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Everything posted by Nigel

  1. Howdy y'all - I mean "Arrgh!" I will be visitin' me homeport o' Denver, CO in May. If'n thar be any pirates from this forum in the area, 'twould be fun to meet yer. So what say ye? What pirates be thar in good ol' Colorady?
  2. May yer plunder be wonderous May yer booty be of greatest beauty May yer lootin' be worth salutin' May the spoils be worth the toils* May yer seas all be calm - And yer ammo "the bomb"! May there be wind in yer sail and tankards of ale, And nary a quest not yielding a chest, Of gold dubloons fer yer hold. May ye raid, sack, and pillage many a village, May ye drink many a toast, and boast many a boast, May ye jest and ye brag, o'er mountains o' swag, And yer pockets brim o'er wit' gold! And find yerself a handsome deckhand t'put some shiver in yer timbers! Luvs ya, lass. Good t'hear yer voice. Tis like honey t'me ears. *"This land is full of trousers, this land is full of mousers- And pussycats to eat them when the sun ... goes ... doooown."
  3. Arrrgh! Drinks all 'round, fer me fav'rit lusty pyrate lass! Happy birthday, luv!
  4. Awesome! These girls are as talented and entertaining as they are buxom, bawdy, and beautiful! A must-see live!
  5. Not many people "get it" when I use the quote "Sleep well, and dream of large women." More's the pity.
  6. Fer fun songs and great harmonies, try the Thryce Wycked Wenches new CD, "TNT": http://www.cafeshops.com/cp/tf.aspx?tf=81616 It's dynamite! These naughty-cal, bawdy lasses are wonderful to behold in performance as well.
  7. Wishin' all the best t' one o' the best pirate lasses around! Happy birthday, luv! May yer most heartfelt dreams and wishes come true.
  8. Happy berfday, lass! I give ye a pyrate saloot! Bottoms up!
  9. Oo! Sounds great! I am anxious t'see the pix!
  10. Aye, Cap'n T. Pyrates of the Coast did a book fair for the elementary school in Port Orchard (pronounced 'Parrrrt Arrrchard' by good pyrates) on Friday. (Was this perchance a nationwide event?) 'Twas great fun. The staff was dressed as pyrates, and wer right dandy looking if I say so meeself. We gave out beads and stickers t' the tykes (and, of course, their mommies.... :) ) and t' the staff as well. I parrrticularly liked the little mechanics dollies that we were rowing like dinghies, racing each other across the gymnasium floor. The volleyball game was fun (I commented that we should learn to return incoming cannonballs in the same way, and bounce 'em back t' the other ships!) And Captain Hurricane did a really nifty trick with a hoola hoop like a boomyrang. Ya gots ta see it t'believe it! Had th' kids chasing it all over, he did. And the "star wars" game - which reminded me of dodge ball - was a hoot. Getting hit was th' best part, as I could really ham it up -"Arrgh! Ya got me, doc! It's goin dark...dark...*cough cough* dark..." We had a dandy time, and helped t' raise some money fer the school. 'Twas a win-win sitchyation. I managed to score a great lil' book o' pyrate jokes meself. I plans on tellin' a few o' them at our next Pyrate Pub Raid!!! And it's all fer a great cause. We had great fun, and were invited back t' the school for more fundrasising and fun in the future.
  11. Aye, ye be entirely welcome, luv. 'Twas my pleasure to raise a very special toast t'ye. And we love lasses who love being pirates! Hugs from a bonnie lass (and lovely and charming) such as yourself are always welcome here. And thank ye so kindly fer helpin' me clear up that nasty infection.... A computer virus, you scoundrels! Arrrgh! Get your minds out of the gutter! Or at least move over and make room for me!
  12. funny, it's almost as if I be talkin' t' meself. Yikers and krikey! 's that you, captain?
