Well, mates, ye shoulda been 'ere. We had a riotous good raid last night. The "Red Dog" pub will be'er be the same! I was havin' so much fun, I totally forgot New Year's Eve, until it was already after midnight!
Much frivolity and pyratey partying ensued.
And as a pyrate, I find meself in peculiar situations which I ne'er would otherwise.
For example: "I love my girlfriend, but she's not having fun. Will you take her out to my van, drink some liquor with her, and get her in a good mood?"
Or: "Can you come to my house and take some pictures with my parrot?"
She did have a very nice African Grey parrot, btw.
We should be posting new years eve pics on the Pyrates of the Coast website soon.
Just getting me warmed up fer th' next raid!!!