to $12, and that person wants 4 ornaments, they pick the four they want and put $48 into the charity pot, the next person who bid $11 goes next and picks as many as they want at $11 each and so on until they're all gone) that will go faster than bidding on them one at a time....what do you all think?
Agreed. I had seen you make mention of that in the past, and that is vital to the safety aspect of things. But I don't really think that's the problem from the Park Service / State... trust me...anytime someone mentions the word 'noose' in Florida it ends up on an AP wire story as insensitive and racist....We're a bit touchy down here.
Hey Nell!!!! I know you wanted these...so here ya go. I went through the Callahan's pics that I copied from them Friday and found some of your 'sexy' images.... ( I would have had these up sooner, but I too was having computer issues over the weekend, seems the computers don't like us going to PIP) You looking all Sexy And as always... Stynky running up and trying to grab every darn woman in sight....
I still think this would be a very interesting study for the public as well. I have heard the Archangel crewe mention that they have two endings.... perhaps we could do the 'lighter' one for the public with their information session on how it is done and the 'don't try this at home' aspect of things. There's a difference between education and history and just goofing off. This is the former and is a great instrument to be used for discussion of the times then and how they have changed....(or not...) I know... I know... Florida... Lynch mob past.... 'insensitive'... blah blah....I had that kind of PC.... Harry, who do I need to talk to? Does the media have any clout with your higher ups? I can pull out my Clear Channel card :) Diosa with bitchy reporter hat on
I have just started to go through the photos I copied from the Callahans hard drive and came across some from the hanging of Capt Sterling at PIP. I had seen pictures in the past, but watching the event unfold was very surreal. Here's my 2 cents (for anyone who cares or hasn't seen them)… Being on injured reserve, I watched the whole commotion from the sidelines and was watching the audience as much as the hanging. For those who were not there, the setup is as follows, M.A. d'Dogge has set up the audience to support the hanging of their Capt so they can join the Bone Island Buccaneers. Some of their crewe grab Sterling and start to move him towards the noose as Dogge and others from the Archangel and BIB crewes call to string him up. While those two groups were in on it, it was the people in the audience that were the most interesting to watch. As Sterling was being dragged towards the noose people were not sure what to expect. I saw many of them asking what they were going to do and if they were really going to do it. As the rope went around the neck, the 'oh my god, are you serious?' questions came up. Initially, I thought there would be a backlash of people who thought it was 'out of line' or 'inappropriate'. There were a few of those who I saw back away and even turn from the event. But eventually most of them came around and joined others waiting to see what would happen. This is when Dogge and Spike kicked it up a notch. There were frenzied cries in favor of the death of Sterling. As more of the Bone Island crewe and Archangel crewe jumped in calling for him to drop, the crowd started to turn. They seemed to have hopped on the adrenalin ride and also started calling for his death. What I found most interesting is that even some of the people who thought it was 'distasteful' before hand, were then yelling in favor of watching Sterling dance. It really gave you a feel for how the mob mentality can work and how lynch mobs swelled in size so quickly. (Mission did you notice this or were you sucking down mead in the pub at the time??? ) The lighting was also eerily perfect for the performance. Kudos to the Archangel crewe for a hell of a performance. Additionally, I hate you all for looking so damn good and making start to work on making PC clothing…
No Dogge.... that flying face plant had nothing to do with you being tripped by someone...rather a pair of steps that never moved but you seemed to not be able to navigate around... oi...i be thinkin was the ..."green fairy"..... .....always seem to be gittin under foot.....!?!?! (Hmmm.... if I back you on this one... that means I have someone else who will corroborate that the Green Fairy was getting in trouble... not me...) Yep! That must be it... It was the damn Fairy!
I really don't think there should be any limitations on what people come up with.... I find the personna idea intriguing..... I just have no idea what I would come up with for me..... By the way... did you notice that Capt Sterling said "yer wish is my command' to me? Just thought I would point that out... Watch out Cheeky.... I'm moving up the mistress list... :)
Or for Crispy, a stack of cannonballs with a few missing :) I think you could go pirate or nautical or whatnot.... I was thinking some of mine would have pirate charms and such worked in, others would just be in black and silver and such.... and William, I think you are about to get all the women from Pyracy out there for ChocolateFest!!!