Thieves Market
Items & Services FOR SALE, TRADE & WANTED.
2,250 topics in this forum
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- 450 views I don't remember whether I shared this or not. Most of the sites are active, a few seem to have folded. There are hundreds of patterns, and resources. One place has fantastic shirts...from overseas..but the shipping made it a bit too steep for me.....I have fun looking around, at any rate. Most are somewhat affordable, with many ideas.
Last reply by Dream Wench, -
- 1 reply
What ho me hearties, I'm looking for replica period (late 17th-early 18th century) coins for the band of cut throats that I belong to. The cheapest I can find are about £1 a coin. Does anyone know if I can get them cheaper than that? We only want something a little more realistic to gamble with when we play some cards or knucklebones and don't want to have to go out a-plundering and a-pillaging to raise the dubloons to afford it!! Cheers
Last reply by Captain_MacNamara, -
- 64 replies
I noticed that the pistol that Barbossa used in Pirates of the Caribbean appears to be the same type of pistol that was used by Dawg in Cutthroat Island. I've been searching all over the web for the maker of this particular pistol. But to no avail. I have found a couple pictures online of the pistol... & have a couple more of Barbossa with the pistol. Anyway point me in the right direction to get ahold of a replica, working or non firing, of this special pistol? Otherwise.. does anyone know of a good pistol maker who would be more than willing to make a few of them? I know that there would be a few others wanting this pistol besides myself. Thank ye much, ma…
Last reply by LadyBarbossa, -
- 3 replies
I am looking for someone who makes "real" Pirate flags... out of cloth, not nylon... savvey? Thankee in advance Barbossa II
Last reply by Barbossa II, -
- 2 replies
Check out this URL for a new supplier of Pirate garb: Sidewinder
Last reply by capnwilliam, -
I purused just about every hat site on the place looking for just the right hat. Some that I had seen like at HatCrafters and Jas Townsend were up in the hundreds of bucks! Let me tell you, I found a few, but when I went to order I discovered many were adding on a 'special' fee that wasn't listed! Anywhere from $25.00 to $45.00! That's insane for a hat that orignally cost $30.00! So buyer beware about extra costs not listed until you get the grand total and find out. Good thing orders can be cancelled! Anyway, I finally found what I wanted for a price more than just affordable. I figured ok, you get what you pay for (the hat sells for $28.95) and expected a…
Last reply by Rumba Rue, -
- 1 reply
Thought I would see if anyone here has any books they would like to sell on colonial america... the american revolution.... the war of 1812.. or of the founding fathers....... or of anything of a similar nature....... Just let me know......... Flint
Last reply by Wartooth, -
- 6 replies
Any suggestions other than e-bay where a "lass" can sell some hats, clothes, boots and accessories. I was hoping to break into the Renfaire curcit but as most are at least 3 to 5 hours drive away it is proving to be a less than practical idea. Now I've got lots of stock and no where to sell. (feels a bit like being all dressed up and having no where to go) I'm hoping to get a website going asap but until then I really need to sell a bit of this stuff. Thanks Yours aye... Kat
Last reply by Capt Grey, -
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Phi Psi Cargo Got me ship(store) Got bags fer ye coins and coats fer ye hide. Give a little bit o' time and I'll have even more. Coming soon - Skulls and Bones
Last reply by Atala Syrcuse, -
- 2 replies
A few may fynde a hat competition a bit silly, but it might serve ta bring out tha artist hidden deep within a wellspring o consciousness. When I see contests, I be tha sort ta give everyone a prize jes' fer tryin' ta be entertainin, if nuttin' else. The term "loser" shud only apply ta people who make life miserable fer nothin' more than mindless exercise. Pirates know when a soul be jestin' meanness in a mock way. We have it down to an art in a manner o speakin'. We have enough collective life experience under our sashes ta write a book. We encompass all ages. So if ya see a Pirate wearin A Flamingo emblazoned on his hat, (or a reclinin' mermaid, or octopus, or starfis…
Last reply by LadyBarbossa, -
- 1 reply
Diosa, The Goddess in the Bodice, has a lot of pirate necklaces, rings, hair dangles, coins and more for sale. She'll also do custom work - email her at for information on custom stuff... Otherwise, go to
Last reply by KW Pirate, -
- 1 reply
Friend of mine gave me a gift of a print by Rick Frane..... Rick Frane. com I like the print a lot and thought that some of ye here might enjoy it also. It's a type of fantasy / erotics style. Anyhow, he has amongst his other series; a series called pirates. Give it a look and see what you think. Hope you enjoy it....... The Capt.