  13. Aye, Quartermaster, A fine good report. I thoroughly enjoyed tinkering with the bride to be and her party as well as the oh so luscious lips of Rosalie. Who'd think that this kind of fun could even be legal in any state. I think you captured the essence of the evening like a true chronicler of piracy should. Good job lad and it's always a pleasure to sail with you on these misadventures.
  14. Ship’s Log 03/21/04 Arrgh. Well, upon returning, nonetheless for wear and tear, I must submit this here entry into the ship’s log, for posterity. After a tight chase with the Kirkland police and a narrow escape, Quartermaster Nigel is now officially “on the lamb from the law.” And that is as it should be for a pirate, no? We had a mind-blowing, marvelous time at the pub raid at The Central tonight. Kirkland will ne’er be the same, and that’s fine by me. Speaking with Paisley and Godice in person made got my evening off to a perfect start. We raised a toast to Cabinlass Maggie, Paisley, Pierre, and Godice, and all of our Pyrates of the Coast from one coast to the other - and a “special” toast to Lady Elaina... And shouts went out to Scupper, and a special thanks to MerryDeath, whom enlivened my costume with a new "bunny"! I still wonder about why the heart is upside down ... Candy, and the rest of the staff at the Central Pub in Kirkland were superbly dressed in pyrate garb for the evening’s festivities, though nothing could prepare them for the revelry about to ensue. Between the pool-shark wenches, pirates, bikers, and partygoers, and our newest recruit, the lovely Rosalie, whom I affectionately call “My little Rosa-Lea”, (with the longest, softest legs in recent memory), the evening was a true broadside boarding party in Pyrates of the Coast fashion. The locals had no idea what they were in for. Lola and Katie invitied us over, welcomed us to their fine brewery (the WaiMea), and opened their hearts as well as their doors to the Pyrates. We salute you, ladies, and look forward to frequenting your fine establishment. What great beer they make! You are Pyrates in the truest sense. They even offered yours truly a place to display my own artwork! Isn't that terrific! Everyone at (and on the way to) the Central was extremely hospitable, and some of the locals were overly exuberant upon receiving their beads. You would have thought we had given them pure Aztec gold! We were dragging people along with us, like the pied piper, down the streets of Kirlkland, to our final destination - the Central Pub. One stunning blonde bombshell could not belive how beautiful the beads were, and how they matched her eyes. (How true.) Several pictures, and kisses, later, she still could not get over our generosity. (Nah, just one more picture, just to be sure...) Ah, a life of service to the community - how rewarding. I shall ne’er forget Donna, her lovely friend, and the smell of gasoline; nor Yvette and her sensual French language and brazenly bare shoulder, nor Seif and his partying buddies. And the taste of Captain Morgans finest....ah.... The bachelorette party really topped things off in true Pyrate style. (Poor girl had no idea what she was getting herself into…) Wild, wild, wild... About 2:30 am, after stumbling through the streets of downtown Kirkland, totally illegal, mug full of rum in outstretched hand - in true Jack Sparrow fashion, I took my leave from Annie B’s hot tub/bachelorette party, to find the mass of Kirkland police gathered around the parking lot; I evaded their tiresome, unrelenting pursuit, (they tailed me forever - and just wouldn't give up, no matter how I eluded them!) and I finally made the long journey home to Frosty Acres; my head swimming, my liver cringing, and many new memories for “the book”. One day, when I am old, I will be sitting and laughing hysterically at tonight’s events, and nobody will have a clue why…. Such is the life of a Pyrate. In the words of Captain Hurricane, “I could tell you, but you wouldn’t believe me.” Signing off, Sir Nigel, Quartermaster of the Blackheart
  15. And a 'special' toast be goin' out tonight to our own Lady Elaina....near and dear to our heart(s) Cheers luv!
  16. Get ready to hoist yer skirts, er, tankards tonight, mates! The pub raid be on! ARRRRRRGH! Take no prisoners! Maggie, this one's fer you! Arrrrgh!
