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Diosa De Cancion

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Everything posted by Diosa De Cancion

  1. funny you mention that..... Here's a piece of footage that went out to all the TV networks...and got some air time on Fox.... Please note dog's final attire! :) It's 5 minutes..... it takes a while to load...... 2009 Walk The Plank Championship
  2. I WILL be around and available Saturday to help! Additionally, let me see what I can pull together to add to the auction!! Diosa
  3. So, I haven't been saying much lately, but yes, Fayma has done WAAAAYYYY MORE than any of us can ever know or really appreciate to have this festival happen this year. We all owe her so much gratitude it's immeasurable! She does this for her love of her pirate family and is killing herself while working tough hours and eating up all of her free time with this. We owe her a lot and all better be very very very good to her at PIP! She deserves to enjoy a stress free fest!
  4. C'mon now, I haven't chased you down with a club..... in a while.... But I am pretty sure I will be healthy enough to lift bottles of absynthe.... If not, I have no doubt your captain will be so kind as to 'encourage' you to assist me in getting the medication I need for my pain :)
  5. Hmm... well while that all sounds well and good... Last time If I recall, Robbie was not kind enough to warn me that I needed to be 'relocated' and i panicked and the other time I believe I was dropped on my head....As I said the concussion just went away for the love of God let's keep it that way.
  6. Hahaha yes, I hear they call that 'medication' :) Just make sure I don't do any of that dang skipping and such this time around or my doc will yell at me.... and yes while I am in one piece, alas my beautiful convertible is totaled....so no pirates tooling around in the spyder this year I am afraid
  7. Well sadly, I will not be able to do any of the things I had been hoping to do for PIP this year... no swinging swords... no being tossed around... etc thanks to a guy driving on a suspended license in Jacksonville who ran me off the road and into a lightpole and a ditch..... The good news is all my body parts are still attached and a 2 week concussion headache is starting to go away. The bad news is that I have back and neck injuries that mean I have to be peaceful at PIP... No lifting... no physical or strenuous activities...sheesh... that pretty much ruins everything. Perhaps I will bring along my inkle loom and do some weaving? That's about the best I have going for me right now... Maybe make more passamentry buttons? Sigh.....I hate feeling helpless....
  8. tsk tsk Dogge.... gonna wimp out on me that easily. I figured I would just show you a real plank walker this year and take ya on goin off the plank.... but I understand... if you don't think you can beat a girl......
  9. Dear Dear Dogge... it's about time you tuck that ego away.... Let's look at how this really happens... hmmmmm....who has the media contacts.....oh wait... damn... that's me.... Who made sure the cameras were at Walk the Plank by calling and talking to the Keys PR firm(I just call them Andy and Carol versus anything official) so they could film your swollen-headed backside... oh wait... that would be me.... Who recommended you for that pilot after they called about the competition.... oh... oh yes, that would again be me..... Who also talked to the PR folks to film and submit footage to GMA this year? oh yeah... that was me too.... Right....so I will take all of the credit for your ego, and claim ownership. It can be purchased back with appropriate amounts of absinthe.... :) Love your Media Maven (which really is my title within the company), Diosa
  10. A fantastic time was had at Drake's Raid, thank you all for welcoming me up there. I also had a great time in the kitchen learning to cook up a storm. Who knew I could figure out how to cook great meals over a fire! All the men were so appreciative of the work we did in the kitchen too! It's very nice to be appreciated for the work you do! Thank you all again for a wonderful weekend! Here is a link to some of the pictures from the event. More to come! http://www.facebook.com/album.php?aid=2699...mp;l=e20c70cdc8
  11. Dang it, a few days off the off the pub and I start missing birthdays!!! I am glad to see you had a great day Dogge and many more to come! Lots of Love, Diosa
  12. If your Jerk Chicken is a part of the deal, you are MORE than welcome dearie! perhaps i'll figure out how to cook it on the ship this time.... hmmm...... my habeneros are growing in the backyard and will be ready in time :)
  13. I wanna come play again!!!
  14. Oh Oh!!! Pick me! Pick Me! I want the cookie recipe!
  15. Thanks so much Silas for catching so many moments! Those are great pics!
  16. The exception to this is that Mary would NOT have worn women's clothing. There were only two times in her life when she was dressed as a female... before her brother died when she was young and when she spent a couple of years in marriage in Europe. Otherwise, she always portrayed a man as a footsman in her teens, then a soldier and eventually a pirate. Anne did switch back and forth, but Mary dressed as a man all the time as far as I have been able to tell. She also was one hell of a fighter...
