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Everything posted by Nigel

  1. Are you trying to make me blush, Paisley luv? That's a pretty good try. ...now where's that cherry ... drink ... thingy ... you owe me?
  2. 'Tis not only the gift inside, but the wrapping an' ribbons t'be enjoyed as well. Ah yes, the journey IS the destination. By the by, I must've been absent for quite a while.... What does this have to do with walking the plank?
  3. Aye, we came through Charley alright. I emailed Jamaica Rose earlier, and have ben preoccupied as not to have much time to visit the Pub here. Here be a recap, from a post to NQG on the 17th: Ah, the excitement.
  4. One o' me fav'rit CDs, from one o' me all time fav'rit movies. "When I was jest a lad, lookin' for my true vocation..." The only song I still don't like is "Love Brought us Here" with Smolley (Kermit) and Piggy.
  5. Ah Paisley dear, ye landed in the best part o' the continent! Ain't doin' no good to look in yer wake at the past....many fine times lie before us here in FL. The Pyrates of the (East) Coast band be rampin' up for a whole lotta good music, and soundin' great! This is the most fun band I've had the pleasure to be in, and the music is better than e'er. So there's no need to bemoan a lack o' tunage. As fer meetups, 'tis high time t'be gatherin' the crewe and friends for a brouhaha and a hootenany. And speakin' o' which ... ye owes me a "plunder me cherry" to boot (ye can explain t'me later what the hell it be...) So c'mon now, hand it o'er.... Or does I have to take it from ye?
  6. Here's the deal: Enjoy being single while you're single. There ARE many advantages. Enjoy being in a relationship while you're in a relationship. Humans are social creatures. It seems obvious, but I have seen too many people who pine for what they don't have and don't appreciate the gifts they have in front of them: Married folk who resent being 'tied down' and look at singles with envy. Singles who see couples and assume that all couples are happy. Not true at all. In fact, very few couples are actually happy and healthy relationships. Typical case of "the grass is always greener." Appreciate where you are in life, and when you come to someplace else, don't look back in regret for what you left behind. Accept the fact that all things change. If you don't like where you are, do something about it. In the meantime take the time to discover the benefits of your current situation. How cool is that?
  7. *whew* We rode through the eye of Hurricane Charley, and what a ride it was! The light show was incredible, between the lightning and the power transformers blowing, I'll never be impressed bya fireworks show again. Of course, losing power for several days was an ordeal. I was holed up in the local pub for 4 days, they had air co, and food. Oh yes, and beer. Hurricane and I wrote a song about Charley, which was recorded and broadcast over about 1,000 radio stations nationwide, thanks to Diosa. There are still "Hurricane Charley - Whirled Tour 2004" t-shirts, coffee mugs, and my favorite, the "Hurricane Charley FRISBEE" available at my online store: http://www.cafepress.com/mk_creative Stop by and take a look!
  8. Happy berth-day, lass. Tree posts? Animal, is that a tree post, or are you just happy... ...to see me?
  9. Psst... Okay, Olaf...meet me out back o' the hot tub wit' a bottle.
  10. Ar... the Captain's a bit testy since he returned from the Specific Narwest. Must be the cold Narwest weather.... Paisley, if yer waitin' in the water, ye can call me "shark bait" or "chum...." LOL
  11. Aye, Redd! Howard Pyle rules! Well, he and Wyeth. But they rule! Oh, and then there's...arrgh, forget it - back to the original thought: Howard Pyle Rules!!!
  12. Aye, if'n he waves away coin, he be but a lad; most assuredly not a Pyrate! Mayhaps he be called "fool".
  13. Now that's a post that deserves a toast! "To Olaf!" Nah....there can be only one Olaf...the Olaf, our Master Elixir Mixer! And here's to Roberto!
  14. Don't know about progress, but we checked it out when we were in KW a couple weeks back. It's gonna be awesome.
  15. I just be ribbin ye, mate. My verbiage can run amok, particularly when I get an inspired bit o' wit or wisdom, or tell a vivid tale. Or the occasional wisecrack gone outta control. Sometimes thar be a fine line 'tween inspiration and insanity. I walk it like a stunt man. In fact, upon further inspection, mine has a grapplin' hook on the end. I been usin' it fer boarding parties. I love parties. I'll use small words anyway, jus' t'be sure.
  16. Honest rounds? In the name o' pyrates? LOL Oh, dear, ye be a hoot an' a holler. Welcome aboard, lass. All wenches are beloved wit' Sir Nigel.
  17. Captain Olaf? Has a nice ring to it. Kinda like my ears after a night out with Olaf, Studley and Roberto. I welcome the opportunity to pirate with yer crewe, mates. Let's make it happen soon, if'n ye thinks ye can stand pyrating with a pirate from the Blackheart.
  18. Next time, I'll use small words. At least Sheila understands me. Points for you, luv.
  19. Aye, no need to break up the party. 'Tis not a spirit; Aye, 'tis I, Sir Nigel. I have come to this lovely ball bearing spirits. And since the spirit moves me on this grisly night, I will take pause, gather my bearing straight away and offer spirits all around. There be no need to fight nor to bear ill will - for then the night will b-ruin’ed. I am not a fighter, I am a lover. I have not come to take the ladies; I am quite taken with the ladies, and they be taken with me as well. And I will only take a lass wot goes willingly, aye! Now bear with me; if’n ye will help me with this here round keg, we will partake in a round of spirits from the keg. Aye, take that in the spirit in which it is offered if you will, and offer the spirits all around, I will. And around the time I have the will, I will say a spirited “aye!” to pouring one more round and take my leave, and take my spirits with me, I will. I will round up a lovely lady that I be taken with. And if she be willing to take my offer, then she will take her leave with me and I will be takin’ her with me, and we will leave together. Bear ye not low spirits; for when I take off I will be gone, aye, but I will be around in spirit. Savvy? Aye!!! Drinks all around!!!
  20. I calls the person wots pourin' me drink "me new friend."
  21. Aye, lass! "No quarter shall be given!" "I don't want no quarter. I prefer ye buys me a drink." Now, t'find me five friends.... One, two... more than two...
  22. Argh, but Sheila dear, ye are a bunny - "Plunder Bunny!"" Ah Merry, stuffed, but there's always room for dessert!
  23. Er, Anuimal, I do believe the grapes be topside o' the shelf, if'n ye catch me drift... Now mind yer manners, lads. Rumor has it, if ye piss Merry off, ye fall victim to 'the Grapes o' Wrath'.... Ah, but what a way to go!!!.....
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