Thieves Market
Items & Services FOR SALE, TRADE & WANTED.
2,250 topics in this forum
- 3 replies
So i was thinking about my pirare phase here, and I decided that I need to find a non internet store somewhere in New Jersey or New York that has a pirate theme and emphasizes clothing. It's not that I don't know how to sew my own threads it's just that I'd like to have it done for me being a lazy arse pirate and all. Does anyone know of places that fit the description? If so please, please tell me the location, storename,and/or store website. Also if anyone knows of any clubs that are pirate themed and in the general NJ, NY, PA area info. on those would be really cool too! I thank all you who answer!
Last reply by Davey Brown, -
- 6 replies
I joined this group and found a way to build my own little ship. Vancouver Small Ships Society KP
Last reply by Rummy3, -
- 40 replies
It's a comedic, modern-day pirate novel called "Pirates of Pensacola." St. Martin's Press is publishing it using an alias for me (for reasons I'm sure are obvious to you, shipmates). For plot summary and reviews and stuff like that, drop anchor at If any of you lopers buy the bastard, I'll send you a bookplate (fancy publishing word for sticker) with a hand-writ inscription on it.
Last reply by Captain Charlotte Savvy, -
by Fox- 8 replies
First off, I was only pointing out the inauthenticity of sextants for those who might be horrified to learn that their gear wasn't quite right. If you're happy with 1750s gear as part of your pirate kit that's absolutely fine by me. And generally speaking yes, sextants are much cheaper and more easily available. Principally I think the problem is that none of the companies who make these repica instruments (Saunders and Cooke, Stanley of London etc) make mariner's astrolabes rather than the much more complex astronomical astrolabes. Mariner's astrolabes would be much cheaper than sextants if anyone made them! However, if you did want to go more authentic I can think of a…
Last reply by Cap'n Pete Straw, -
- 3 replies
intreagued? lol...was looking at picture of kidd when i thought..hey...if you could make a smaller gibbet, you could put a plant in it (where the feet go) and have a nice plant hanger for the porch! how crazy is that???? any ideas?
Last reply by Cap'n Pete Straw, -
Hi, I'm in the middle of making a RN middie's (circa 1805) coat for a friend, and I'm about to embark on a USN lieutenant's coat (1802-14 pattern) for me, and I'm having the devil of a job finding the correct buttons. So, can any of you chaps point me towards a supplier of replica buttons for both or either of these projects. For the middie's coat I need small flat buttons in gold or brass with a fouled anchor motif but no border, for the USN lieutenant's coat the buttons should also be brass or gold, and flat with a fouled anchor with an eagle over the top, the whole ringed by 15(?) stars. Anyone?
Last reply by Fox, -
- 57 replies
Avast ye mates! Ye have any flintlock pistols, blunderbuss, muskets, musketoons ye would like to sell? Or are looking for? Real or decorative? Be my pleasure if ye would post here. I am personally looking for a used real flintlock pistol for reenactments. Those new ones are a wee bit expensive for us pirates who have had little blunder or treasure coming in of late. Thanks to ya
Last reply by Cap'n Pete Straw, -
- 11 replies
In creation of each of your costumes, where did you spend the most money? Weapons? Boots? Hats? Tankards? Looking back would you have done anything different, (or spent the money in a different part of your outfit)? Would you recommend "making" some of the costume, allowing you to spend more money, etc on weapons . . . Any help or opinions are appreciated. (Mugs of rum available.)
Last reply by Patrick Hand, -
- 7 replies
I'm in need of a good bodice. I have one and a corset type thing and not real happy with either. The Good Lord has blessed me and I'd like something that holds and is yet somewhat comfortable. TIA~ Kat
Last reply by Katerine_La_Rose_Noire, -
- 53 replies
Now that the building of my own little boat has begun in earnest, I thought I'd start a thread to document its progress and construction. Having sailed on Royaliste several times, I was hooked. I decided to start teaching myself to sail, and what better way than on my own small vessel? I hunted around for plans, armed only with a garage full of tools, a father who was willing to help, and a small list of requirements. 1) The boat must be able to fit (on its side) through a three-foot gate. This would allow backyard storage. 2) It should be gaff-rigged, and wooden. Both of these are aesthetic reasons. In addition, the gaff-rig would help me with understanding Royal…
Last reply by Fox, -
- 4 replies
I have a female child size 12 pyrate that be needin' some garb for faires etc. She is aware the cost of her father & I's costumes and knowing this has asked this be be her ONLY Bday present. How can I say no when the kid only asks for one thing? I would love to put it together for around $100 since in 2 years I doubt she'll fit in it. Any suggestions on where I might start lookin? Or any SIMPLE patterns; I can use a needle and thread meself at a VERY basic level and thought I might do her skirt, but there is no way I can do much more than that. Thank thee in advance~ Kat
Last reply by morgan_thelimey_grimmway, -
- 26 replies
Ahoy mates! I am planning to make myself a cavalier hat from a sized hat blank...I have never done this before and I was wondering if any of ye have a few pointers fer a first timer? I am ordering the blank from Jas Townsend....just not sure about the finishing and such..... Thank you for your help!
