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Everything posted by Nigel

  1. Paisley, you were above and beyond as the presiding pontiff. And the exchange between yerself and Olaf... Priceless. It was worth almost drowning. I think I would have perished had I not found some Nilla wafers floating in the ocean. Gave me strength enough to make it to the rocks, just in time to see Diosa disrobing and coming in after me. Yes, a very pleasant time. Did I mention I almost drowned?
  2. A-HA! So now I find the culty guilprit and at least one accomplice! "Keep writing", eh??? Arrrgh. I shall find a way to exact me revenge.... He hee! he hee!
  3. To backtrack a few paces, I must chime in here in accord with the rest o' me mates. Cascabel, you are indeed one of the true treasures of Pirates in Paradise. Each time we meet I am honored; your weapons are the envy of all, you are one of the most photogenic pirates around, and most of all, I thoroughly enjoy your company. Here's hoping that we don't have to wait a whole year to see you again!!!
  4. Pais, I like yer new signature. And Skot, I like yer new pic. Of course you are loved, ya big galoot. BTW, Pais, I never did figure out what was written on me backside. Enlighten me, wouldja?
  5. On an official note - HEAR YE, HEAR YE!!! Captain, I have a request: After displaying his prowess with the quarters in front of Captain Tony's, I respectfully request that Black Skot be officially promoted to Quartermaster. There is no better man for the job, and none better with the quarter. It is his.... destiny. With your approval, I respectfully stand down and offer my humble congratulations to Black Skot; at which point I anxiously await reappointment to another position.
  6. I don't EVEN know where to begin. I come home from KW with a raging flu (which I blame on the ingestion of copious amounts of salt water during the "Walk the Plank Championship" despite Diosa's urgings of salt water's healing qualities) and not only that, my computer has an even worse case of the flu. So for the time being, I am wiring in via Diosa's machine. Thanks, hon. I got home to discover that Cin wasn't the ONLY one to leave her mark on my backside. Beware, Paisley... be VERY ware.... As for the rest of the postings, I will have to catch up as I can. All that being said, I had a wonderful, AMAZING time. This year exceeded my wildest expectations. What an AMAZING crewe, and what a wonderful experience. More details to come... Hats off to the best crewe in all the Seven Seas,... nay, luv, ... the WORLD!!! Hip hip - HOORAY Hip hip - HOORAY Hip hip - HooZAH!!!
  7. Way to go. Thumbs up, Mary!!!
  8. Rabbit! ["Duck - or Pat the bunny".... sounds like a motto to live by...]
  9. Now that is exciting. I shall be looking fer it. Rogue Mermaid Posted: Nov 17 2004, 09:50 AM Not to worry, Rogue (or shall I call you "Ro"?), that'll do as well. Loved that movie.
  10. Aw, how sweet of ye. 'tis nice t'have someone to hold on to, e'en if ye be only a lowly shackle. Ye be a thoughtful and compassionate Master at Arms, mate. "Every-bunny needs some-bunny some-time..." Right, Pat?
  11. Si... And if you see C, say "Hi, C" for me, y'see...
  12. If'n I had a shilling fer every time I heard that at a party.....
  13. Aye, thar be bunnies a-plenty o' the other kind in KW, mate. Happy hunting, indeed! *whistle-whistle* "...a-hunting we will gooooo...ARRRRGH!!!"
  14. Ye doesn't want this kinda bunny stew, mate. Only a select few such as Merry and KK gets the privilege o' Nigel's "bunny stew". And they gots ta be wimmins, which ye ain't.
  15. If anybody be tendin' the bunnies, it should be Merry. After all, she be the Tender Weapons Tender, and me bunny be a registered weapon - to quote Tim the Enchanter: "That rabbit's dynamite! Big .. pointy ... TEETH....Just....look at the bones!!!"
  16. Gomez. Gotta love 'im. Cara Mia! If I remember right, the show (and as a result the movie) was based loosely on Charles Addams' cartoons in the New Yorker, yes?
  17. ...and I'll give you suc h a pinch! You are so fresh.
  18. Ow! Some girls just don’t understand good lovin' at a… ...ohhh, we’re talking about Tootsie Pops! oooOOOOHHHhhhhh….
  19. Now it be REALLY hard to talk when Merry be holdin’ yer licker! Tender weapons tender, indeed! Careful, luv, that thar be tender!!
  20. Aye, Animal, I be holdin' me own likker. Tho 'tis harder to talk that way, sometimes.
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