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Geart now, I ave me only a few hours ta go here at work before I be headin out to Ohio fer a festival. Rain or shine I be there. Likes I say: A bad day at faire is better then a good day at work. :huh:

Shoots anything that moves!!

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Indeed Jonathan! I'll drink t' that!

Right now I'm feelin' pretty good. Tonight has infact turned into my Friday...so that means one extra day of partying for me this weekend! :huh:

Rum all around! :huh:


huh huh.........huh........yea' man....huh....huh.......i'm risin' t' the ceilin'....huh......huh huh! :ph34r: .........

:ph34r: ..today I am mostly............high,........in the happiness cloud :ph34r::ph34r:

Yes, it be pointy…..and ye be at the wrong side o’ it.


Feeling a little tired but having a great day. Looking forward to tomorrow because we are heading out to annopolis for the Maryland Maritime Festival. Suppose to ran but who cares it will be fun. :)

Sealegs Constance

I am what I am

I feel great. Had my review today and I got a raise. Time to celebrate.

Cheers and congrats! :ph34r:

today I am mostly............high,........in the happiness cloud

a most wonderful place to be!

Rum all around!

why thankee most kindly! I'm feelin like a glass of rum!!! :ph34r::ph34r:



Pensive..a bit nervous too..

I want these potential employers to call me..it's been a week now..should i check in or no? :ph34r: I'm not one to put all my eggs in one basket so to speak...

OOps! That was my outside voice;)!

"Big on self-reliance and personal responsibility. Down on culture of victimology. Nobody owes you a thing and life isn't always fair. Spend a little more time being grateful and less time bitching and you just might find a smile replacing that scowl. Being miserable doesn't make you 'deep;' it makes you insufferable."-The Thirsty Celt


~Sail it like you stole it!~

"Silence is Golden; Duct Tape is Silver"

I want these potential employers to call me..it's been a week now..should i check in or no?  I'm not one to put all my eggs in one basket so to speak...

Aye lass if they know what a talented and beautiful lass they'd be gettin, they'll call soon!! :wub:

<span style='font-size:21pt;line-height:100%'>Have Parrot Bay, will travel.

WILL SHARE TOO!!!</span>


Let's hope so..*crosses fingers an' toes, n' ears, n' swords, an' pistols an' everythin'* :wub: Thankee, Captain Tito...*blushes while crossin' everythin'* :D

OOps! That was my outside voice;)!

"Big on self-reliance and personal responsibility. Down on culture of victimology. Nobody owes you a thing and life isn't always fair. Spend a little more time being grateful and less time bitching and you just might find a smile replacing that scowl. Being miserable doesn't make you 'deep;' it makes you insufferable."-The Thirsty Celt


~Sail it like you stole it!~

"Silence is Golden; Duct Tape is Silver"


Like the men's room floor at a chili cook-off....

Doc Wiseman - Ship's Physician, Stur.. er... Surgeon Extrodinaire and general scoundrel.

Reluctant Temporary Commander of Finnegan's Wake

Piracy- Hostile Takeover without the Messy Paperwork

We're not Pirates; we're independent maritime property redistribution specialists.

Member in good standing Persian Gulf Yacht Club, Gulf of Sidra Yacht Club and the Greater Beruit Rod & Gun Club.


Grieved :unsure:

Today is a national holiday, feast and flee markets and traditionally it was me and my mum's fun day, going to the flee market together etc..

Not a good day for me now..missing her like hell.. B)


Terribly sorry t' hear thet Charity (((Charity))) *hugs Charity*

I understand....hope yer day gets better...

(goin' througha bit o' a rough patch meself..feelin' all rejected like)

Would ye like a professional massage? Might perk ye up a bit! I even offer some lovely treatments t' make someone feel pampered like...

It's a very healing and loving way t' let go of yer grievin' n' sour mood... :unsure:

OOps! That was my outside voice;)!

"Big on self-reliance and personal responsibility. Down on culture of victimology. Nobody owes you a thing and life isn't always fair. Spend a little more time being grateful and less time bitching and you just might find a smile replacing that scowl. Being miserable doesn't make you 'deep;' it makes you insufferable."-The Thirsty Celt


~Sail it like you stole it!~

"Silence is Golden; Duct Tape is Silver"

(goin' througha bit o' a rough patch meself..feelin' all rejected like)

Would ye like a professional massage? Might perk ye up a bit! I even offer some lovely treatments t' make someone feel pampered like...

It's a very healing and loving way t' let go of yer grievin' n' sour mood... wink.gif

Ah! Yeah..rejected i know the feeling, kinda washes over ye when those you consider "friends" are no where to be found when something bad (in our case cancer) enters life..

Tells you who is a true friend and i've found some are but the whole thing tends to make you feel very lonely :unsure:

A massage is always nice, thank you!

I've been tense and stressed for days..

The good laughs here help though B)

  Fancy said:
  Mad_Jack said:
Wonderful beyond words.

How do I feel now?

Well, a song comes to mind...

by Bad Company.

Funny, the same song's going through my head as well... :unsure:

Yo ho ho! Or does nobody actually say that?


wonderful words, yes?

I'm feeling so..... fabulous... so UP! I'm high right now... High on someone that's wonderful. :)



( I proceed t' give Charity some neck and shoulder massage, while telling her a funny joke, my sister sent me, via e-mail. I'll hev to pm ye Charity, as some of the jokes might be offensive t' th' men on this forum.)

:) No offense, some of them might be okay, but others are in poor taste.

Ladies, pm me if you want a copy.

OOps! That was my outside voice;)!

"Big on self-reliance and personal responsibility. Down on culture of victimology. Nobody owes you a thing and life isn't always fair. Spend a little more time being grateful and less time bitching and you just might find a smile replacing that scowl. Being miserable doesn't make you 'deep;' it makes you insufferable."-The Thirsty Celt


~Sail it like you stole it!~

"Silence is Golden; Duct Tape is Silver"


*Winks* They're hilarious! ;)

Ahh thanks, that's good, people here really know how to massage..my neck is stiff as a plank.

Thanks for the kindness, it's really appreciated ;)


No prob! Anytime! ;)

Cheers t' ye, tis a new day! ;)

( I continue working on her neck and shoulders, and scalp, using techniques they teach in school, an' new ones I learned out o'school from me mom, a certified instructor, an' professional)

OOps! That was my outside voice;)!

"Big on self-reliance and personal responsibility. Down on culture of victimology. Nobody owes you a thing and life isn't always fair. Spend a little more time being grateful and less time bitching and you just might find a smile replacing that scowl. Being miserable doesn't make you 'deep;' it makes you insufferable."-The Thirsty Celt


~Sail it like you stole it!~

"Silence is Golden; Duct Tape is Silver"


I be feeling great. Just got me back from a weekend fest. Weather a bit cool, but other then that, it be fyne.

Shoots anything that moves!!

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