Last reply by Patrick Hand, -
- 11 replies
Id be looking fer a good tricorn hat (leather) I've found a few but are $250, anyone know where I can get one fer under $100?
Last reply by blackjohn, -
- 15 replies
I just got some real nice tall black bucket boots. They are about knee level. Only problem is that they are starting to fall and get baggy. A little baggy is ok. Any advice on how to keep em up. Thanks
Last reply by Pirate Petee, -
- 1 reply
still seeking custom commissions for wood metal stone and leather. dont be afraid to ask about something you have in mind many things can be had fairly inexpensively, just because its custom doesnt make it expensive ya know! for those that dont have me site dont forget ALL my work comes with a lifetime warranty. theres a direct link to the folio. the contact info is in the, well, contact section or you can just contact me via PM here at the forum. Yours in Service Fergal
Last reply by callenish gunner, -
Some years back i bought a equinoctial ring dial on the flee market for the price of a little over $1! (I said $3.14 first but i forgot i didn't buy it for 2.50 euro but guilders! I've had it for more time then we have the euro..) I have seen them several times on the web in nautical stores, and mostly old ones and they'd be over $200 but now i've found a new one and it says it's ="made based on the 16th - 17th century designs found in European museums." ROTFL...$110!!!! I am loving this..ya know those programs where people bring stuff they bought for a few dimes and get it taxated and it turns out so valuable..i always say i wish that would happen to me but it has! …
Last reply by Capn_Enigma, -
- 0 replies
Slow going as we may be, a new hook version will be posted soon as well as our original pirate music cd. The new hook (Pirate KIng) will have a few sparkles and we'll have a few snipits from the cd to listen to. The Iron Hook The interest has been great and we do thank evryone for being so patient.
Last reply by Captain Barbosa, -
- 26 replies
I have a black leather baldric that I really like, but it's way too clean/new. I'm looking for ideas on how to distress/age this sucker to make it look old and beat up. Anyone have a good method? TIA.
Last reply by Patrick Hand, -
- 5 replies
Okay, so last season I bought this gorgeous dagger right? But it didn't come with a sheath, just a display stand as it's really meant as more of a decorative piece. But I just love this thing and want to carry it on me for next season, just for looks. Being broke and cheap, I'm not sure i want to spend the money on the ones I've found online, so my questions are thus . . . a) does anyone have anyone have any patterns or directions on how to make one short of eyeballing it (which I've done . . .) also recommendations on materials provided I can't get my hands on some leather, might be nice. (Again, I've experimented with leatherish looking viynal, and it was a good thing…
Last reply by Patrick Hand, -
- 3 replies
Aye lads and lassies... I be selling off me wares... must get money fer a new ship. Some blaggard blew holes in me last one! Arrr... My eBay auction And while yer there, ye can check out me auctions fer other things if'n yer so inclined!
Last reply by Black Hearted Pearl, -
Motorcycle for sale....
by Guest SirenSong- 2 replies
Ok guys this is the bike we were test driving when we had the accident. Now that Im terrified of the darned thing I told hubby he could not keep it but had to sell it. It's a 1987 BMW K100LT. It has 114,000 miles and is a gold/tan color. The head is cracked from the accident. It also now bears scratches. Both Saddlebags were broken, Windshield and lights are still intact. The seat has a minor scratch. We are having to buy the bike from the guy who owns it and I am just trying to sell it for what the guy wants so I dont have to look at the thing. It can be fixed from what I understand..Or could be sold for parts. So any of you motorcycle enthusiasts who are intr…
- 0 replies
After memorial day I be doin the pub folks bottles and such! so be looking for yer stuff in about a week and a half! Fergal
Last reply by fergal, -
- 4 replies
Well it seems like Christmas in April it does as I just purchased a box of noise makers , an in that collection there two Zanotti flintlocks in 50 cal . They are very ornate and they are registered as 1768 models . Does anyone know anything about Zanotti pistols ? I can't seem to find a lot of info on them , but I do know that Zanotti makes high end shotguns any info would be greatly appreciated . They have hand carved stocks and they have a lot of silver and gold inlay right beautiful they are. :)
Last reply by callenish gunner, -
- 5 replies
well i got sick of taking trips to the car to drop off trinkets at events. so between me and my father. (leather by longshore) we made a "adventuring pack" this is my prototype made over a boot sized shoe box. its red latigo so i wasnt able to do any tooling (too soft) I carried ita so cal ren faire las weekend and was bombarded by people wanting to know what booth to get it at :). i will be working on other designs. including an oval sided one for rigidity.
Last reply by Misery, -
- 16 replies
If this has already been covered, my apologies... anyone know where a good 19th century style naval hammock can be had?
Last reply by Patrick Hand,