Stand around the water cask, introduce yourself & get the scuttlebutt.
2,398 topics in this forum
- 20 replies
Wit' all the comin' an goings this weekend, I wanted t' wish each an everyone o' ye scallywags a very Happy Easter! Fair winds, where every they may take ye, Jacky Tar
Last reply by Captain Tito, -
- 10 replies
A very happy birthday to one of our newer members. Many happy returns of the day!
Last reply by William Brand, -
- 13 replies
May the event be glorius and may the day be great!! Have a wonderful Day shipmate!! (Meaning swords everywhere you look!)
Last reply by LadyBarbossa, -
- 23 replies
for those whoi don't already know, thereis a new space on the net for rennie types. mad jack and i are there and i have started a pyracy pub group there for anyone that should feel so inclined to join. here's the link: Your site is located at: the renspace address itself is: this is new and there are less than 200 members so far.
Last reply by PyratePhil, -
- 4 replies
Aye, I made it after being here since 05, then I be lost at sea fer a while. But I made it, Silent now be a captain and you are all the finest friends a pirate could ever ask for
Last reply by Pirate Seika, -
- 18 replies
Registration should not have been so much trouble for me, and I'm obviously too tired for this. I'll post a bio later. Right now I'm on, glad to be here, and hpoefully I'll be more coherent tomorrow. Thank you very much.
Last reply by Jacky Tar, -
- 4 replies
So here I am, wringin wet, crawlin aboard ta say hello. Hello. Nice weather, ain't it. The keg I was floatin on, by the bye, seems ta be full of dark jamaican. Anyone care for a tot?
Last reply by oderlesseye, -
- 9 replies
I will be taking an introductory sailing trip aboard the Gazela out of Philadelphia tomorrow. This is in prep to becoming volunteer crew, lots of painting and scrubbing and general maintenance to be done over the winter. I think she is beautiful.
Last reply by Matusalem, -
- 411 replies
Hello everyone, Just wanted to introduce myself. I am Tess. I've been lurking for some time. I hope to make myself known here and perhaps one day meet a hand full of you!
Last reply by Ransom, -
- 8 replies
Just hove to within sight of yer site. The word of a mate on the TO7S brought wind of this port, so I sailed in to see fer mesel'. I be Black Jack Quartermaine, full time archaeologist and pirate-for-hire, based out of Topsail Island on the Carolina coast. Looking to learn new things, meet new mates, and hopefully share some of the experiences and knowledge I've manag'd to gather over the years of venturing. A gentleman born, a man bred, and an Irishman always! Black Jack
Last reply by Jacky Tar, -
- 15 replies
...and scallywags. I heard there might even be PINS about, too. So o' course I had to make port! I be hailin' from the port o Kansas City, where I head the scabrous crew o' the Gangrene. The crew been growin', but alas, has not done much piratin' yet. Maybe this be our year! :angry: Hey...::looking around::...some o ye scurvy dogs be lookin' miiiiighty familiar like.
Last reply by Pirate Seika, -
- 7 replies
Well I know it's a tabletop game; while on my quest to piss the wife off by impregnating her characters on the sims 2 I notice it's a job title; I even see it as a rank in the forum... Where the hell did the term Dread Pirate originate? How is it different from a regular pirate? (if at all different)
Last reply by Pirate Seika, -
- 12 replies
Greetings fellow seadogs and scallywags, I be Molly O'Mally, proprietor of the Merry Mermaid Tavern. I'm not certain as to what these here initiation rights are, but ye be warned that if they hurt, I'll spit in yer ale if yer ever visits me humble estblishment I brought a keg o' me best rum to share as a goodwill gesture, but once it's gone, yer best be paying fer yer own drinks, fer I ain't running no blasted charity, Savvy!
Last reply by Molly O'Mally, -
- 11 replies
Avast ye mates, the crewe of The Sacred Heart has come into port! We are the Callahan's, and true pirates at heart. A round for the pub is in order, as we have sailed many waters to arrive, and have much booty in pictures from our website for our mates. PIP 2007 here we come!
Last reply by Merrydeath, -
- 14 replies
The name be James Savage. I be the cap'n of the fiercist 17' sea kayak in Florida, the Jolly Roger VII. Aye the cruise ships never see me commin'... which is prolly why I be on my seventh vessel now that I be thinkin' of it. Grog be eatin away at me brain. OOC: My name is TJ, I'm sure you can tell from my poor characterization that I'm from Florida. Strangely my main interest is a direct opposite of my career choice (Piracy/Marine). I'm currently in college working for my BBA when I'm not in training or at drill. I just randomly surfed on and found you guys. I look foward to getting to know ya all.
