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Everything posted by Nigel

  1. I just talked with my costumer, JoAnne at Costumes Period. She just got agreat deal on a leather hide and is offering Black Leather Tricorn 'Pirate' hats like mine for only $150. These are superbly handcrafted, have a 'dome' crown (not a 'bucket'...ewww!) and a wire in the brim for shaping. The hat is excellent, and 'fits like a glove'. Excellent quality, and $150 is a great price (normally about $175) I have uploaded a couple of pics in the Pub Photo Album, Under the title "Nigel's Hat...etc" The pics arent great, but they give you a general idea what it looks like: http://www.pyracy.com/gallery/details.php?image_id=177 http://www.pyracy.com/gallery/details.php?image_id=178 To contact Joanne, go to her website: http://members.aol.com/dressmup/ Or email her: DressMup@aol.com <DressMup@aol.com> Be sure to tell her that you were referred by Nigel!
  2. Ah, BB, that be the great part of bein' a pirate - You can pull off just about any stunt, and relate it to a scene from a pirate movie. "It ain't about not fallin'. It's about landin' on yer feet. If'n ya don't land on yer feet, keep rollin' till ya come up on them." And Capt Weaver, I love your story. Your poor Spanish lady musta had some distant relatives who'd been assaulted on the high seas off the Spanish main or something, eh? Most of the time, I counteract the stares and comments by approaching the person(s) directly and engaging them in conversation. It catches them off guard. 9 out of 10 times, it turns out they are quite friendly, and we part 'best buddies'. They love to feel like they're 'part of the adventure'. Everybody loves pirates, and most people would secretly love to be a pirate. This knowledge is quite useful when you 'ave yer buckle all swashed and yer finest piratical garb on. Charlotte, I think being called a hippie is hilarious. Kudos to your professor for recognizing the diff'rence. LuckyP, I think your experience is common to many of mine, that people call me Johnny Depp rather than Capt Jack Sparrow. In fact, many people who called me JD gave me blank stares when I mentioned Capt Jack Sparrow. Go figure.
  3. Happy birthday, mate! I have enjoyed the discussions with you immensely. Here's to ya! Cheers!
  4. How about this: http://www.bagpipe-sheet-music.com/ Hey, it surprised the heck outta me. lol There is a search engine on the site. Look for particualr songs you may be interested in. ["Pirate" only turns up Pirates of Penzance.] Otherwise, try doing a Google search.
  5. Ne'er mind the comment, girls. 'Twas offhand, and not meant to offend. Let's just say that I live in Seattle - goth central. After a while, black & red gets old.
  6. "Drag 'n' drop" be a fittin' description o' me crewe comin' in after a night o' pillaging, carousin' and drinkin'! Ye can post the photos in the Pub Photo Album, the link is at the top left of the page here.
  7. Oh my. Stunning, simply stunning. And the outfit too!! Wow, I am speechless. This may be a first...
  8. We be workin' on that, lass. I be gettin' her pictures to post on her website. And Thanky fer th' complyments, especially comin' from someone with such obvious good taste. I would like t'see more o' yer costume work, lass. Ye can always go to the following locations to see more pics of me an' the crewe: http://www.piratesofthecoast.com/kw-scrapbook.html http://www.shutterfly.com/os.jsp?i=67b0de2...510284a3&open=1 http://www.shutterfly.com/os.jsp?i=67b0de2...5db941453c&pg=0 Of course, the ones I posted the links to in the previous post were probably the best at showing the overall costumes, but these pix are darned fun!
  9. Ah, that's nice, lass. Besides, black and red is so....run-of-the-mill...everyone and their dog is wearing it. That is some fine handiwork, you should be proud to wear it.
  10. Agreed. That red type is painful, Jack.
  11. I took up the gee-tar at the tender age of 8, studying classical, folk, and theory. By the age of 13, I was gigging professionally on a regular basis. The pay hasn't gotten much better since then..... I studied clasical, jazz, blues, and rock guitar for many years. I studied jazz and clasical piano/harmony/theory/composition/improvisation for 7 years. I taught guitar for several years in Denver. I have performed in various groups: rock, blues, big band jazz, dixieland, folk, celtic rock, orchestra, sung barbershop in a 40-member chorus (yes, I even had my own quartet) and now I am playing/singing with the Pyrates of the Coast, out of Seattle, WA. I am also continually working on original music in my home studio. I have written music for interactive demos for such lofty clients as Starbucks. I am also currently interested in joining or forming an electrified celtic rock band in Seattle - if anyone knows of any good musicians in the area, send 'em my way...
