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Everything posted by Nigel

  1. He he hee! I be workin' that one inta me snappy repartee, lass.
  2. "where the lettuce is crispy and the tomatoes are ripe. It's so perky, I love it." "Bye bye boys! Have fun stormin' the castle!" "You think it'll work?" "It'd take a miracle."
  3. Captain Ron! Another all-time great favorite movie! "Shark attack, squab." "A shark ate your eye?" "Aah Mom! The boat's on fire! Ahh!" "Ahhh! Pirates of the Caribbean!" "There are no gorillas here. Gorillas are native to Equatorial Africa." "At least we have our trusty compass." "The great barrier reef?" "Oh, you heard of it? Damn thing runs forever!" and my favorite: "It's just a lil' squall boss. They come on ya fast, they leave ya fast!"
  4. Woo HOO! Ah....great memories of the Schooner Wolf! Lettuce no when it comes out, willya? Nigel
  5. Aye, MerryD, Much Sex be your birthday! May it be so! Nigey Wigey
  6. Glad ye had a good time, mate. I have a couple pics, will send them to the captain to post on www.piratesofthe coast.com
  7. Gabrielle, I know just what you mean. That was the same reaction as my first night in Key West for PiP, as we sat out on our own private pier, and watched the sun set. The water was the deepset blue green, and the clouds were ablaze with oranges, pinks, and reds, Just as it hit the horizon, a tall ship passed in front; a stately silhouette against a burning sky. Breathtaking, truly breathtaking. It was an experience I shall ne'er forget.
  8. "I am not familiar with that phrase..." lol Jenny, luv, ye are truly after me black heart, arentcha? Yes, the Princess Bride is in me top 3 all-time favorite movies, along with Muppets Treasure Island, Pirates of the Caribbean, and Young Frankenstein. Okay, that's more than 3. HIGHLY recommended to anyone looking for a great, fun movie. The duel between Inigo and the Dread Pyrate Roberts is me all time favorite hollywood duel. I've been known to spout "You are using Bennetti's defense against me, eh?" at people, usually resulting in a confused look. Never once got a response "I thought it suitable, considering the rocky terrain." : One of these days....
  9. Ship’s log – The Blackheart, 02/22/04 Ahoy, mates! Nigel here, reporting on the Pardi Gras bash at the TNT last night. The tavern was packed to the rafters (literally) with boisterous pirates, bawdy wenches, and even more raucous friends. The beer and song were flowing, and high spirits abounded. Our gorgeous Florida wench (and my pirate ex-wife), the “Goddess in the Bodice” [that delicate flower from Orlando - yes, our own “Orlando Bloom”] came all the way out here to celebrate her 21st birthday. She is so young and lovely, and a welcome addition to the crewe. Quite the crowd of pirates and naughty-cal types attended: The Pyrates of the Coast (us), The Caribbean Pirates of Seattle, and of course the Thryce Wycked Wenches. Our friend, Billy Bones, came all the way from Oregon to spend the evening with the crewe. What an extraordinarily handsome, debonair pirate he is, and a darn fine guy. We welcome ye to join us any time, Billy! Many new pirate and wench friends joined us as well. Dreamboat Annie brought a whole crewe of new wenches. And our newest wench – “Belay”, joined us in all her finery. The entire tavern was full of swash buckling sorts! We raised a toast to our younger contingent, and other crewe members who were unable to be with us. The Goddess in the Bodice performed a couple of jazz tunes with myself; ‘twas a joy to be sure. She has quite the set of pipes, and a great singing voice too! (Plus, it gave me a chance to break out me “special” guitar, which has not been used on a gig in many a year!) Any time ye wants to, ye have an open invitation to sing wit’ me, dear. Just too bad we didn’t have a grand piano for ye to sprawl out on. [Note to captain: Look for a grand piano!] The Thryce Wycked Wenches stole the show. They had the crowd in the palm of their hand, which is just exactly the way they like it. Their naughty, bawdy tunes were a direct hit. What a team we make! A dual broadside, full-on boarding party! Resistance is useless against our combined forces! The crowd in the balcony were particularly unruly (and fun!), and the distribution of Mardi Gras beads was continuous, adding to the mayhem. Notice: Somewhere along in the night, someone lost their head of hair. Brown, about shoulder length. It is at the TNT tavern, ask the bartender. Ah, ‘tis the way of things when this crewe embarks upon a Pirate raid… What a night! The Pyrates would like to thank everyone who came down for the evening; we had a great time. Keep watching for upcoming Pyrates of the Coast events! Now to rest, and recuperate.
  10. We be lookin' farward to seein' all of ye (what can make it there) at the Parrrty tonight at the TNT! After last night's warm up re-creation of "the New Year's Kiss" at the Red Dog and partying at Myhre's, we have recruited some new victims...er, friends, and are ready for a rousing evening of merriment, frivolity and song! [We shall rasie a toast to our younger contingent and hoist a tankard in their stead.] See you all there! Nigey
  11. Oh yes, Bess - 'tis a great ice-breaker at parties. Like I say, I live a life of humble service to me community.
  12. LS, we'll kee pye abreast o' the upcoming Pyrate events. Ye be welcome t'join us. And Dreamie, when it comes t'age, no worries. Me 3rd Pyrate Wife is yer age (20 years old), and we absolutely adore each other. As the Crewe always does, we are here fer ya.