Last reply by Silkie McDonough, -
- 0 replies
- 239 views our family members who were alive and present during the 'Golden Age of Pyracy'....for without them, we would not be here. yeah, corny post, but I though it be worth toasting nonetheless. We are, after all, what they left behind.
Last reply by Matusalem, -
Pirate bar
by Silent- 4 replies
(note: I looked around and couldn't find a post like this) So I wanted to build a pirate bar at home for me and me mates. I'm not quit sure what is going to make it work so I wanted to ask you all on your ideas. I know that I want a big wooden table(round) with dablooms on it and rum bottles. Maybe a chest where I keep my rum and or drinking games. A few flags here and there. Now I'm stuck, I don't know where to get anything online for my bar. Do you know where I can get some items that'll really make it pop? Also do you have any ideas on your own pirate bar and what would make it stand out.
Last reply by Captain J. Savage, -
- 14 replies
tis the berthday of the sassyest lass on the Fools Gold, and all parts in Minnesota!! Happy berthday, Red Bess, and may all your tankards be overflowing with rum and good cheer! Ray rolls out another barrel of rum, and Merrydeath smiles at the two.. three Red Bessssss.. Happy berthday to you all!!
Last reply by Red Cat Jenny, -
- 13 replies
Ahoy, I have several reasons for being here. I am a HUGE pyrate lover. Bartholomew Roberts is clearly my favorite, but Peter Easton ranks up there, too. I am hoping that being here will help me gather more information on pyrates and also give me a chance to have a merry old time with fellow buccaneers.
Last reply by Bunnycutlass, -
- 0 replies
So I was doing this at work today like every day and I was wondering if you do the same. I was day dreaming about living in the 1700's sailing on the high seas, picturing what i'd look like, full beard, scary, pirate ect ect. Drinking rum in the moon lit sky and how great life would be. Well, have you ever done this? Share what it was you were thinking about.....Savvy
Last reply by Silent, -
- 6 replies
Just days prior to my birthday, I had to do the obligatory trip to Motor Vehicles to get my driver's license renewed in the state of Delaware. I observed some folks with odd fashion-sense getting their photos taken. A passing thought while waiting for the license to be created, had I, m'mates. . . . has anyone gotten their Driver's license photo take while decked out in their pyratical best? Would it not be amusing to have a growing surge of folks' licenses be of pyratical nature? What say ye? Grab thy frock and tricorn and head to the DMV!
Last reply by Silent, -
- 64 replies
Line up, gents! Time t' kiss th' piratical lasses an' women who can quite literially steal yer heart after they put a sword into yer gullet! Wish one an' all a St Paddy's Day. Ye be Irish, so state ye are and guaranteed there'll be a kiss from at least someone! :) And if yer not Irish, well... that be ok, too. Someone Irish 'll kiss ye, to be sure. Guinness, Irish Whiskey, and various other drinks for all! Come celebrate this glorious day of festivities! And if yer wonderin'... yes, gents, I've a wee bit of Irish in me. So, kiss me all ye like. I'm not taboo. ~Lady B
Last reply by Silent, -
- 2 replies
c.commando - yopu will see in lower left tray from time to time also Baaaaa.class ans BaaaaBaaa.class get Norton if you discover these.. Aparently admin has resolved the issue. If you recieve an email in German from the pub, don't open it!
Last reply by Red Cat Jenny, -
- 6 replies
i got this in my email today: To: Subject: Hallo ( From Pyracy Pub - the Pirate Forum ) From: "Pyracy Pub - the Pirate Forum" <> Add to Address Book Add Mobile Alert Date: Wed, 21 Mar 2007 15:16:11 -0700 Hallo, Ihnen gesandt(haben geschickt) die Überraschung, damit ihn es(ihn), anzuschauen - nach der Verbannung(Hinweis) übergehen Sie: <a href="" onmouseout="window.status=''" onmouseover="window.status='';return true"></a> and it seems to be messing up the computer! ~sno…
Last reply by capnwilliam, -
- 5 replies
Posted: Fri Feb 09, 2007 9:07 pm Post subject: Hackers About -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- If somebody called bum_tn 007@hotmail com adds you dont accept it because its a hacker. Tell every one on your list because if somebody on your list adds them you get them on your list. He will have access to your IP computer address and codes. So copy & paste this message to every one AND fast. I got badly hacked off with this guy,I lost all my pirate photos & re-mixed music.And had to format my computor.
Last reply by Quartermaster James,