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Everything posted by Nigel

  1. In my esty-may-shun, ye can't beat "Muppets Trasure Island". It is just too much fun, and some darn fine pyratey songs to boot. Tim Curry makes a terrific Long John silver. "Upstage, lads! This is my on-ly number!"
  2. This has been a good discussion. there are a lot of terms that touch on what attracts artists to the pirate's life. The study of communes in the '60s sounds interesting. Where did you find it, Zorg? Regarding the life of a modern-day 'pyrate': For me, at the top of the list is the issue of freedom. As an artist, (and a creative geeee-nius) anything that smacks of freedom is attractive to me. Freedom, and the ability to express oneself, ya got me, I'm hooked. Artists throughout history have attempted to gather in small communities, if for no other reason to stand against a world that is hostile to creative types. So, Zorg, you hit the nail on the head. The combination of autonomy and individuality, the ability to belong to a group, and yet not be forced to "conform". These are all attractive to the artist's mindset. To be an artist, one must be able to conceptualize, to see what does not yet exist. That is what fantasy is all about. Mystery and passion are also near and dear to most artist's nature. The opportunity to dress up n flamboyant costumes, and have it actually be a good thing, what artist could resist? And who could resist pointy things, wenches, and red wine? Lets not forget RUM! Hey, Patrick Hand - nice pic! Methinks a female pirate dressed like that would encounter little resistance. "Oh I give up. Take me, you scandalous femme!"
  3. Let's all get together and wish a hearty HAPPY BIRTHDAY, LIGHTHOUSE!! We'll be seein ya at th' birthday bash tonight. Looking forward to a rambunctious, froliking, rollicking, festive night of jocularity, rascality, hijinks, and shenanigans. I promise not to break anything this time. Except a couple hearts, but that can't be helped. We LOVE ya, sweetie! Yer the BEST!
  4. The first two were taken from teh deck of the Schooner Wolf. That is all I know. So at least it rules out that ship. That only leaves....how many others? Anyone else have any knowledge who the other ships were sailing that night?? We did gun battles with three or four of them.
  5. Eh, don't worry yerself about whose 'category' ye fall into, mate. That would be kinda anti-pirate anyways. That thinking leads to a narrowing of yer perspective. There is myuch t'be gained from all aspects of pirating, that can broaden your horizons and enhance yer experience, and the experience of those around ye. The important thing is t' have fun. Sounds like yer on the right track. drink up, me hearties! Yoo hoo!
  6. My all-time best eBay grab would be: An exact reissue of my 1960's Yamaha Flying Samurai guitar, down to the Turquoise metallic sparkle finish. I had sold the original Flying Samurai to buy my Strat (no regrets there) because the electronics at the time were sh**. Custom electronics weren't widely available back then. Nowadays, they are much more common, and I had lamented getting rid of the guitar. It had a unique neck, and played wonderfully. I had never seen another one since, until I got an "encyclopedia of electric guitars" and saw the picture of one. The turquoise finish was rare indeed. I was discussing it with my nephew: "the one guitar you wish you'd never sold". I decided to look it up on eBay - and there it was, only brand new! It was like having a dreadful sin abolished! All is forgiven...I got my baby back! Nothing plays quite like it! And this one is brand new! Woo HOO!!
  7. Ah, so you're saying use the "not these words" filter, eh? it can be kinda dicey, I guess ya just have to play with it to find out what works. Oh boo hoo. I am so lazy. Thanks fer the advice, luv!
  8. Wat a dashing rogue! The hat makes the monkey, I always say. Nice photo, mate!
  9. Of course, my mistake. How silly of me. I got me Saints mixed up. What was I thinking? Musta been the rum. I stand corrected.
