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Diosa De Cancion

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Everything posted by Diosa De Cancion

  1. Well let us hope for the best as I am sure many of us would love to see the bits left out... Agreed on that, I was laughing all day through the whole 10 hours of the show, they could make a whole series out of the fun stuff! ALthough I must say, I was editing and uploading these pieces at work and keep giggling at Dogge's lines..... My coworkers think i'm loony... yeah, i know... not a long stretch....
  2. has uploaded all 6 pieces of the Pirate Dinner Impossible Episode - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jqN8V5a2EqA

  3. So, I said it elsewhere, but it bares repeating here, Thanks to Dogge, Edward, Scarlet, Leatherback and Dead Eye for being amazing. As the 'media coordinator' for this shoot, you guys made me look darn good! You were all awesome and make my job easy... heck you make it look like i know what i'm doing :) Speaking of what I'm doing.... I am putting video up on Youtube of the show... The segments are slow to upload Diosa's Youtube Page The first two are up and the others in que to upload throughout the day, so keep checking back if you want to see them all! And if you didn't see the Freaky Festivals show we also did down there this year, it's also on my page :) Diosa
  4. I second that! He makes such beautiful things!!! I was in love with all of the pretties he brought to PIP!!!
  5. I believe his name was Mr. Chin He was soooo cute!!!
  6. Aye, the good folks at pirates of the treasure coast are running this! You may have seen their booth at PIP. In addition to selling pirate goodies they are also event folks. But they have limited spaces for pirates at this one . You need to sign up under the 'pirate registration' part of the site and they are going to see how many people they can get in. There are ferries and such other things involved in getting to the site. Diosa
  7. Aye Moose, I am with you. St Augy much more affordable and less painful of a drive if i have to choose one event for that weekend.... yet playing with Dutch and everyone else is mighty fun too... there just seem not to be enough weekends.....
  8. fantastic! Very beautiful work!
  9. That is such an awesome picture of Jeff and his boys! Beautiful beautiful shot DB!
  10. By the way, here are my pics (as well as a couple of Kate's that I brought in) I have more to upload... maybe tonight :) Diosa's pics
  11. Fantastic photos Kate, as always! thanks!!
  12. I am going to try to make it... it's all going to depend on $$$ for airfare in the next month or so. If I do, I have some period games to play with kiddies and after talking to Kate I am looking for some sheep knuckles to add to the collection :) For anyone considering going, this is a very enjoyable event. I really had a blast there last year and sleeping on the ship was doubly cool! :)
  13. Well, it was a great weekend! It was so wonderful seeing everyone. I wish those of you traveling back today and tomorrow safe travels and that we'll meet again soon! As for the cold, a fleece blankie and I was just fine :) Diosa
  14. See, I knew it would all work out... but then my glass is always half full to 3/4 full anyway Thanks Mom for hammering down the official word for us though, that's hard to do when we are all far away!
  15. grumble.... it's not funny.... we Floridians freeze much easier than you cold blooded and possibly cold hearted northerners
  16. I'm here My facebook link
  17. HAHAHA Love it! exactly!!!
  18. The understatement of the month...why are so many burying this event? When none of you have heard from the reps of the Fort itself?? Might I second, third and fourth that sentiment :) Wait until the fort speaks and then decide if you need you get your stockings in a knot.... sheesh.... and before someone says 'why aren't they saying anything' - Believe it or not, we are not priority 1... heck they have Civil War days coming up this weekend so they have a lot more to do right now than worry about us. Be patient...go back to your previously scheduled pirating plans and check back for a response in a few days... patience all... patience. Unless you like working yourself up into a lather for what may be no purpose at all, whatsoever... in which case... go ahead, just don't rile others up with you for no good reason... Where's the morning Yoga when we need it... breathe in.....breathe out..... Tie yourself in a knot and then spend the next couple days recovering from it... by then perhaps there will be more information to base an opinion on :) Diosa
  19. Agreed!!! Well put William!! A - let's wait and see a little while what happens. Winds change by the day in Key West. If anyone recalls, the festival locations, rules, etc etc were changing by the day last year leading up to the fest. A month or so out if/where/how there would be camping was up in the air and changed at hourly intervals. Heck, when we could set up changed down to the day of the festival, if you recall. Give it a few.... B - Bashing anyone or any part of anything gets us nowhere. There are a lot of little components that make the FTPF and PIP the great combined event it is. Some of us only like parts of it, others like different parts, and then there are some who like a little of everything. It all works together, whether you use all the pieces or not. Heck there were days there I was a pirate during the day and in the evening in heels and a gown singing swing music... it's quite the interesting combination of events that happens in this festival, and I think that's one of the things that makes it so awesome! Everyone kick back and take a breath, let the dust settle on this part of things and let's see what happens next, but give it some time... remember... we're on island time :)
  20. Shiver me timbers! I always thought Anne Bonny got all the press. I'll have to think of something more original. Aye, that darn Anne does get much of the press... I think that's a little unfair personally as when you look into the specific lives of the women, Mary had the much more noteworthy and story-worthy life! As for presentations, I have been performing an Anne & Mary life story play as well as a 'life on ship' presentation for a little while now. Additionally I have been penning my own version of her life story. Honestly when it comes to research, I have found the best things I have done to help me get a feel for her life are to go to the locations where she has been. From walking the streets of port royal Jamaica, to standing in the jail cell where she died and spending time on Black Sound in the Abacos where they regularly hid out, I find walking in the footsteps of someone, seeing what they have seen and then coupling that with the research materials out there is quite the way to come to a more complete picture of their lives. From simple things like the clothes they would have had to wear because of local flora and fauna and conditions, to views that they may have seen... it's the old 'walk a mile in a man's shoe's' adage...
  21. and yes 19 looks like cutter
  22. 17 looks like Don Maitz 51 is Braze and well...heck we all know who 60 is.... even if he does lose his fights and make me switch loyalties.....
  23. So, yeah, i know I am slow to post in here... been busy lately. But can I just say it was nice to see us shown in a pretty good light. Ok, there were a few moments, but overall, it was a good piece on the festival. and they could have made us look bad. trust me there were many comments that were made on camera that had me thinking 'oh great they're gonna use that and make us look like a bunch of idiots' and they didn't use those clips.... whew!
  24. The chianti bottle you can toss. it was holding rum punch that I brought down to the camp :)
  25. Ok, a couple quick mentions... First the Cat and Fiddle is not going to be at PIP next year. Those are Hurricane's and he will not be at the event. With that said, I have a baker's lean-to with a 10" fly already attached that can be the start of the 'gathering area. I also will be driving down, so if you make the awning I can get it there. I can probably fit it with poles if you give me enough advance notice. When it comes to choosing a category, to be honest, it depends on the day as to whether I look more like a buccaneer or like a citizen of Port Royal, so I don't know if I would fit in either category. I also plan on toying with the possibility of a male, militaristic character this year, so heck, I may fit in all three categories!!! Meanwhile, if you guys really do want to do a Buccaneer camp, are we going to do boucan this year? There was a show on recently of a man who still does it, the old fashioned way, in Jamaica and I can get the detailed step by step process from the show if you want it. But it's an all day deal.
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