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Captain Tito

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Everything posted by Captain Tito

  1. OOOOOPS Did visit the Ren Faire in Sterling NY that is each summer. (any of ya ever go 2 it?) I loved the Sea Tails thing with the Pyrate there, where he had audience participation in inventing a Sea Story.
  2. Mine is a long love of history. We visited alot of historic places when I was a smaller scoundrel. (Boston, DC, Williamsburg, Gettysburg, Ottawa, Quebec City, Alex Bay) Then came goin ta Disney and ridin U KNOW WHAT!! I liked the Pirate shop at the one in California especially. I bought a hat, plastic hook, Jolly Roger, picture book and postcard book of the ride, a set of slides of the ride, and glow in the dark skull. I still have the skull but my lady made me sell the other stuff in garage sales. OH YEAH I also bought some replica Pieces of Eight, and a couple of parchment reproductions. One of an East Coast Pirate map, which most of you have probably seen, and one called "Dead Men Tell No Tales" I have seen the map available online at Pirate Shops today. My mom also bought this book about American Folk Legends (still has it) and it included a Pirate section. I did a report on many of them once for school. Some years later a friend went to Disney and brought me back a record with Disney ride songs on it. YOHO is my fav!! Then we Fastforward to my honeymoon. We went in a bookstore and I bought "The Pirate's Own Book". Another trip to Disney in Florida and I got a KEWL POTC T (about the ride, this was years b4 the movie mateys) Then fast forward to last summer. We went to Seattle and I went into the Pirates Plunder shop, the first Pirate shop I had been into in years. I bought a few Piratey pieces and all of a sudden I was HOOKED again. bad joke I know. We also saw POTC at a theatre out there and when we came out, wouldn't ya know it, the Seattle SeaFair Pirate Parade was goin on!! When I got home I spent the summer rekindling my old Pirate flames of interest and passion. Thanks to all you mateys for havin this forum!! Heres to ye!!
  3. Sounds good to me M'Lady. May the luck of the Pirate bring fortune to us all!
  4. That Key Wester looks awesome too!!
  5. OMG I wish I woulda known about it when I lived down there! It looks awesome. When we went down Chahston way, we either ate in North Charleston, like The Noisy Oyster, The Market, like at The Oyster Factory (same owners as the Noisy Oyster - no shock) or Isle of Palms where my fav was The One Eyed Parrot (upstairs for dinner) and the Banana Cabana (downstairs for lunch)
  6. Bein in SC u could call it "Palmetto Port" or bein down on Hilton Head, "Lowcountry Landing"
  7. Seen it and will see it again. You got the soundtrack cd Bonnie?
  8. Cheers to all me fellow Northeasterners. May ye have a meeting worth yarning about later.
  9. The Grog House The Powder Keg Good Luck with it matey!!
  10. Mateys I be lookin for a fun Pirate board game. I have seen mention of some but not sure which ones are the best. I be lookin for one that is also not too squirly to learn, and is also not gonna empty me doubloons. (I have seen a game like Dread Pirate for over $80) I was thinkin of the $20-$30 range or less. I have seen some small ones too like LaFitte's Revenge. Give me all the feedback ya can. Give me websites or sources where I might purchase. I saw some last month at Fern Canyon Press, but they soldout and I noticed they only have video games right now.(I don't know how up on these games a place like ToysRus is) Load the guns and fire right at me!!
  11. May the New Year be one of much treasure, much food and drink, much happiness and pleasure. Ifn u r a fine lass, may your beauty prosper. Ifn u r a gentleman matey, may your manliness stay strong. A toast to all ye on land and sea.
  12. Ok mateys some Pirate loot did come through. Not as exciting as a boarding axe but hey, its a start. I mentioned the No Quarter Given. I also was given a tshirt of Gasparilla Fest in Tampa. Very cool graphics. I also got the Swashbuckler hat and Jolly Roger banners from deadmentellnotales.com (Fern Canyon Press) So all in all this Captain was quite pleased.
  13. Thanks me lass that was cool!!
  14. Hay me lass n all ye Pirates, a very properous New Year to ye filled with many treasures abound!!
  15. Paisley, awesome outfit!!! Capt. Roberts, I got the POTC soundtrack 2 back in the fall. Its great isn't it?? To start off with, a gift subscription to No Quarter Given. Some other NONPyrate stuff such as a longsleeve T to Frankies Taste of Italy in Old Forge w/ the FUGGETABOTTIT Dude (cerca The Sopranos) on the back, and cool Roselyn Sanchez cd (she's a hottie mateys) But we do have some more fam comin 2morrow and I did ask for some Pyrate loot there so we'll see if they grant me quarter or throw me down in the bung hole with the bilge rats.
  16. Nigel ye not be too bad with your writings either Here's to ye
  17. Thanks mateys! (not quitten me day job though
  18. The Thousand Islands apparently was the hiding place for Pirate Bill Johnson and he hit plenty o treasure there. I beggin your pardon but its actually on the St. Lawrence, not quite to Lake Ontario.
  19. That be Alexandria Bay, NY of the Thousand Islands on Lake Ontario. Lotsa great lodging there for visiting Mateys
  20. Where in the Northeast ye be lookin to gather? Every August in Alexandria Bay, is Bill Johnson's Pirate Days. It goes for at least a week. The Alex Bay Chamber of Commerce has lots of info.
  21. Raise yer glasses to Redbeard on a grand birthday and a year ahead of great fortune!!
  22. Aye Viperpirate! Have a partyin birthday with many a toast till all bottles are empty!!
  23. Hic' Happ Hic' Happy Birthday Saucy Nell! May ye take part in a fine celebration, and have a year of great treasure ahead!!
  24. Merry Christmas to all ye Pyrates on board. Let us all take the day to thank our dear Lord. I salute ya all by lowerin my sword and toast ye with rum from the drinkin gord. To all ye men I tip my hat with a tug and to all ye women I give a big hug hoping you're home all warm and snug with a toasty fire from the log ya did lug. Merry Christmas to all!! May yer ships be a glow with beautiful lights and may ye be surrounded by yer families love!!
  25. A toast to all ye on yer adventurous talents!! Don't worry Captain. I'm sure ye be gettin a cane soon, the closest ye can find. Here's to ye n me flags be lowered in salute !!
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