  10. One might say I would fall more towards the "faire" side of the equation, yes? I intend no offense to those whose inclinations are otherwise. I respect the skills, effort and passion that go into all manner of costuming. By the same token, I have no need to "make excuses" for not sharing someone else's interests, or not meeting their expectations. I feel no remorse for my zeal for being an entertainer. Nor should I. Neither your way nor my way is “right”, they are just our individual preferences. We could each stand to learn from the other. But hey, when it comes to butting heads, I can be the biggest butt-head out there! lol ( )( ) See that? That's my head! Not everyone has the budget to buy costumes, 'tis true; not all people have the skills or resources to create their own either. 'Tis no shame in a lack of either. Fortunately, I have a little of both. I have put quite a bit of time, skills, and resources into my own costume(s). I agree that creating your own costuming is a rewarding endeavor, and encourage others to look into it. This forum is a terrific place to get the information. I agree with Hurricane, I'd like to see some more discussions on techniques, materials, resources, etc. Now, Salem Bob, I accept your offer of a drink. Rum, if'n ye please, barkeep! I thank ye kindly. I toast ye and yer enthusiasm, and now I shall retire to my corner of the pub, with me mates, who are drinkin' and carryin' on in a most undignified fashion. What a detestable, ill-mannered collection of ne'er-do-wells we be... Thanks for the spirited banter, mate!
  11. I was there last year and toured the Thayer and Balclutha. Beautiful ships. Are they still there?
  12. No worries, mate. I be intendin' nobody no harm. 'Tis all meant in good fun. If'n I wuz serious, why would I ever use these emoticons...they're silly!
  13. I concede. You win. Whatever. Don’t throw your shoulder out patting yourself on the back. While you’re at it, lighten up a bit. Yes, I addressed your point, you must have been so distraught you didn’t see it. No, the person in Nikes and a bandana is not as accurate (“less valid” is such a harsh phrase ); and no, he doesn’t need to be accurate. It is only "incorrect" if he is claiming to be historically accurate, which I have yet to see happen. To steal a quote from you (like a good pirate would ) "Who on earth" would think they are authentic in such garb? Why berate others for not sharing your interest in authenticity? There is nothing wrong with not being interested in historical accuracy. It is not a sign of lazines, or a "lack of drive"; they just don't share your passion for authenticity. It's okay. There’s no need to be so brusque. You can count threads to your heart‘s content, nobody is stopping you. I did not say that acting, reenacting and entertaining were synonymous. My comment was more of an “insert your hobby here”, and intended to say “stop taking yourselves so seriously.” (Case in point: do you make your living pirating? Can you really call it an “occupation”?) What’s with the unfriendliness, mate? It’s a hobby, for Chrissakes! And a very interesting and rewarding one at that. Try not to be so rude as to scare off those who might potentially take an interest in the hobby, and/or history. As I have said before, there is room for everybody. In fact, diverse interests on the wide-ranging subject of pirating make it a more well-rounded and potentially enjoyable experience for all. Nobody is trying to stop you from doing what satisfies you. By the same token, they are not less "valid” for wanting to pursue a more casual aspect of pirating. I am not saying that the pursuit of authenticity is not fun. Your attitude is not fun. However, I am a benevolent person; since you begged, you are pardoned. *Disclaimer: The preceding closing comment was made in jest. Don't go getting your knickers in a twist, folks! Now, have a seat, and let me buy you a drink [a magnanimous gesture to further prove my indisputable benevolence. ] How about some rum?