Last reply by Dream Wench, -
- 7 replies
Where might we be findin' Pilgrim shoes....with a tongue, and a silver buckle ? Me fingers do the walkin' but they not be findin' Pilgrim shoes. The makers o Garb have ta see that all people does not fit one syze. Arr ! Pyrates come in all syzes. Ideally...garments shud be adjustable..ta accommodate the lean and rich tymes..any leads ta the shoes will be appreciated by this Wench.
Last reply by Dream Wench, -
- 4 replies
- 641 views Romancin' Dancin' Wordin' and Skirtin' Shirts like me never seen at Walrus Martus....har har
Last reply by Dream Wench, -
- 4 replies
I need a little help shipmates... I'm lookin for an outfit for our little boy. Cannot seem to find anything... If anyone knows where to find a little onesee or even a bib with skull and crossbones on it. This old capt. sure would appreciate it....... He''s only a week old so size 0to 3 is what we need. If you have info on something a little bigger that would be fine also.. many thanks..... The Capt.
Last reply by PirateQueen, -
- 8 replies
sorry to disapoint! I was searching for new charms via my wholesaler, and came across these earings, and was curious if anyone had any interest in them? I am ordering charms currently for other projects, and was curious to see. They are sterling silver, but the posts are hypoallergenic metal, with a hypoallergenic clutch. I am going to order a pair for me, so if you want to see how I like them, let me know. Their 10mm tall and weight about 1.7 grams. I'm going to put them on my new site for 5.00 a pair. Isabella
Last reply by Capt. Flint, -
- 2 replies
Psi Phi Cargo I also be wondering if'n any of ye be looking fer some fall-front breaches as I came across a pattern fer one. Plunder me lots! Me likes it!
Last reply by Capt. Iron Faith Cutler, -
- 4 replies
Those of you seeking a wee bit of pirate-y home decor, Hobby Lobby is having a half off sale on all chests and trunks. They have quite a few that could pass as treasure chests. I picked a decent-sized one up pretty cheap and filled it will Mardi Gras beads and doubloons. Looks pretty snazzy. Iron Faith
Last reply by LadyBarbossa, -
- 39 replies
Finally got me a cutlass! Found it on e-bay for 39.99 + S&H= $53.94 The same one that sell on Museum Rplicas for $277.00. Great deal huh?! Here a picture of it:
Last reply by Deacon Frye, -
- 11 replies
I know there was a thread about this a few months back, but I haven't the mind to go through each thread in each section, so I'm just asking: Who here has historically accurate dye recipes, and would ye be willing to share?
Last reply by Zorg, -
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Someone from Fer Camyon Press posted these action figures they are carrying on a pirate listserv I am on. Thought I share: Fun huh! :)
Last reply by Red Maria, -
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This isn't as flamboyant as a lot of the pirate boots, but looks like it could be an affordable option. Got the cuff on top and all. pirate-y boots right here Iron Faith
Last reply by Capt. Iron Faith Cutler, -
- 1 reply
Blackbeard Anne Bonnie
Last reply by Sjöröveren, -
- 12 replies
A while back I got it into my head to send this email to US Subs: --------------------- Dear sirs/madams - I'm the proprieter of, an online resource for modern-day pirates. I'm not referring to the scary, uzi-toting pirates that plague asian waters - we're traditionalists. Jolly rogers and cutlasses and such (and maybe a flintlock pistol, if our wives let us.) One of the most important features at is the pirate merchandise reviews, which is why I'm contacting you. It occurred to me that a luxury submarine would be the ideal home for a modern day pirate - always on the move and out of sight, able to sneak up on tourist boats and then surf…
Last reply by Spydre Rogue, -
- 4 replies
Arrr it be a sad tale. I have used this company before and got me a fine T-Shirt ta display me piratical affiliation, however, I ordered somethin on the 12th March and have not seen or heard from em since they took me hard earned pieces o eight. With me living in England I expected it to take a while, but it's been a month an a half wi no sign o me booty arriving. Worst thing be I am not gettin any replies to me emails that I send to them. Anyone else had any trouble with this company? Anyone else tried to contact them recently and not got a reply? Yer assistance be most appreciated.
Last reply by Mucky_Pete,