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Diosa De Cancion

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Everything posted by Diosa De Cancion

  1. I'm kinda magical about name changes like that :) It's now all Diosa all the time!
  2. May I repost some too please Mary?
  3. Rats dear, you would be most welcome here. Essentially, lose the tricorn and all is good garb wise (we're going 1660ish here). This event will be held the 5th and 6th of March in St Augustine. It is really a phenomenal event because battle wise, you will be literally running through the streets of St Augustine and firing. Here's a picture I took from last year, but there are many more in this facebook link. searle's raid pic Usually set up is Friday and break down is Sunday. If you want to come in earlier or stay later, there are plenty of us with extra space to take you in for a couple days. Just lemme know. If you would like to be there, Sgt Johnson is the person to contact. Or you can let me know and I will make sure he knows you're coming. As for a website...they're working on it....:) Hope that helps!
  4. Yeah.... but as Buccaneers, we can always put anything to a vote..... You just stay in your cute world and keep thinking I can't rig the votes and we'll be just fine
  5. In case he doesn't pop on the pub, he's sometimes slow about these things, I can give him a call and report back. If he says no, I will be up there and can selflessly throw my body on the ground and block any other tents from going down til you arrive! Too much? Perhaps... maybe i'll just whine a lot...that works too. OK, talked to Sgt Johnson. He said Do it! We just need to get a tally of how many of us there will be and general tent footprints and he will take care of the rest.
  6. If that happens, someone please take photos so I can comment. No doubt they will love... no doubt they will.... I can't wait to see the captions on those....
  7. It counts. It was on the PIP trip. Next time, just let me know so I can see the feeding frenzy!!!
  8. In case he doesn't pop on the pub, he's sometimes slow about these things, I can give him a call and report back. If he says no, I will be up there and can selflessly throw my body on the ground and block any other tents from going down til you arrive! Too much? Perhaps... maybe i'll just whine a lot...that works too.
  9. Ah! But you guys could head up my way... we could grab Captain Jim and heck we would have a grand old time going anywhere!!!! It's the Party Car!!!!!
  10. And you have me here to annoy you and keep you in check :)
  11. Thanks William! I love the night shot you got of the Buccaneer camp! Thanks so much!!! That's fantastic!
  12. Dave was totally 'Snuggly Dave'... and a good pirate... later that morning he talked one of my carved skull bracelets right off my arm......
  13. Hey there, So.... 1 - Since I am no longer with Pyrates of the Coast, I would like to be added to the Mercury as an 'associate member' or whatever you all call it if that's at all possible. :) 2 - I'm 32934...yeah...way down here in Fla... Although depending on where we're heading, maybe Capt Jim and I could meet up and make the drive easier by splitting driving duty. Diosa
  14. I agree with you. It went very well! I think they were more involved than I have ever seen them as I made the people on the field have names, faces, personalities, and Cascabel could explain the serious stuff. The people continues to follow me down when the pirates took over the site and kept with the story and were defending me as a 'now pirate' and it kept them going. I have already volunteered to do that role again next year. Talk to Cascabel or someone on the serious side and we're ready to go! Ah Cross, you know I love you babe! Despite that you were trying to get me strung up in my own event :) Don't give me that oppression crying tale... You know, if it weren't for the fact that I'm so damn irresistible I would have been slaughtered with the rest of my people.... So, I don't wanna hear your whining about being 'kept down'. At least you're still breathing.... :*
  15. Those were awesome! Great shots guys!!
  16. Yes, awesome pics as always from the Dogge. I have a few of you! Here is a link to my facebook photos. Really the only day I took any was for the Dinner Impossible shoot, so mostly Dogge, Edward, Leatherback, Scarlet and Deadeye....and a couple of other random shots PIP photos
  17. Rats - You're so nice! I'm loving how complimentary you are to me... Don't hang around that Dogge guy or he will make you mean.... :) It's my pleasure to take care of you guys when it comes to meetings and such! Bring on Meat Fest 2010 at the Buccaneer Camp!!!!!
  18. Aye. Contact Stynky or another admin and they can change your Pub name. <swoon> Ah, William, you always have all the answers :)
  19. I would like to either be added to Mercury or be the kick off person for the Buccaneer camp. The more I think about it... i would like to kick off the buccaneer camp. I know everyone in that group and will be happy to do the meeting circuit and such for them. Michelle Murillo aka Diosa (Goddess in the Bodice) (is there a way to change that name..... i prefer just Diosa... just sayin....)
  20. Ok... my thanks go out to everyone for being a part of this wonderful pirate family. I am going to keep my list short and specific this year. Major extra thanks go out to Dutchie and Dogge for my new favorite phrase when I am having a meltdown of 'What do you need?' and double extra thanks for the manifestation of whatever it is I just asked for. You guys rock!!! I'm used to having to be the rock and keeping whatever I need going as it should, but it was REALLY nice to know that if/when the world suddenly shifted and I lost my balance, that there were folks ready to pick me back up and keep me moving without even missing a step! I also appreciate the Archangel Crewe for their kindness in bringing my weather-dazed crewe over that same evening and inviting us to join in their family meal. It was fantastic conversation and 'family time'! And for all of you who lined the docks of the Wolf and walked the plank, thank you SOOOOOO much for making my job easy!! You made me look good and I appreciate it :) ok... not as good as Dogge in a dress... but really...who can look as good as Dogge in a dress? Well maybe Klauss..... Lots of love to everyone!!! I hope to see you all next year... Heck I really hope to see you all before that!! Diosa
  21. Well since I did the 'narrating'... how bout my recollection? I was dressed as a lady for this particular afternoon (I do believe this was the day that Sterling almost lost his breath seeing my head actually covered....for once....) Cascabel was also up on the wall, so I allowed him to do the bulk of the 'serious battle' talk, while I added 'color' to the conversation by talking about the people on the field and getting them involved. It began with me getting a large portion of the crowd to bellow 'YooooHooooo Captain Sterrrrrlinggggg! It's your Mayan Mistress!" as I waved from the wall to Sterling on the field as the battle began... There was selecting which of the pirates I would make a 'good match' with were Sterling to fall in battle(as a lady needs to make sure she is kept in the manner in which she wishes to be accustomed) A very threatening and intimidating "shoo shoo pirates!!! Go home now!" as I tried to save the fort and get the audience to back me up... and then the audience quickly trying to make me look like a pirate to save my very life as the pirates took over. Some nice tourist was even was so kind as to tie her skull and crossbones sash around my head...then took my modesty cloth and tied it like a bandana... Finally I scampered around trying to talk like a pirate... saying 'raaar' as they all worked with me to teach me how to properly say 'arrr' and convince the pirates I was on their side all along. I must say, the audience was fantastic! they jumped in and did goofy things with me and that just encouraged me to do more as long as they would keep up!
  22. Wow! I didn't even know they did that there...and I'm a dang Floridian! I'll have to check that out the next time I head to the keys!!!
  23. Thank for you all letting me! It was fantastic! That was really the best battle ever, I think! Kudos to Dogge and the rest of you that came up with it! It was so much fun to watch and hoot and holler like a crazy woman who was kind of narrating, kind of heckling and all over having a wonderful time with the audience!
  24. I too am home, safe and sound.... but missing all of the pirate family
  25. So, more coverage of the event came in the form of a picture sent out by the Associated Press. Here's Mohawk Joe going off the plank and we get to see Papa Ratzi in this one!!! He's so hard to get on camera since he's always behind one! Walk the Plank Photo
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