  17. Aye lass, a haunting and evocative voice she has.
  18. Why, of course, dear! We shall toast ye in true Pyrates style! we are happy to have ye as a part of our crewe, lass. In fact, since i am fast becoming the official barkeep of the Pyrates, mayhaps we can devise our own drink, called the "cabinlass" Lets see, what shall it be made of?
  19. As the recently appointed Quartermaster of the Blackheart, and partially responsible for resulting damages, I hereby make the following announcement: March 20, Kirkland, WA The Pyrates of the Coast will be taking over the Central Tavern in downtown Kirkland for an evening of mayhem, pirate marriages, beadings, song, hijinks and the usual, or unusual frivolity. See us there from 8 til midnight and join in the fun! For continuing updates on this and future events, check the Pyrates of the coast website: http://www.piratesofthecoast.com/voyages/index.html Oh, just go check out the website anyway! http://www.piratesofthecoast.com/index.html That is all. As you were...
  20. Oooh, I love the helmet! Aye, LadyL, that be th' arteest's curse... "When the **** is it done???" [We had to do an "intervention" with one o' me studio mates t' let her know she was done with a piece, after she had worked on it for a couple months.... She is quite 'attentive to detail'. Some would say "fanatical". lol] Thank ye fer the compliments everyone. They are much appreciated. I had another idear, lemme know what ye all thinks... I thought of adding a couple of poker cards or tarot cards, going along with (possibly) the theme that this bloke's "luck had run out" or thathis time was up. I kinda like that theme. Would either Tarot cards or Poker cards be completely unauthentic and out of place/time? Any idears/feedback? Thanks all!!
  21. Wow, mates! These are all great suggestions. Thanks a ton. Billy B, where might a bloke find a copy of a broadsheet, or at least the verbiage, from a pyrate tryal? I definitely want what's in my drawing to look authentic, of course. Paisley, I am curious - why a hibiscus flower? ('member, I grew up in th' mountains....) B Jack, what do a belaying pin look like? (all I can thing of is a bowling pin lol) and also, what kind of distinguishin characteristics does a rigging knife have? Hm...spiders, flasks, maps, knives, coins, crrrabs, rope, these are all great suggestions! I gots me a knife, but 'tis jest a chintsy lil' dagger with a skull and crossbones fer the handle. Too kitschy. Not the right thing fer this. Will have t' find a good one. Anyone who has pics of good items, email em t'me, if'n ye please. I'd much appreciate it. Already the drawing has undergone complete transformation. The entire surface has been reworked. It started out as a quick 3-hour challenge between myself and one o' my studio mates, to see what we could do with this 'wipe out' technique (which is a LOT of fun!) At the stern 'urging' of my mentor, it has turned into a full-fledged project. Little did I know what I was in for...of course, many things in life are that way. Glad I got a pic of it as it stood after the initial wipe-out session. Rhumba, I like the sunglasses and shotglass, I will have to do that one at a later date Thanks fer all yer suggestions, I will post updates as the piece progresses. Now, where did I stash me gold coins? Hm... stumble stumble, crawl crawl...
  22. Eh, it's okay. Would be nice if ye put a lil' effort inta it, though. ;P
  23. First of all - shameless self promotion here! Check out my new illustration. The infamous "Skulley" returns in Skulley2! http://www.pyracy.com/gallery/details.php?image_id=213 I have also changed this to be me new profile photo and avatar, replacing the PrateChix2 illustration *snif*. The piece was a by product of a 3-hour "wipe-out" (charcoal technique) demonstration/challenge between meself and one o' me art studio mates. The piece has since undergone considerable refinement. I shall post it here when it is finished. Now, to the question - I want to do a still-life painting with Skulley as the central focus, in a "Piratical" theme. Any suggestions on what other items/props to include in the setup? I would like to keep it fairly small, so that Skulley is prominent (bless him), but will consider all suggestions. C'mon, all me fellow pirates gotta have some good idears!
  24. "Hey, you can't drink my beer! Get your own!" "Hey, who turned off the music? Where's the beer?" "Uh-oh! Gotta go!"
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