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Li'l Pirate lost fingertips, sending treasure

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Michael wears a size 7-8 shirt... would the coat fit?!!!

Should fit like a charm. I'll launder it up and send it out your way, hopefully this week yet. (It's red, so I want to wash it by itself, so as to avoid pink undies and t-shirts and things :lol: )

The Pyromaniac Pirate


I just recieved a box full of wonderful Seattle Seafair Pirates pins, eyepatches, tattoos and even plastic bloodshot eyeballs to wear!! (man-o-man can a seven year old kid have fun with those, eh?!!) But there was no note, and I'm not quite sure which pirate to thank for these treasures. :lol:

-Claire "Poison Quill" Warren

Pyrate Mum of Tales of the Seven Seas



Hmmm, I've be doing appearances at San Diego Children's Hospital and a center for abused kids in my Star Wars togs and handing out loot, but it sounds like I should switch to pirates - that's some pretty neat gear that young man is getting. A fine sharing of the spoils.

Were they able to save his fingers?


Captain, we always knew you were a whoopsie.

Rumors of my death are entirely premature.


Claire, it was me that sent the Seafair pins and eyeball. Sorry I forgot about the note, did it at work and was in a rush. Glad you got them.



Buccaneer - Services to the highest bidder!!!


Lil' cap'ns coat is on spin cycle right now. Has to be hang dried (how appropriate, arrr!) and if dry, I'll send it on ta ye in the morning. The kids' granny (now passed on) was a real artiste with a sewing machine. I'm sure she'd approve. :lol:

The Pyromaniac Pirate



Many thanks!! That was a fine bag o' loot!!


Awesome... I can't wait to see it!!

Captain Grey,

Yes, definitely do a pirate visit! Bob and I were discussing organizing a hospital visit if possible here in CA, because the kids get SO excited to see pirates!! I've got a pirate history talk coming up for a group of homeless moms and kids that I do in costume and one for a public library also. Both kids and adults are really interested in pirate history and I've also done children's pirate story times at the library. Every time I get a great response!!

Sadly no, the finger tips (to the first knuckle) were not able to be reattached. They were lost in a bike chain accident and I guess they were beyond being salvageable. But his mom says he's doing well, healing nicely and no infection.

-Claire "Poison Quill" Warren

Pyrate Mum of Tales of the Seven Seas



Oh, poor kid. But they heal quickly and adapt even quicker. Thanks for the update, Claire (easy to remember name: it's my sister's).

And thanks for the pirate presentation ideas. I have a lot of kids books about pirates and they're a great resource.


Captain, we always knew you were a whoopsie.

Rumors of my death are entirely premature.


You guys are awesome! I wish I had seen this early enough to contribute.

Barkeep! Tap all the barrels for this generous crew of softhearted blackguards! Run 'em dry! We be partyin' like it's 1699 tonight!


Rumors of my death were right on the money.



Are you gonna take a picture of his hiest before you sends it off lass?!?!?!

That would be right fun, to see all of the booty that is going!

Huh?? Huh??? :ph34r:

Well, you may not realize it but your looking at the remains of what was once a very handsome woman!



I just found this thread - is it too late to add my best wishes? I'm in Oregon, too (about 3 hours South-East of the other Oregonians who posted... :lol: ) and would have contributed to the plunder if I'd have seen this thread earlier...??


I will most definitely add your well wishes Bone Hunter! We have a list of pirates sending well wishes and ye' shall be on it! I think I should probably get the booty in the mail to the lad, as it's been a while already, but I shall put you on the well-wisher's list... anyone else? Last call, I'm printing and shipping tomorrow. (Tuesday)

-Claire "Poison Quill" Warren

Pyrate Mum of Tales of the Seven Seas


I will most definitely add your well wishes Bone Hunter! We have a list of pirates sending well wishes and ye' shall be on it! I think I should probably get the booty in the mail to the lad, as it's been a while already, but I shall put you on the well-wisher's list... anyone else? Last call, I'm printing and shipping tomorrow. (Tuesday)

Throw me wishes in too, Quill! Bloody..I forgot 'bout this...coulda added a bit o' somethin' to it too, but it looks like the wee one'll be lootin' mighty well as it is...

"Don't hate me because I'm beautiful. Hate me because I am robbing you, tossing you overboard, and stealing your ship!"

-the only thing more dangerous than her.. is her needle-


ARRR! Makes me wanta go stage an accident, just for the plunder! By the way, I DID knock a tooth out last Friday night... :( [Fear not, the miracles of modern dentistry have it looking good as new.]

The Pyromaniac Pirate


Aye, the lad will certainly 'ave a fine time wi' all th' swag.

Please add me name t' th' list o' well-wishers!

Rumors of my death were right on the money.


Aye, the lad be truely a made man. Tell him beware or else he might lose it. To pirates!



"That's the navy for you. Rum in the scuppers today. Blood in the scuppers tomorrow."

Thrist is a shameless disease. So here's to a shameful cure!

"Loyalty, honesty and directness are traits I admire. Insecurity, snipes and disrespect I will not tolerate in the least."

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