  17. Dang, I'm gone a couple of hours and people are replacing me for nagging. I'm a little more to the point though.... Mickey, get off your arse and make the woman her dress! I am sure I could come up with a fantastic list of reasons why she deserves it and that you probably owe her a hell of a lot more than a dress for male grief that you have caused... so start sewing Do you feel complete now that all of your women have nagged? Lots of Love! Diosa
  18. I hit you up on facebook, but heck, I don't think you can say Happy Birthday too many times :) I hope you are having a fantastic day and I am so happy I could be a part of the birthday weekend you so enjoyed! Diosa
  19. AAAAAHHHHHH!!!!!! i DEMAND you TAKE THAT DOWN IMMEDIATLEY!!!!......it's RUININ me reputation as a cold-blooded killer!?!?!? who's goina be scared of me now?? Demand, eh? Well I am going to follow your lead and read and react to your posts about as well as you respond to my e-mails which means no action is necessary on my part
  20. dag-nab-it woman!?!?...move it somewhere i aints gots to remember more passwords...we all kknow how good at that i am!?!? Sigh, why don't you just suck it up and get a facebook account?!??!! Alright.... grumble... just for you.... are you messin wit me or wot!?!?!.... ....now i caint hears it!! Turn your speakers on. Yes, try the volume button, it works just fine when I play it....
  21. dag-nab-it woman!?!?...move it somewhere i aints gots to remember more passwords...we all kknow how good at that i am!?!? Sigh, why don't you just suck it up and get a facebook account?!??!! Alright.... grumble... just for you....
  22. Ok... I am home... had a nap...and am now clear minded enough to go through my whole list of thank yous Kate & Mickey - as I said before, thank you so much for telling me i should come up and hosting me and taking care of me for the past 4 days. It was a joy to spend the time with you all and the kitties! Mickey - sorry about you having to get up at 5 this morning to get me to the airport... than god the coffee shop was open :) Mission - Hey Handsome :) It was nice to get to know you a bit better this time around. I am sure that had something to do with the fact that often times you couldn't walk 10 feet away from me, but you were really a joy to chat with and I really liked getting to finally hear your surgeons presentation!! Silas, Red Jesse and Billy - I really loved getting to better know you all this time around. I have always seen you guys in the past, but never had time to sit down and talk to you. This event was fantastic for that. There were enough of us to look good, but in a tight enough space that we really had time to get to know one another and it was a complete pleasure. and Jesse - I ma very thankful for you and your Excedrin! Lady Constance - while you were not able to be with us, I am willing to move in with you for more cookies :) Those were wonderous! I am not sure what they were called or even how to explain what all was in them other than they were truly yummy, wonderful baking masterpieces! I am pretty sure once I found the tin I just spent the rest of the weekend living off of those! Thank you so much for taking care of us from afar! Dogge, you were the highlight of my weekend..... I could just leave that there and make everyone wonder.... Let's just say the trees in my backyard may never be the same, and I know my niece will never be the same after her time with you... Of course it was a pleasure to see Salty, Hammish and Callenish, and meet Mark, Trish, Shannon, Perkeo, Grizz and Alfiera (I know, I probably spelled them all wrong). Just all around a fantastic time! Anyone I forgot, i am truly sorry, but i really have still not had much sleep.... Lots of love to everyone who made this happen! Diosa
  23. Ok, so my cute video from the weekend is Dogge and Ellie..... there was a discussion on how to say 'argh' (right after she took his hat... yeah... it runs in the family.....) If you don't have facebook....well... grumble and growl and perhaps i will move it elsewhere, that was just where i put all the pics and videos for now... Dogge & Ellie Video
  24. ok so my link was buried in the middle of Dogge's pics... so I shall post it again. Here are a few of the ones I took, I will go through the rest once I am home Diosa's Santa Maria Pics Diosa
  25. Almost home.... at the Columbus airport waiting for my flight.... should be home in about 3 hours.... Thanks to Mickey and Kate for taking great care of me over the weekend! It was a wonderful time. Thanks Dogge for your patience with me and a sword. Yes, I said Dogge was patient... perhaps I caught him at a weak moment... or perhaps he was just happy I did not bring the Nair Red Jessi and I were talking about :)
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