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Everything posted by Nigel

  1. And remember to take the hat OFF before ironing it.... ...am I right, Stynky??? (I sure hope so.)
  2. Pirates in the Southernmost for PiP - as many as possible - the more, the merrier, I say! We stayed there last year, and indeed, it is a splendid hotel. The beach nearby, a tiki bar at the pool. It is right on Duval street, which is party central. Go right around the corner and meet Anna, the sweetest woman, who makes the BEST cuban coffee you could ever ask for (and thank the gods for that.) I give it five skulls.
  3. The finest, KW....nectar of the gods themselves. We shall avail you of its exceelence at the earliest opportunity. "To Olaf's Elixirs!" ...are better than one!
  4. Ah, KW - Soon we shal be a-pillagin' together! Soon....very soon....
  5. Arrgh...terrific! Have some handy...I'm on my way....
  6. The most terrible location in all the known world is up here......more'n a thousand miles away from "Olaf's Magic Elixir!!!" Now THAT is scary!!! Brrrr......I gets a chill jest thinkin' about it!
  7. Growls and kisses back at ye both, me luvverly lasses. If'n the willing c'n be ravaged, then my job just got a whole lot easier. "....I'm feeling saucy......ha ha haaah...." and as the saying goes... "Now bring me that horizon....."
  8. Ah.... now I think I remember it vaguely. Gotta check it iout... Thanks, mate!
  9. Nothing. Me arse needs no conditioner, Merry - 'tis in excellent condition already. In that case, Merry, I think ye both be wrong, as it still implies that the other party is not willing.... I don't see that problem happening now, do you? Naaaahhhh.....
  10. Nice work, William Red Wake! Very nice work indeed. What medium are you using? Dreamie, you just get better all the time. Who is this Don Karnage you speak of? I am unfamiliar with these "Sky Pirates" and would be interested in checking them out. (btw, I need to get with you on that project we were discussing.) Capt. Scurvy Dog, I think I recognize the person in the picture.....Saw him just a few days ago. Now walk the plank, ye buncha upstarts!
  11. Reminds me of the "Pan-Galactic Gargleblaster: "The effects of which are like having your head smashed with a gold brick....wrapped with a lemon twist." -The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy
  12. Arggh, 'tis a nice bit o' costume, dear. Good work. I daresay, "that's frocking great!!!" And you say you're not a professional costumer.... Should look nice wit' yer belt. [Or was that a girdle?]
  13. Argh, Merry me luv, 'tis indeed yours truly. (Also me hair, me bunny, and of course, me infamous arse.) Why thank ye, Rhumba - you are a sweetheart. I think ye be confused, Siren. Ravaged implies that it be against the woman's wishes...
  14. Arrgh. 'Tis a pity it'll ne'er work out 'tween us then, Kim...
  15. Runnin' the ship? Arrgh, lass tha be a good pirate berth-day wish come true! Time t'run the ship YER way! Make 'em all walk the plank! happy berth-day, lass. 'Ere's a tankard full o' the Captain's best....
  16. Just fer fun, I posted a new profile photo along the lines o' this topic. Girls, have at it.
  17. Happy berth-day to me favorite Pirate in Key West. Until I gets there, of course Cheers- Nige(l)
  18. I see no site, darlin. Aye, a good corset is indeed a sight in itself. Perhaps that's what yer be meanin.
  19. Congrats, Tito! Enjoy the pitter patter of tiny feet on deck. Cigars are a grand idear and indeed in order. Take one, and pass the rest along, now.
  20. Nice. reminds me o' Footloose Moccasins, which used to be at the Colorado Ren Faire. I believe they were replaced by Bald Mountain a few years back when they retired. Avast. I had me a nice pair o' Footloose Moccasins, which were lost in a "storage unit debacle" a couple years back, along with all o' the tapes o' me bands. everything else I could give a hoot about - it's just stuff - but me music and me costumes were the real loss. Arrrgh.
  21. Without a doubt: Muppets Treasure Island Tim Curry is great. The vicious Captain Smollet (Kermit) is a classic terror to behold. One of the most fun movies ever!
  22. Arrgh! I prefers the simple things. Just gimme the name o' the song, (I doesn't e'en have t'know it) the key, and let me stand where I can glance furtively at Hurricane. And don't plunge headfirst into the pool with me guitar. But that's a whole 'nother story...
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