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Everything posted by Nigel

  1. Aye, good movies. 'Twas fun watchin' Captain Blood with a theater full o' Pirates, at the PiP festival in Key West. I hope they do more of the same this year.
  2. Damn, Redd, I finally get t' see yer work, and right bully it is, too. I be impressed, and I'm surly and downright hard to please. Plus, it's Monday marnin' and I'm late fer class. Me coffee is tepid and weak, wi' nary a drop o' rum in sight. Now walk the plank, ye upstarts!
  3. I just rented "The Seahawk" starring Errol Flynn, and the exact same cast, and identical plot to the classic "Robin Hood", right down to the love affair between Alan Hale and the heroine's handmaiden. Fun film! I give it two bottoms up!
  4. ARRGH! I be pinin' fer th' Keys! And warm beaches, great pyrate company, lots o' rum, and me loverly Pyrate wives, past and future....
  5. Thar ya go, lass! Yer gettin' the hang of bein' a pirate! The funny thing is, e'en tho' they may balk about it, nobody can resist pirates. It's like magic. Why be "normal"??? It's the pirate attitude. Ye doesn't ask t' have a good time, ye makes yer own good time and invites others t' join in! Ye takes o'er, garpplin hooks to th' sides, ye rushes the deck, pushes the dunderheads off the plank, and runs yer colors up the mast fer all t'see! Absolutely irresistible. I have seen e'en the coldest curmudgeon warm up and come alive once the pirates take o'er and start havin' fun. Besides, who wants t'be left out of a good time? Sometimes they wind up bein' the closet "life of the party" and they just needs t'get in touch with their inner "arrgh!" That's our job - as ambassadors of the "Inner Arrrgh!" we does a service fer the community. Keep up the good work, and spread the "arrgh!"
  6. Now THAT will do fer starters! I be reminded of the punchline of a joke "All I can remember is that poor monkey tryin' to put the cork back in!" So who's gonna drag this keg to th' party? It won't fit in my car!
  7. So you'll be at PiP fer shure Paisley? Bully! I can't wait t' see ya! Meanwhile, give that Commodore Hurricane a hard time fer me!
  8. Thanks fer the compliments, all. Black Deacon, I am intrigued by the photo of the cowboy hat, eerily suspended in the air. Tell us the story.... I have heard talk of "the vanishing cowboy" in this day and age, but....
  9. Wow, Katarina, that is quite a powerful piece. What, may I ask, was the inspiration for it? Keep up the good work, lass. Nige(l)
  10. Arrrgh! What a great movie! That Captain Smollet, he be a mean, cruel, torturous taskmaster! "..I'm paraphrasing, of course." And how could ya not love Clueless Morgan? "...what?"
  11. Katarina, I'd love t'see yer artwork. Give it over, girl! Show us what ye got! I be postin' a couple new pieces here in the near future, soon as I gets them finished (the dam things be vexin' me...) Ah such is the tortured life of the artist. Now I understands what's with all the insanity and cutting off of ears... In the meantime, try these links: http://www.pyracy.com/gallery/details.php?image_id=213 http://www.pyracy.com/gallery/details.php?image_id=159 Not to pass up the opportunity to be in league with many of "the masters" I accepted an offer to imbibe absinthe the other night. Tasty. OOo! Now I'm a REAL artist! lol
  12. "....Oh sayyy can you seee, my eyes, if you can then my hair's too short!" Ah, Paisley lass, yer stealin' me heart. Ah...what wuz I gonna do wit' th' dam thing anyways? But ye canaa have me hair! Not yet, at least....
  13. Oh, tell her that's the easy part. It starts in the back of the throat.... then just let it rip...... kinda slow at first and then add a little feral growl...... Like this....... ARRRGGGh ! Try a short one if that's too much... Argh. Again: with a little more panache....... ARRRGGGGHHHH !!!! Practice repeatedly until it becomes natural and just rolls out. Then go buy a flintlock and some powder. Say Arrrgggh while you're loading it and as you squeeze off a few rounds. Presto! You're a P I R A T E. I 'members me first Arrrgh. And I've coached a few in me own time. A person's first "ARRGH!" usually goes something like this: "C'mon, Say it." No. "C'mon, be a pirate! Everyone else is doing it!" Well, okay, just this once. *kiff kiff* Rgh. "No, more gusto!" "I dunno. *Kiff koff* Irrg. "C'mon, let it really fly! Yer a PIRATE, fer blast sakes!" Don't push me. *Koff koff* "Argh." "That's better! Again" *Koff Choke* Arrrrgh. "Get yer belly into it!" *choke* ARRRGH! "Better! Again!" *koff choke wheeze* ARRRRGH! "Okay that's good." *koff wheeeze sputter* ARRRGH me HARTIES! "Okay, fine." *flap sputter* AAAARRRRRGH! "Great. You can stop now." *flop koff* ARRRRGH! Timber me shivers.. er...Sliver in me finger...er...Deliver me lumber! I'm a pirate! "Oookay. That's good. You really can stop now." (Accosting every passer by:) ARRRRRRGH! ARRGH! SHIVER ME TIMBERS ME SCURVY MATEY BILGE DOG! "That's fine. Yer gettin' the hang of it. REALLY, you can stop now." (Chasing people down the street as they flee from the newly born social terror): AAAARRRRRRRRGGHHH! ...and so it goes. Once they gets started, they's can 'ardly be stopped. Aye, Sjer…Sjur…”ow’s about I just call ye “SoJo”? Anyhoo….ye be right on th’ money thar, mate! I likes th’ way ye think! And PirateLassie dear, why doesn't ya convince the rest o' yer mates to be pirates as well? Or at least enough to stage a mutiny!!! Now THAT'S pirate thinkin' fer ya!
  14. Love the graphic, Black D. You too, Brannigan. Arrgh!
  15. And which category does ye fall into, lass?
  16. Ahhh, Paisley luv - ye be a rare flower indeed what makes this Pyrate blush. Grazie, mi bella fiore.
  17. I'm interested. Keep us posted, mate. At the very least, the Pyrates of the Coast - East Coast Crewe would be up for it.
  18. Aye lass, ye were lookin' sharp as a sword at the Con. 'Twas good t'see ya there.
  19. Born and raised in the fair inland town of Denver, CO. Not content with bein' landlocked, moved to Seattle in '98, where I met up with the Pyrates. And here I be.
  20. Aye, Missy Chrissy, 'tis me fav'rit Pyrate movie e'er! Ye has good taste, darlin'. I loves that coldhearted, cruel, vicious Captain Smollet.
  21. What's this with the cactus and Keel Hauling, dear? seems ya gots a fetish wit' the spiney thangs and discipline. Hmmmm.... Hows about : "Army Hard Teas"?
  22. I prefer my "El Kabonger" "Look out! He has six-string, and he's loaded!"
  23. Yes! Pichers! We wants pichers, Penny!
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