  12. OOOooo....a BC Rich....Nice axe, mate! We can call that yer "boarding axe"!!!! What year is it?
  13. Let's face it once and for all- Unless you actually live on a sailing ship (full time!) Unless you actually steal from other sailing ships Unless the Navy has a warrant out for your arrest If you have never killed anyone If you use a microwave If you drive a car If you have a phone If you smoke manufactured cigarettes If you watch POTC, Hook, or even Captain Blood on your VHS or DVD player (no matter how much you love the movie) If you were born in a century that starts with a "19"... I have news for you: You are not a real pirate. We are all playing the part of pirates from a past century in a 21st century world. None of us are really pirates. We are actors. Actors of different sorts, yes, but actors nonetheless. What we wear is, in actuality, costumes. Not uniforms. In essence, we are all posers. I know it's hard to hear, but hey, the truth can be that way. I remember a quote from my Ren Faire days: "It is the fantasy of adventure that we are bringing back, not the plague." Go out there, have some fun. Share your ideas with yor mates on how to make it more enjoyable for everybody. Stare in awe at those who have put time, money, love, and effort into making their costumes beautiful, authentic, fantastical, outrageous, whatever. Even though I am not personally overly concerned with being authentic, I do marvel at the wonderful costumes and rich historical knowledge of my fellow pirates. People who love what they do and put their heart into it are to be respected and admired. They enrich my experience as a pirate. One person's costume is not "better" than another. If you don't like it, fine. Let's see what you're really made of, mister (or miss) "more authentic pirate than thou"..... Go tell the biker gang with the skull & crossbones on their bandanas that they are not "period"; chastise them for being a bunch of posers, and I'll salute your remains as I pass them on the side of the road. Or try this one on for size: Go join the real modern day pirates in Malaysia. Let's see what they have to say about being "authentic". Remeber, have fun!! If not, what is the point?
  14. Party Me Hearties! er..that sucks...lemme think. No, that hurts. Lemme drink fer a minute. I'll get back to ya on that one, mate.
  15. I have been working with JoAnn at Costumes, Period. I have said before, and I'll say it again: She is brilliant. http://members.aol.com/dressmup/ Email JoAnn at: DressMup@aol.com *If you inquire with her, please tell her that you were referred by me (Nigel)* Her leather tricorn is excellent, and goes for $175. http://www.shutterfly.com/os.jsp?i=67b0de2...510284a3&open=1 [PICT0020.JPG] She also makes excellent pirate clothing, has done a vest (even better than the one she used as a reference, btw), breeches, bootflaps, and customized my coat. Pix of my costumes can be found at: http://www.pyracy.com/gallery/details.php?image_id=165 http://www.shutterfly.com/os.jsp?i=67b0de2...5db97d4500&pg=7 [0926640-R2-006-1A.jpg] [0926640-R2-004-0A.jpg] [0926640-R2-012-4A.jpg] http://www.shutterfly.com/os.jsp?i=67b0de2...5db97d4500&pg=5 [NigelNSheila_01.jpg] http://www.shutterfly.com/os.jsp?i=67b0de2...5db97d4500&pg=9 [0936120-R1-031-14.jpg 2004-01-01] http://www.shutterfly.com/os.jsp?i=67b0de2...db97d4500&pg=10 [0936120-R1-015-6.jpg 2004-01-01] Gimme a holler if ya have any questions. Nigel
  16. Uh-oh.... More incriminatin' evydence!!!
  17. "Passing Out" has me rolling on the deck!!! Ow! Ow! My stomach!!! I can't take it - it's too funny!!!
  18. ARRRGH! That is one terrific piece o' pyrate music! I haven't laughed that hard since...well...I heard "Scurvy on a pirate ship!" "Orange????" Hmm...hmm...hmm..... "A pirate I was meant to be....trim the sails and roam the seaaa..." Thanks so much for the refer'al, mate!!!! I got me a new pirate song to add to me list of fav'rits!
  19. I see word has been getting around... Avast, ye rumours! And besides, she wasn't 21. ...at least, not yet. "To infamy...and beyond!!!"
  20. Actually, I think I actually sprained me bum during that little adventure, ("...is it possible to sprain your a**?....") but... Oh wait, 'ere comes an angry 'usband, or father, who knows!!!! I must away! "....awaaaay...." "...aaayyy...." "...aayy..."
  21. "Oh, you like that? I got a meellion of em!" Arrrrrrrrgh! "Yoicks, and awaaaayyyyy!!!"
  22. Arrgh, yes.... Winking and nodding and touching the nose, he slips out the back afore anyone can find 'im..... "Shoot first, ask questions later!" -Blackbeard the Smugler "No time for small talk - kiss first, run like hell later!" -Nigel the Snuggler
  23. I couldn't have said it better meself, mate. The times were unforgettable, the experience was life- altering, and the friends were the real pirate's treasure to be found. A toast to all our pirate friends, old and new!!! "Here's to lookin' back at great times, and forward to more!!!"
  24. Rum cake! Me fav'rite kind! Happy berfdaze, Phoenix! Drink up, or eat up, me hearties! Yo-ho!!!!
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