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Diosa De Cancion

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Everything posted by Diosa De Cancion

  1. Hey there, Here's a link to a blog of Disney and their Steampunk ideas..... Disney Steampunk Blog
  2. You know, the Menendez landing is coming up in a few weeks... just sayin :)
  3. Noooooooooooo! <pout> <Sniffle> <WHINE!!!> I have to get my Kate and Mickey fix! Ok, that's it... I gotta start saving for airfare for next month......
  4. So, we have oddly colliding cooking interests it seems...last time it was Jamaican... I have been playing with some paella recipes over the past few months... Mine was triggered by going out to a paella bar in Orlando and refinding my love of it. Honestly, while I am a definite carnivore, I have found some of the veggie ones to be more flavorful (and much more attractive) I will have to hammer down one recipe i really like and ship it your way :)
  5. Well if you have any info or ideas you would like to toss my way, I am all ears!!! :)
  6. Aye Mickey, I have been talking to DB about some of his plans... and well... let's just say he's likely gonna make my job of having a Wrecker's camp represented darn easy! I have a stack of history books on the topic that I am going through right now to be able to depict the era more accurately...and yes, that means there is sewing to be done. I know I will be pulling out the sugar cane press again - as it still would be used.... and am working on a couple of other demos too :)
  7. hahahaha yeah, something like that.... Lucky for me... my dad is in his 70s and still looks great for his age :) I'm going to keep holding that hope that I won't be a ruin anytime soon :)
  8. Diosa, How can you fawn over the captain you are from the Buccaneer camp, 1690 or so, you would be an old lady by 1720. LOL Lets see ...If you were 20 in 1690 you would be 60 in 1720. lol A bit long in the tooth for the good captain. hehe Speak for yourself.... we Mayan's hold up well!! and actually this year I will be from the 1800s.... so have fun figuring that one out... maybe I am one of the daughters of Sterling.... turned wrecker/pirate.... :)
  9. You better darn well be signing up for the roll call! Who else am I going to heckle....umm...fawn over..... from the fort walls!!!!
  10. sigh.... I am quite jealous! I have to get there next year!!! Too many things colliding this year... but at least I can say I had a weekend with Fayma while you guys had Tony :)
  11. It was 98 today in Key West.... oh yeah, it's supposed to be hot here...and I'm in Key West.... I will quit griping now....
  12. Whatever it is, it's great! Nice find!
  13. Aye, I had seen this... Yet another sad side effect of this spill....
  14. Are you sailing or flying? I too love Green Turtle Cay in the Abacos for a VERY relaxed time of 'escaping the world' I also many areas of Jamaica. Depends on what you are after... want typical tourist areas? montego bay and ocho rios are waiting for you. Want nature? There are caves, blue holes, rainforests, etc etc. Like history? Port Royal is full of pirate history as are Flamstead and other areas of the island where Henry Morgan was. If you like Ruins, Belize is great and also has FANTASTIC Reefs. At all of these places the people are very kind and welcoming.. just stay away from the big cities i.e. Belize City and Kingston, Jamaica. If you are sailing... the Virgin Islands are great for the SMALLER islands. You can stock up on what you need at the big islands, but then head to the smaller islands like Norman Island where you can take a hike up the island and get a wonderful feel for what it would be like to have been a pirate, watching up and down the channel for a ship to hit! The exception to this is that there is only one establishment on the island, which is a bar...and then Willy T's bar is in the harbor, which is literally on a broken down boat :) Diosa
  15. Love it! Thanks for sharing.... I think I know someone who needs to make me one of those :)
  16. Hmm.... perhaps you haven't hung about Robbie so much... I would not say he was mentally disabled as much as he is like the McGee character from Pirates Dinner Adventure Theater.... who, by the way got along swimmingly with Robbie. I agree with Dutch, hes relatively clueless about the world around him and is always asking questions and inquisitive and has a great time no matter the circumstances and that spread to all the children around hime. I suppose you had to be there to see how it worked....
  17. If this is the case, why was your finger in my nose????
  18. Ok, adding my 2 cents here... Agreed, perhaps Cousin Robbie does not need to be everywhere... However.... It is in how that character is used that deviates whether it is offensive or not. I was actually impressed at how well 'Cousin Robbie' worked in Green Turtle Cay(to be honest I was a little worried at first). There were 25 kids who were brought in from the special needs school to the festival site and when it came to game time, they would play together on one side of the field and the kids from the other schools would play together on the other side of the field. Cousin Robbie was able to bridge that gap and within an hour had all of the kids there playing together whether disabled (mentally or physically) or not. It was very amazing to watch the change of the kids. He was someone that both groups of students liked and wanted to play with and when he wanted them to play together, they did. The teachers and parents from the special needs schools were telling me how that never happens and they took a bunch of pictures of everyone playing together. So, while I see what you are saying about perhaps he is everywhere on here...and just reading the posts can be a bit much sometimes... when the character is at an event, in person, sometimes he can accomplish things the rest of us cannot......
  19. Hmmm methinks this may be an impostor.. after all if t'was Robbie, his finger would be up Dutch's nose, not just pointing out the fact that the man is not wearing a decent neck cloth... no..... his finger ended up in my nose(and there was much rejoicing at a 'perfect fit'.... thankfully no one had a camera on hand at the time.....
  20. What the?!?!?!?!?!?! Damn it Sterling!!! Now your cousin is interrupting MY events! Fix This!!! Robbie... !&*@! Stupid Robbie
  21. Aye, they spent a day with us down there and may I say... it was a LOT of fun to send Dogge off the plank :)
  22. Woohoo! Wanna stay for more than a day? I can bring your tent! :) I will be in attendance as well. Dogge - Yes you should figure one of these out! They are fantastic events and everyone is such a pleasure to be with and the cooking...oh DEAR GOD can Melissa cook!!!!
  23. I am a radio news anchor, nosy reporter, writer, voice talent, and general troublemaker :)
  24. You had the time of your life getting yelled at every other minute and told to lug things around every minute of a 10 hour day? No wonder Lily snatched you up You guys rocked! and I'm with you on hoping for more of the raw footage to come out down the road, but ya know, it is only a 1 hour show... :) I am sure they have about 8 hours of comedic content out of that shoot. You guys were 'on' from beginning to end. I am just happy I got to hang out with Marc Summers over by the editing tent and watch the whole day. It was a blast!
  25. Hey hon, I feel your pain as I seem to be having a similar year, and I had the same experience. I watched the show and had that 'pang' of missing everyone! Sigh, but since I recorded it I can watch it over again and again :) Seriously, we will have to work to get you out. Even if you just squeak out for a day or two here and there. It's good for the soul!!! I know that little bit of time I had at Searle's was priceless!
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