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Diosa De Cancion

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Everything posted by Diosa De Cancion

  1. I wish! No traveling far from home for me that weekend.... so I will be spending it as Mary Read locally with Willie Wobble, William and other Men of Menendez members getting a little 'pirate time' at the Orlando Science Center, but I will miss you all!!! For those of you who have not been there, It's fantastic! Just wonderful to live on the ship for a few days and kick back with everyone else and the public that visited when I did it last was very excited to see it and made it all the more fun!
  2. I know you mentioned it... yet I still have not seen any advertising..they really need to work on that. As for me, I will be out as Mary Read joining the Men Of Menedez at the OSC that weekend... I guess there are just too many events for TLAPD to get to them all!
  3. Also...pics that I had not uploaded right away.... a gift from Willie Wobble of a duck head spoon!!!! Willie carves and sells these (and no, they are not all ducks, but he knows I love ducks!) as well as makes those fabulous wrapped bottles, so if you are in need, drop him a PM an put in an order!
  4. Done! Beautiful work by the way! Best of luck to you!!!
  5. Well that one is a period correct event, so there's some sewing in your future :) But, coming up, in November is the Pirate Gathering which offers a little more leeway with costume and you can meet many of these same great folks!!!
  6. Well, I did get the spinning wheels and they are disassembled So, perhaps I can take a trip ALLLLL the way ...what... 10 miles down the road, and we can try to assemble them :)
  7. Here are a couple of other links for this one to keep up to date Southern Pirate Festival Event Facebook Link Southern Pirate Festival Facebook Page I have been invited up to do a few presentations as Mary Read, so if you are heading up, let me know and make sure to say hi!!!
  8. Sigh, I was forced to return to the real world from a weekend in 1565. It was the celebration of the 445th anniversary of St. Augustine and the landing of Pedro Menendez De Avila. Here are a few photos and a video from the weekend. It was great to see everyone again and I even got a little weaving done :) Much thanks to Sgt Johnson and Mia (The Wench) for making it such a fantastic time. They were both working their backsides off to make everything happen! Photo Link From Menendez Landing Video of the cannon fire welcoming Menendez
  9. After getting the pleasure of coming up to play with you all for a weekend, Dutch, I am not sure why they did not decide to add performers everywhere they went. Having the Reenactors there really brought the WHOLE exhibit to life...from Cookie doing the food demos to Grace teaching games at the edge of the tavern, Pern in the ship room making rope and Sam running around talking treasure it REALLY brought it to life in a way just static exhibits cannot do. It was wonderful!! And it didn't hurt that Carl Brashear was there that weekend and fun to talk to and that the little girls kept thinking I was a princess since I was dressed more as a town lady than a pirate :)
  10. Hey all, so they do have a pic or two of the guys who took the gold bar... just thought i would pass it on.... Link to Suspect Photo
  11. Let's go then! :) My gear is serviced and I'm ready to go!!! Seriously, keep us updated! That sounds wonderful! I can pack my dive bag in no time!
  12. Thanks Jon, Yes those would be most convenient to pick up. I have put them on my watch list.... I agree, we could probably get 1-2 of them working... I'll keep an eye on them and let's see where the bid goes....
  13. Ahhh... a fellow radio person! :) Well, still at the radio station. And taking in some commissions to make 18th c attire. Feeling like a full time and a half mom but the kids, etc are not mine! ;) ~Lady B Yep, almost two decades in radio here.... getting to torment people with a microphone :)
  14. We may be able to work together over there. I am working on making thread and weaving Spanish moss fibers... I'll be doing very basic drop spindle work and have an inkle to make straps and such.... You two need to get one of those giant spinning wheels. Then you could look like this: (Ok, maybe not exactly like that. ) Diane Stevens always brings a spinning wheel to P.o.P. (Pirates of Paynetown) and it really makes her display look cool. I considered the wheel... but then there is the issue of price, size, etc.... if someone is trying to get rid of one, even if it needs a little work, and it's a 'price i can't refuse' I may be willing to consider. Otherwise, I am on a budget....
  15. Can you? Sure, but I will need to do a credit check on you first to make sure you can finance the purchase
  16. We may be able to work together over there. I am working on making thread and weaving Spanish moss fibers... I'll be doing very basic drop spindle work and have an inkle to make straps and such.... I am also planning on reviving the sugar cane press. Sterling, I also have a variety of games I can bring down to add to the list....
  17. I am 100% with you! I'm having a similar year and am TOTALLY ready for a 'family reunion' :)
  18. I have a feeling sleeping in the fort walls may be ok. That is where I have slept in the past and it has been a great location and no need for a tent :) AND there are plugs in there where you can plug in your CPAP, although you may have to battle Io and Cutter who are coming with me and also need to plug one in. Maybe we can get an extension cord and get you all set up :)
  19. Agreed, I figure it was melted within a few hours of the theft honestly... no trace of it at that point....If these folks took the time to plan how they would do it, I am going to guess they had the forethought to figure out how to take care of any 'evidence' after they got it. My guess is the best the museum can hope for is that they catch them and can file criminal charges... but I am pretty sure the melted gold has already been sold.
  20. So, Sterling can be trained, eh? I will refrain from the 'old dog new trick' comment that initially came to mind
  21. Yeah...about that.... I think I'm busy that week Kidding... kidding... don't beat me quite yet.... Yes Fayma, I am at your disposal and happy to be! I also have a few things up my sleeve to try and bring in some extra $$ for the fort. Keep yer fingers crossed that they all pan out :)
  22. Hahaha Nice! But Cascabel, had it been me, you would have already gotten an invite to the party I would be throwing to celebrate.... on an island.... my newly acquired island...
  23. So, if you hadn't done the Mel Fisher's exhibit in Key West and gotten to hold the gold bar they had... you may never get that chance.... Mel Fisher Gold Bar Stolen
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