  13. Happy Berfday, Brudder Billy! A toast to ye, ya scoundrel. Enjoy!
  14. Ah, Maggie dear, the ever hectic life of a Pyrate has me a-hoppin' to and fro, wi' nary a moment to spare fer the pub. 'Twas out doin' me pyratical doody on Valentine's day. Thar be hearts out thar in need of mendin'. An' udder hearts in need o' breakin'.... I needs t'git me a display : "Now Serving Number__" So bizzy. So much to do. I live a life of service to th' community. Brudder Billy, would I deduce correctly from yer posts that ye be comin' t'Seattle fer the Partigras celebrayshun wit' th' Pyrates of the Coast? It shall be a rompin' rollickin' good time, t'be sure! Maggie, ye be a welcome addition t' the crewe. By the time ye be legal age, ye will have more than a lifetime o' proper Pyrate training; ye'll have the edge on folks twice yer age. That way, ye'll be able t'pack in more fun than a body has a right to in one lifetime. Trust me, I know this from experience. Cheers! Nigey
  15. As the Pyrates of the Coast's official "corset demonstrator", I would be happy to assist ye in yer endeavors, lass. Seems me main task lately has been showin' the lasses how a corset could change their appearance... "...but I don't have cleavage!" "Ah, but you can! Allow me to demonstrate...." I love my work. Yer in good hands with Nigel. But not t' worry luv, ye be gettin' great advice here from the rest o' the lasses. Just remember me when ye' wants the "demo".
  16. Aye, th' cap'n is right, we're a-waitin' fer ya, Dreamie dear. In fact, he's a-sittin' right here. Just git yerself ta 21 and we got ya covered. Meanwhile, we'll miss ya, and we'll raise a toast in yer honor. 'Tis the best we can do fer th' time being. We'll keep ya posted fer the non-over-21 gigs. Nigey
  17. Thankye, Capn! I do my best to do the Crewe proud! I'd tell ye the details, but ye wouldna believe me. Service is my hallmark. Cha-CHING! Hoist anudder Creme de ka_KOW for me, Capn!
  18. Hows about shortening it up to one word: "Knockbooty"? Or go for the exotic: "Nokbuti" or the Germanic: "Nachbutte" or even "Nachenzebutzen"
  19. Gory details! We want gory details! Ye musta had fun! C'mon, lasses, give us the scoop!
  20. I heard another one: Q: What has eight legs and eight eyes? A: Eight pirates! Arrgh!
  21. Ship's Log: Feb. 08, 2004 Sir Nigel, Acting Captain, Pyrates of the Coast Lighthouse’s Birthday Bash, aftermath. Lighthouse’s Birthday Bash was a rollicking festival of merriment. Everyone showed up in their finery, bringing gifts and high spirits. The band was hot, the women were hotter, the beer was cold, The food was delicious. Par for her reputation Lighthouse was an exceptional hostess. Bedecked in a dark blue chiffon dress and diamond tiara, she looked ravishing. Most attendees were ‘dressed to the nines’. Captain Hurricane had taken a cannonball and was out of commission (bleeding profusely, he was attended to by the lovely Spitfire). I took up command, stepped in as Acting Captain, a title which I defended with the utmost Pyrate abandon, as the smaller but ever more zealous crewe descended upon an unsuspecting Kirkland. Accompanied by the lovely and high-spirited Dreamboat Annie, (after a warm-up imbibement at a local pub) we entered the hitherto unsullied gala and executed a full-on, two-person Pyrate boarding party with all of the gusto of a full crewe. We returned with heads held high, our Crewe’s reputation intact, pyrate souvenirs in hand, smiles as wide as the ocean, and incriminating photographs to boot. (Some of the photos will be posted on the Pyrates of the Coast website.) Yes, the booty was abundant. 'Twas an experience I'll never forget, for many reasons! The wine, champagne, beer and drink flowed. The music rocked. The partying was hearty! The cuisine was exquisite. The party was a complete triumph! A magnificent time was had by all. After raiding the Central for last call, the party returned to Lighthouse's domicile for much more merriment and celebration. Decorum (and blackmail) prevents me from listing all the details of the rest of the evening. Suffice it to say that all had a wonderful time. I return this morning, sullied, exhausted, satiated, and smiling from ear to ear. Today’s mission: fortify. Replenish precious bodily fluids lost during the course of the night. Reflect on the evening’s events. Thank you, Lighthouse, for hosting such a marvelous, festive shindig. I have now been promoted to Quartermaster. I am authorized to act as captain in times of necessity. I accept the position with great pride. I have now earned my stripes, and my new nickname “Jackpot”. I am looking forward to the next Pyrate event with great anticipation.
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