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Royaliste Holloween Ghost Cruise..

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  TalesOfTheSevenSeas said:
Hmmmmmmm.... me thinks maybe some of the graphic artists here might like to try submitting a design for consideration, eh?

Is this for yer tattoo concept, Quill, or summat else?

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  TalesOfTheSevenSeas said:
Dunno yet. Haven't made the final decision to 'too or not to too', LOL

But I'd think we'd want them all to match, wouldn't we?

Aye, a consistent design'd be good.


:) "Prince Dakkar's ruff draft is back under Jolly Rogers or somewhere!..Already kinda been figured...RR's modified to look like sick, twisted Skull, with top flourish wrapping around to finish 'skull' look'...crossed cutlasses, etc...'Search', me pretties!!!!...RRRR, 'o course, they should 'match'!"............ :ph34r:



The Pyrate looks West, then East...."Well, alla the 'targets are gone, off to Sacramento, then down stream to Lala land....Nuttin' to shoot but the fort, now!!!"...Looks south, judging elevation and windage......



Ahoy Capt'n!!!!

A fort be a nice target Mate, sitting all alone and waitin fer us? Wait!!!! We killed them already! Is there anything left in the Bay that we haven't splattered with powder?

Talk about a great day, four of us duking it out and flashing powder like crazy. Twas a day to remember....

To all who sailed aboard the Royaliste, it was great meetin ya or see'in ya again....




I'll bring the henna next Hallows...do a nice tattoo..R on each cheek.....well, ye'd have to stand fer six hour for the colour to be good.

I had the temerity to do an idea sketch for the flag....but I haven't been able to figure out how to get pics up?..........

am I guess'n that me rhyme was so bad..............?...............

  Zephyr said:
I'll bring the henna next Hallows...do a nice tattoo..R on each cheek.....well, ye'd have to stand fer six hour for the colour to be good.

I had the temerity to do an idea sketch for the flag....but I haven't been able to figure out how to get pics up?..........

am I guess'n that me rhyme was so bad..............?...............

Ye upload the scanned sketch to your own webspace, then link to it on yer post. :)


Wish I could have been there! Looks like a great time!

Thanks for posting such amazing pictures! You couldn't have gotten a better day! We hear on the coast of the Northern Atlantic haven't seen a sky so blue in an eternity!

It's also nice to see what the people really look like here!

The sound of the Mermaid's song shall calm the raging sea.



Me whittled down the pictures we took that are the same as those already posted. But we did get eight other pictures <especially #8...my favorite>. :lol::lol::lol:

Click Here

If ye get's lost in cyber space, just go to me website, go to the "gallery" and click on the yellow word "pyrate."

~ Jack Bartholemew


Damn!! Photo #8 ROCKS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :lol:

That is truly amazing because the flare up is so quick that you don't see it. I'd like to add that one to the Tales of the Seven Seas website photos and next time when someone asks why they can't bring their kids to a sea battle, this should explain it pretty clearly.

The others are great too, but I had to comment on #8. That was a one in a million shot Captain Jack!! Well done to you and Nyre, whosoever had their finger on the button!!

-Claire "Poison Quill" Warren

Pyrate Mum of Tales of the Seven Seas



:) ..."Aye there 'Quill!..Number eight is fantastic!! Well done, Jack, me bucko!!!...Keep up the great work, sailors!!....Hmm, I'm gonna lookie that 'n again!" .."Hellava fire from 'Hellava's breech!' :lol:



Photo #8 is truly awesome!

That's me Pyrate setting me ablaze as he usually does!! :)

Fire me up, Baby, Fire me up!!


The Gates of Hell are flung open.....

from the firey mist steps forth....The Legend....

The woman everyone warned you about....

They didn't exaggerate!


  Captain Jack said:
especially #8...my favorite. :huh::huh::huh:

GREAT photos. Yes, #8 is just amazing! BOOM!

Oh! Newsflash! Got sent photos of the Royaliste from the vantage of the Chieftain and the Lady. I'll put them up when I get home tonight, but will post a couple here in the interim. Just let me crop 'em in Photoshop...heh, heh, heh... :huh:


Aye Quill, if'n ye (or anyone) wants ta download any of the photos, just right click and save to yer 'puter. Or ye can email me an' me'll send on through the cybersea. :)

~ Jack Bartholemew

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