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Everything posted by Diosa De Cancion
Wow, that may be one of the earliest recipes for Jamaincan style rice that I have seen. Modernly it is called "Rice and Peas", as some time along the intervening centuries it became common to cook the dish with blac eyed peas (beans), although these days although the dish retains the name "rice and peas" it is more commonly served with red kidney beans than black eyed peas. This dish is AWESOME as an accompanyment to Jerked meat dishes. Do you have a good Jamaican place up there? If not I can recommend a few when you're down this way. Hurricane and I are Jamaican food lovers after our many trips to Jamaica and are picky, but we have found some folks in our area that are from down that way and make rice an peas, brown stew, and jerk the way it is supposed to be made...yum!!!! Although, I will tell you the best jerked chicken is on the streets of Port Royal.... Friday and Saturday night they roll out large oil drums that are used as grills and cook the chicken with their homemade jerk sauce and a big hunk of fresh bread. Your lips will burn for hours but DAMN IT"S GOOD!!!! Mission - Don;t worry, I am not hijacking the topic. Additionally, if you would like to try any of these recipes or just play with some coconuts, I will be happy to bring a large branch of them down to PIP next year. I didn't bring them this year because no one appreciated the ones I brought in 07, but we have a tree that always has dozens and dozens of coconuts! We also have banana, plantain, mango, caldimundian and sugar cane growing in the yard. I will be doing the sugar cane press presentation again next year so if anyone wants to cook it up with a little of that shaved coconut, they could make up great fresh coconut candy!
It was darn entertaining.... although I think part of my entertainment level came from the fact that I had more than my fair share of the fairy....
Never fear, I will always have a back up bottle now!
Yep, you're correct, it was considered a tie. I think you just want a controversy... I already said there wasn't one, oh yeah... you don't read my posts so I suppose that doesn't matter.... I am starting to think you just want attention by playing the 'poor Dogge...everyone is out to get him' game :)
If you have the bottle of green fairy, I'm with ya! I'll even carry ya back after your shift at the gate and take pictures so you can keep the laughter going in months to come :)
Never fear, I am not saying they did anything wrong. at the time it worked.... but hindsight being the thing it is, the safety was an issue as the plank is not hard attached to the ship and they damn near had the company of the folks who were holding it down when going into the drink :) Thus the rule change for safety purposes
Maybe next year we need to team up...I'm definitely in for next year. Unfortunately it is a single person event, but I think the issue is we rarely have a lot of women sign up. we just need more women. I will tell you, I have decided I want to try for it next year... I think Hurricane loves the idea of tossing me into the drink too.... Hey .......but the first year Dogge won the both of them, he and Billy went in so should he forfeit his first year win then??? Dogge and Billy had actually entered individually but ended up going off together. But for the most part, no, that is not supposed to happen. Mainly it is a safety issue because there is not supposed to be more than one person on the plank at a time......and it makes it more fair in judging. Does he have to give up the first year win, no, the individual rule was made hard and fast this year and will follow through from now on.
Maybe next year we need to team up...I'm definitely in for next year. Unfortunately it is a single person event, but I think the issue is we rarely have a lot of women sign up. we just need more women. I will tell you, I have decided I want to try for it next year... I think Hurricane loves the idea of tossing me into the drink too....
I see your bottle and raise you a bottle... we'll see who is standing at the end of the night (Hint - It won't be you....) It was nice knowing you.... All the men are mine!
Not to mention the ghost pulling at yer clothes! I forgot I had ghostie time that night too! Wow... all the things I can do in one night. No wonder it took me a week to recover from PIP :)
I think not! I had already put two captains to bed that night (Sterling twice - woohoo!) then got a massage from Crispy, had Willie's arms around me and then capped of my evening spending a quite some time in the dark with Dogge, Capt Jim and the twins! Whew was I tired in the morning! :) It will take you some work to keep up with me my dear! I do like the idea of blaming things on you if I get in trouble though.... I'll keep that in mind..... I will get you....you...... Dastardly Diosa!! Muahahaha you and what army?
Hurricane and i were thinking it would be smarter to have more than one person on watch... for example...when it's our turn, we figure we'll take a 3-4 hour shift and have 3-4 of us (or more) up there and play music and goof off right at the gate... who says it can't be a part of the party!
I think not! I had already put two captains to bed that night (Sterling twice - woohoo!) then got a massage from Crispy, had Willie's arms around me and then capped of my evening spending a quite some time in the dark with Dogge, Capt Jim and the twins! Whew was I tired in the morning! :) It will take you some work to keep up with me my dear! I do like the idea of blaming things on you if I get in trouble though.... I'll keep that in mind.....
Nah, let him climb, just post the guard to take pictures for the entertainment of the rest of us!
Wait a minute! I thought I was the one putting the Captains to bed! Damn it Nell, back off or I'll have to take you out in a duel. Then I get Crispy and the massages too!!!!
Again, I think this is something else where we can all kick in..... I am more than happy to take shifts to tell people where the heck to be. Something in my sweet disposition makes them listen or think I'm going to clock them...so I have a feeling that would work. :) With that said, I would like to fire from time to time so I don't want to be the only one doing this, but I can do a shift and also volunteer some of my crewe to do this. We took care of this on our own during our fire show Friday night. We told 1-2 of our crewe to keep the crowd behind a line (since we can't see them when we're spinning fire) and it worked just fine. We just need to have people on point who know this is their job.
