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Everything posted by Nigel

  1. There is a joke there about Slytherin in the bedroom", but I'll leave it to the collective imaginations of all the pirates out there. You know who you are and what you're thinkin'! Pardon me if I be a bit fresh, luv.
  2. You can go to my costumer, JoAnn at Costumes, Period. She is absolutely brilliant, reasonable, and quick. Her costuming was so good, that I was signing autographs at the Disney DVD release party. People thought I was in the movie. http://members.aol.com/dressmup/ Or email JoAnn at DressMup@aol.com Be sure to tell her that Nigel referred ya. Another good place to get a piratey coat is Kristismart.com She has reasonable prices.
  3. Sounds right lovely. Would love to see what you do with the place. Let me know if ya needs help with any artywerk or designs fer yer flag. I be werkin' on me new place as well,in between everythang else.
  4. Congrats on getting moved in, luv; or moved out, whichever way ya want to look at it. I jes' be finishin' movin' meself. 'Tis a pain in the arse, if ya ask me! Hope yer new place suits ya, and I be lookin' fer a bottle to crack open with ya. The fun part be "makin' the place your own".
  5. 'Twere brilliant. The title comes up "The Video Pirates" cut to a scene of a broadside, and the pirates boarding the ship, cutting down everyone in sight. Makes the captain walk the plank. Then enters the pirate captain, a striking figure, (very Hook-esque) and they break down the door to the captain's cabin. Inside is filled with videotapes floor to ceilin'. The pirates gasp with joy and begin plunderin'. "Make all the illegal copies ye want, me hearties!" epxclaims the captain. One of the pirates puts a tape in the VCR. Up comes the FBI warning. The captain (mockingly) exclaims "Ohhhhhh....I am soooo scared!" Then they all bust out laughing. It was bloody brilliant. Arrgh.
  6. By the By, Lady Elaina, that is a nice photo. Was it taken on the last day of the festival?
  7. Gee, cap'n...ye wouldn'a be thinkin' of postin' no incriminatin' photos of yer ol' crewmate Nigel on thar now, wouldja? Cap'n? Uh-oh....
  8. Can anybody explain the parameters for Haiku, for those who want to give it a go?
  9. BTW, I mean no offense to wearers of bucket style crowns, I just think they don't make for a good 'tricorn' style, that's all. A tricorn with a bucket crown always looked like a misshapen cowboy hat to me. I had a traumatic experience with a cowboy hats as a child. I dinna wanna talk about it. I gotta go now.
  10. The costumer who made my black leather tricorn is brillliant. It has a dome top (not the cheesy bucket top like some hats on ebay) and a wire so that you can custom shape the brim (which I spent a lot of time playing with - very handy.) Her name is Joanne and she runs Costumes Period in Auburn, WA. Her website url is: http://members.aol.com/dressmup/ and her email is DressMup@aol.com If you contact her ragarding a hat or costuming, please be sure to mention that Nigel referred you. She is also brilliant in all aspects of costuming, fast, friendly, her work is downright gorgeous! I can upload some pix from Key West to show as samples if ya like.
  11. Yes, it is quite reminiscent of the classic from "Meaning of Life". Actually, this has a bit more of a (Captain) "Hook" feel to it. [Hm...that left some room for innuendo....] I think it may have actually been intended as a public service announcement, just done in a satirical way.
  12. Me current favorite is the one y'all got tired of hearin' me sang in Key West The song of course, is "It's All Part of Bein' a Pirate" (Must give credit where credit is due): by the illustrious poet Dan Freed, adopted to song by the great shanty singer Tom Lewis from BC, and thereby adopted and adapted by yours truly. I was delighted to be the first person to have legal permission direct from Tom and Dan, to sing this song in public. You will notice, of course, a portion of the song in my signature. Me next favorite pirate song is "Professional Pirate" fromt he Muppet Treasure Island" soundtrack. That is one great movie, possibly me all-time favorite.
  13. Oops. Sorry, I guess I didn't need to include the whole quote, eh?
  14. Beautiful piece o' music. One o' me all-time favorites!
  15. I saw a short film titled "The Video Pirates" some years ago (when videotape pirating was a big issue), as a preamble to a feature movie. It was hilarious, and I am trying to remember what movie it was with. I believe it was a Python, or possibly a Terry Gilliam movie. The short was very Gilliam-esque. Has anybody else seen this, and does anyone remember what movie it was with?
  16. *Sniff* That was beautiful. Now ye brought a tear to me glass eye, lass. It does make one curious though...Arrr, I be ponderin'.
  17. Pirate Haiku Avast I tip me cup To toast yer good leg It slips out of me hook Argh
  18. Yes, Pierre, I certainly enjoyed meetin' ya as well! You were joinin' in singin' right fine, and ye be welcome t' jam with us lot o' Pyrates! What a fine time, and a great bunch o' people ... er... pirates! Arrr! I tip me mug to ya, mate!
  19. Happy belated birthday, Stynky! I see ya got hold o' some o' the same brew we was a-drinkin, eh mate? From the same batch, perhaps? That was some dam fine stuff! I got some from a fine fella named Olaf, who be hangin' with us Pyratesof the Coast. Yummy Rummy! :)
  20. Keep me posted, mate! I'm up for the casting call! Also, if ya needs any art, let me know!
  21. AH, I be an artist, mate. Take a look at the pic in my profile (The Sepia tone Skull, as opposeed to the cartoon crossbones avatar), it may give ye an idear of me caliber. I have many more samples, and ye can ask Hurricane for a reference, he is familiar with my work. The project sounds interestin' - somethin' I have been thirstin' for. Give me a holler and we can discuss it in detail; either here or at mkloep@hotmail.com Be sure to put somethin' in the subject line about pirate art, so's I don't be tossin' it with the junk mail! Nigel
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