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Captain Tito

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Everything posted by Captain Tito

  1. Aye a beautiful lass, either Pirate or not, be the right smell in the air. :)
  2. Very true. When POTC2 comes out ye know they'll have more stuff. Actually, aside ffrom things like the comic, they could still put out some good stuff from the 1st one. Some of the cursed medallions replicas in their Disney stores, and all that would probably still sell
  3. Both Captain Ron and Goonies were kewl films !! I like the part where Captain Ron tries to tell Martin Short about the Pirates of the Caribbean to which Short's character asks him if he's been to too many rides at Disneyland (or something like that)
  4. The Fisher-Price IMAGINEXT series has a kewl Pyrate ship set that they just released this year.
  5. Yah Charleston be funny that way. The Queen Anne's Revenge be all thats happenin Pyratey. Ye be so right Cap'n the town she be historically beautiful. When I was still livin nearby, they made sure that even when a new business opened up, their facade had to be in the historical style (this be downtown of course). Would be nice for the place if some Pirate scenes started up. I know they had tall ship tours ye could rent out. Maybe someday somebody'll do like a Pirate outing.
  6. The movie was good. I can see why, overall that it was not as successful as POTC. It was harder, at the start, to figure out who was who and why was "this or that" happening. Some things happened so fast. It was better once the movie settled in. For some reason, between the two, some of the things that Captain Jack and co. seemed to get out of seemed more believable to the eye than Cutthroat. Parts of Cutthroat seemed way over-conceived and more far fetched with predictable endings. Like toward the end, ya just knew they were gonna get the treasure. Some things resolved too quickly, like they got rid of the British Governer and the author/traitor way too quick. POTC kept you on the edge more. But Cutthroat was a nice production and maybe now with Pyracy becoming more envogue, it can get a second wind on video/dvd.
  7. Aye, Merrydeath I tracked down 10 FULL TRAWLERS O'SHRIMP n they be quite ready to unload along with 25 lbs of cocktail sauce, all here to help celebrate yer big WEEK!! I be in and out like me mentioned but I will be constantly stoppin in to the party wishin ya a very happy birthday!!! I got some 6 pounders firin ya a a salute now!! *guns go off in the near distance saluting Merrydeath*
  8. Well hey, this is one ta be thinkin about too. Our "childrens stories" have more in them than just the simple plot used for a movie or 2. It keeps ya thinkin. Here's to ye Gabby!!
  9. Actually the places that I have seen the 2 bobble heads for sale advertise them as from the movie with the bearded pirate being Captain Barbossa. They make no mention of them being from the ride. But aye those businesses could be wrong in their billing.
  10. Why not!! There have been so many stories that have had these deep kind of messages, themes, psychological explanations etc.... to them, why not this one?? Many of the "fairy tales" and other stories of the vintage of Peter Pan had all kinds of things in them, in their original written forms. We've been peeled away from so much of the intense deepness in today's presentations of these stories that so much of that has been forgotten. I'm not saying that this is a correct theory about Pan n Hook, but it COULD BE!!
  11. Yah I've heard of Trader Joes. They had em in SC, but no pirate stuff yet back when I was down there.
  12. Aye that sounds like a winner!! In the meantime, eventhough ye can't move him much, the toy figurine of Blackbeard that Teach's Hole sells, by American Legends, is a KEWL display!! :)
  13. Aye mateys they be sayin this mornin that these awards are actually good Oscar indicators, so if'n that be true, or Captain Jack Sparrow JUST MIGHT WIN IT!! We shall see. Here's to Johnny for winnin this one!!!!
  14. Toys and products YES!! :) A tv series? Not a particularly BAD idea but you don't want it to drain the popularity too quickly. Alot of times tv and movie writers have different visions. Star Trek is probably the only "good movies and good tv" example I can think of. Other movies tried a tv series later and flopped. Or you have all the tv shows that were hits in the 50s, 60s and 70s that they have started making movies of over the past 10 year fad of that, and the movies have flopped. Star Wars helped make Sci Fi both in the movies and on tv big, with alot of shows and movies made that wouldn't have been otherwise, but they didn't overdo their own selves with a Star Wars tv series. (Ewok Adventure that was on tv doesn't count, that was just a special) I would hate to see POTC become overdone so that by the time the sequel comes to theatres its sailing a sinking ship. Lets hope at least the toys and stuff helps keep the sails going strong!!
  15. Aye mateys, we know so much about Pirates that sailed, landed, invaded, pillaged, and plundered areas of, and close to the Eastern United States. We know about the Caribbean as well. What about the Western US? Did any Pirates land on the California Coast, or Oregon and Washington? I know that for many a year, those areas weren't considered US Territory. It took us a while to get out west. What about the coast of Mexico? Did any sail the Pacific instead of, or as well as the Atlantic? I know there were some Asian pirates, from reading The Pirates Own Book, but don't remember their dates, or names (unfortunately don't have the book anymore). I would love to hear from anyone who knows.
  16. Yah bein a music teacher meself (I do band for 4th and 5th graders) its neat to see kids enthusiasm about pieces. I can imagine for an orchestra, POTC would be an awesome one to learn. I have seen arrangements for band but I think they be for highschool (too hard for my younger crew). I did order a song for my level, for next year, called Captains of Adventure, so hopefully that be a fun sea-goin one too.
  17. Somebody else wantin "in" :) If they be good, then I guess we welcome them aboard. Haven't seen it yet meself but I be lookin.
  19. Aye M'lass, well here bein in NY da kids have had this week off for February Break. Now I know WHY!! IT BE TO CELEBRATE YER BIRTHDAY!! *Pulls up with 2 more kegs of rootbeer to be tappin*
  20. Here's to ye m'lady with a 6pounder salute and enough Rum ta make yer boat drive itself. Happy Birthday!! Hopefully Nigel got ya a great present!!
  21. Aye mateys, I've been readin lots lately about Jose Gaspar, aka Gasparilla. There be quite a debate about whether or not he was a real pirate. Some say there were eyewitnesses to back everything he supposedly did, thereby making the stories true. Some say he existed as a meer seadog, but that his roll as a notorious pirate was totally hogwash. So what ye thinks m'swashbucklin matey? Take the poll n tell me whatcha be thinkin.
  22. Hey what can I say. Call me Da Silly Captain!!
  23. Yah m'ladies. I be seein um on their website too! :)
  25. Now theres one that shoulda been on the poll!!
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