  14. You have misunderstood what has been said. What we are getting at is that not everybody is concerned with historical accuracy. Nor should historical accuracy be top priority for everybody. You are not so naive as to believe anybody was actually suggesting a real hanging, are you? Come on. The allusion is ludicrous. We are saying that nobody is actually risking what pirates were in reality risking back then. Don't kid yourself. We are merely pointing out that we, all of us, are merely actors and participants in a fantasy, gleaning the ascpects of being a pirate that suit our individual temperaments. One aspect is not more valid than another. It is logistically impossible to recreate the exact experience of being a 16th, 17th century pirate in the 21st century. There is nothing wrong with "playing at being a pirate". Just ask the hunderds of people we have entertained in the past few months who love us, and constantly invite us to return, or to attend their other events. That is rewarding to me. So what if you don't think my velvet coat is authentic? I like it. In all my piratical activities, I have not once actually had to tie a bowline or a reef knot, or even been asked what they were, and it has not hindred me one bit. Sure it is noble to know such things, but I don't care, nor should I. And it won't stop me from doing what I do, which is entertaining people. Arguing over what is "authentic" is only good to a point. (Were you actually there, taking account of every single pirate and what they did or did not wear?) We never said those issues were not valid at all, just that they are only valid to some. All of the speculation on authenticity is just that - speculation. Anything else is self-delusion. Authenticiy is a noble undertaking. But it is not the be-all and end-all of being a pirate in today's world. And yes, I am saying that you cannot be 100% accurate in your portayal of a pirate. In the end, we are here in the 21st century. We are also pointing out to some of the newbies who have expressed confusion and apprehension at becoming involved in the pirate community, because of a fear of being humiliated over authenticity, that not all of us are overly concerned with such things, and to look for groups of like-minded individuals - we are out there. If you are not having fun, why do you do it? If you are trying to make others not have fun...why do you do it? One more time - repeat after me - "I am not really a pirate. I am an actor/re-enactor/entertainer." It's okay.
  15. Well said mate! I think what we all share in common is what pirates symbolize to us in today's world - a metaphor for Freedom. Freedom be everything.
  16. Weh-heh-heh-hell! WHOO! Well said, master Sticky-Whiskers! Hang up yer cel phones and listen, dammit! Get a grip folks - don't kid yourselves about authenticity -here we are ONLINE in an INTERNET FORUM discussing historical authenticity! I'm sure there were a lot of pirates throughout history who were big internet users! LOL If this were historically accurate, we would be shouting at each other from the decks of our (most likely stolen*) ships, whilst stabbing and shootin' each other, especially anybody who dared say "Arrrgh!" (*Don't get me wrong - I have the utmost respect for those who have gathered the resources to buy their own ships, and to experience the thrill, and the responsibility, of sailing yer own ship. I agrees wit' Cap'n Hurricane (who, incidentally,led the historic mutiny from the SeaFair pirates, although he doesn't brag....much. Now that is a pirate's attitude - to mutiny from pirates who are getting too stuffy, rigid and structured! Ask him about it sometime, it's a great story.) The spirit of bein' a pirate is individuality!. It's about flyin' yer own colors when ya doesn't like sailin' under others' rules! What's with all the rules and regulations of bein' a pirate? "Well, they're not really rules, more like... guidelines, really." Hey, someone was gonna say it sooner or later.
  17. Band names? Don't even ask me... But your motto could be: "We're in it for the booty!"
  18. We need to get together a mass of pirates wearing the "Kiss me I'm a pirate" t-shirt for a group photo!
  19. What canI say? Yer such a thoughtful lass.
  20. So tell me, what keywords do you put into the search? If ya just puts pirate, ya get a ton of cheesy lingerie (why the call it Pirate is beyond me, unless it's beacuse the thong looks like an eyepatch!) and Pittsburgh Pirates baseball caps, along with kids toys and stuff. Any advice for refining yer serach on eBay?
  21. Oh yes!! I gots me the same t-shirt from Hot Topic - well, mine might be a tad larger than yers, Dreamie... and yes, I can attest to their effectiveness at getting the prescribed response! 'Tis good to see a product that delivers on its promises! Three cheers fer Hot Topic!
  22. And Mai Tai just add: "Hey ho ho, We're honorable men! And before we lose our temper we will always count to ten. On occasion thar might be someone ye have t'ex-y-cute, but When you're a professional pirrrraaaaaaaate....." "Ya don't hafta wear a suit!" "...What?" [Gotta love Clueless Morgan!]
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