Wow... that would be impressive! I mean, consider the shoulders on Dogge and the size of him.... oh wait... the guy on the plane already mentioned that.... :) I would say poor Dogge, but I gave him complete credit for being able to rile the crowd and send the rush through the crowd that got the mob mentality going, but what I say obviously doesn't count for crap (I figure if he gets to be pouty, I might as well be too...)
I think that your crewe knew you were coming and made sure so they could watch you try to climb over...
No it was a vendor I didn't know, but saw in passing one of the other days..... One that was not a normal part of the reenactor crowd... :)
I caught one of the vendors leaving the gate open one evening.. just opened it and took off. I happened around the corner and locked it..... I know there was another time I was leaving and found it already open.... Maybe we can set up a periodic march out to check. Many of us were walking back and forth to the encampment and pub regularly, it's not too long of a walk to police it while we are already there. Frankly, I know if the park service gets unhappy, we have no place to camp...so let's keep em happy!!!
Damn it man... Don't give him any ideas!!! Oh wait. His Capt likes the Green Fairy too and I am in Sterling's good graces, for now(if I recall, that is how I ended up with the bottle one night) It's all good. :)
One more thing... it's important for everyone to know their tent sizes... I know Harry was having a hell of a time in the vendor area this year with people who said they had just one 10x10 and ended up with a 10x20 but forgot to mention that... there was a lot of squeezing and pushing to get all the vendors in place.....
that's why i think a character guide or two (as Hurricane will likely join me) would be good. we can let people wander, but also let them know what's coming... when we'll be leaving for the battle and call them together. Or, if we need to we can walk them through everything. as you know, every crowd is different and a lot of that will be 'felt out' as we go.... and who says pirates don't bite? some of us do... but usually only when asked nicely...
right then..... I am having my last word on this for now..... I volunteer to be the guide.... to and fro... either before or after the battle or both... I love talking to folks and telling them about what is going on... Heck I did it this year without any prompting or planning and it worked fine. I walked a handful or two of people from the fort out to the encampment and they liked it.... So there needs to be no worry about the guide not having time to do whatever... I don't care, I like the interaction with the public and I will be just fine and dandy that way. Hell I am in Key West plenty of times a year, so I won't be missing anything that I can't see/do another time. Here's the base of this: NO ONE IS BEING FORCED TO DO ANYTHING!! Let me know who wants to display and demonstrate what. I can ad lib a whole tour to get people over...talk about life in the day (both buccaneer and GAoP), possibly even do a little Mary Read insert as well. I would love to be able to have a little interaction with the pirate hunters but otherwise those who want to do living history, great, let me know and I can write them in... Those that don't... don't.That simple. I will let Harry decide if we want to do 1 or 2 tours. My initial thought was that if the battles are still at 2, we have a noon tour that shows regular living history (cooking, boucan, candle making, tavern life, the indentured servitude, anything else anyone wants to do that relates to ordinary life) Again, those who don't don't have to. I will then get people back over to the fort to watch the battle before it begins.... I then thought the 3-4 PM post battle tour would be the post war... it could be treating injured (no need to do surgery if no one wants to... we could just have some of the ladies dressing the wounded while others are being prepared for burial) as well as gun and cannon cleaning. Again, those who want to can...those who don't, do what you want to do. And as Dutch says, it does not have to be a 'stand here for 5 minutes, now move here for 5 minutes' kind of thing. I would be happy to bring people over, give them an overview and then let them look around themselves, then wrangle them back together when it's time to move. Either way works for me... People can also come and go from the tour as they please and yes a crier type person would be great to announce that we are moving.... All the other great things Sterling mentioned are fantastic. Let me know what you need from me or what I need to learn to help with any of those games and such and I am in. Also, don't worry about a little bit late of a battle here and there. I am great at being full of BS, just ask my crewe. I will come up with things on the fly, entertain the masses, give them a chance to get in the stocks, talk about battle prep.... Hell, I talk for a living and am regularly told "stall for 15 minutes so we don't have dead air on the radio" Not a problem. Hell, if a battle is an hour off I'll do an impromptu ghost walk.... I can handle it! Bring it on! :) This is all meant to be fun for those of us that want to do it and for those that don't, just don't worry about it and we'll leave you in peace...or you want to try a little something, great! it's all good! That is all for now....
see now yer thinking... the living history could actually start in the camp as a prep which leads to the battle, then the battle in the field, and then bring em back for the surgery, and preparing the dead... well done... a day long scenario and it works... ask Maddogge, Tiger Bill and Cheeky, they have been day long scenarios for years with Wild West, and they work... most folks do stay the entire day to see the outcome... and yes folks still get their breaks, and we could schedule it for a set time instead of doing the usual nine to five...so folks that are new at this don't feel overwhelmed... Yep, that is why I was figuring more of a 12-5 thing... On Saturday I am on trial until 12 anyways :) but then we take them over for the first part... bring them back in time for the battle while explaining what is happening (where we would get a lunch break while they watch the battle) pick them up post battle and bring them back out for all the post battle goings on out there. The other thing is that I am sure we will get some people who join up part way through and we can always point out that they missed the morning, which was different which hopefully brings them back the next day... more $$$ for the fort. I'm in!