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Captain Tito

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Everything posted by Captain Tito

  1. Thanks so much M'lovely lass. That clears it all up for me. (Captain Tito bows to Pirate Queen and gently kisses her hand in gratitude and all due respect) Thanks also to ye Black Deacon for finding those cool steins. Unfortunately the doubloons be runnin a bit dry this time of year to do something about em.
  2. Ours had good booty last summer for both ladies and Jacks.
  3. Gotcha. So are they (or at least one of them) part of different countries, kinda like how you have two towns of the same nam but they are in 2 different states? Also - COME ON WARTOOTH SHARE WITH US!! WHERE CAN YE GETTUM??
  4. Yah I know about the La meaning and all. I thought maybe the two islands referred to were different by one being Tortuga and the other strictly LaTortuga. You do see the La and the other forms (El, Las, and Los) used alot for geographical locations.
  6. Well hey thats usually what makes a GREAT movie. How many historically based movies really "told it like it was" verbatim? Theres a lot he could "work with here" to make it a great film and keep it well in history. How COULD the forum write him?
  7. A toast to ye Zorg for the finest birthday yer deadlights have ever been cast upon!
  8. To ye Monkey our glasses we raise, to be ready to splice the mainbrace. Happy Birthday and me it be filled with a vast haul o' treasured memories!!
  9. Aye matey he should be a buffoon NOT to try right now. Look at how much Sci Fi and high spfx adventure came out, in movies, on tv, after Star Wars. The stuff was everywhere. POTC was HUGE! Its definitely the right time now to weigh anchor on the whole thing!
  10. Don't be havin an Atlas in front of me, but I be guessin that if the one off of Venezuela says "La Tortuga" then its strictly referred to as LaTortuga, and the one off Haiti is just "Tortuga" The presence and absence of the La, makes a big difference in Espanol.
  11. For u 'toon lovers out there, THE FLINTSTONES is the one for me. Sucks that nobody seems to be carrying it right now. TBS had it for a long time, then they deferred it to Cartoon Network. Now they don't seem to be showing it at all. I also like Bugs and Mickey. Its weird watching recently made Mickey cartoons cuz its as if they've run out of stuff. They constantly use "stuff" they put into older ones that have become classics. Those "new" Charlie Brown toons that ABC showed this year were the same way; they kept quoting older material. I was like, "been there done that". As for Survivor, the original, and Pearl Islands were the best . We could have done without the rest. Rupert and Rudie have by far been the best on the whole series
  12. Splice the Mainbrace for Jenny!! Gettin me masters an m'lady her masters was blimey enough for this stronghold. But you m'lass have gone one further which to ye we toast with the finest grog on the open sea!
  13. Thanks mateys Clears up a lot.
  14. M'lady asked me a fine question the other day. Did the large ships of the Pirate days (either Pirate or otherwise) need rowing with teams of oars and bound slaves to row them? I wasn't sure about this. I told her that they were the sailing ships and that quite a few inventions had been generated since, say, the days of the Vikings and Ancient Romans where they DID have teams of rowing slaves. I pointed out that in Pirate days, ships had stearing, compasses, and the beginnings of ship-going mechanisms that made such ancient rowing mostly unnecessary. But it kinda leaves me a-pondering. What did happen when the wind totally died down? Did they need to row? And, if so, who did it, slaves or regular crew?
  15. Ok,so the only reason why Jack gets cursed toward the end is cuz he picks up that one gold piece. I was thinkin he was cursed in the first place, but no one, not even Barbarosa knew.
  16. All kiddin aside Slabby I be sure the show'll be awesome.
  17. *EP breaks the keg and the whole cast yells DRINK UP ME 'ARTIES YOHO!! The show starts but not before the entire audience has had a hit too.*
  18. Many accents tended to be based on a persons whereabouts and social surroundings too. Mostlikely some pirates, especially common crew members, had very thick accents associated with the poorer classes. Most Captains, I believe, tried to extoll a more dignified tone, to show off their stature and show captives that they could be gentleman-like too, unless of course the red flag had to be flown. Did a scoundrel like Blackbeard speak with such a aristocratic-like tounge? Can't quite say. I would bet Captain Kidd did, and Jean LaFitte's French was probably as upperclass sounding as any Louis that sat on the throne in Paris.
  19. Hey, break a peg, n a leg, and when the show's over, ye can break open a KEG!!
  20. Drink up me 'arties YOHO to all the cast n crew of POTC for your takin the Peoples Choice treasure!! Oscar nomination?? Yah I know hollywood peeps can be sticklers. All we can do is hope folks. Maybe.....just maybe history can be re-written.
  21. A fantastically festive birthday to ye m'lass and many more to come!
  22. Aye me good mateys all those stories ROCK!! As I've not been able to assemble much garb too smartly, I did have enough to go on by this past Halloween ( I got more now but its not very Piratey outside with 20 below temps). So after I gets me cabin boy and little mermaid off'n ta bed from scroungin up a mess a treats from the neighbors, I just go out and sit very still on the front stoop. I just break off into this trance like stare. These two older kids come to the door. My wife takes care of givin em some sugary libations. I'm just FREAKIN EM OUT!! They weren't sure if I was human or a spookey manequin. I had them so riled, with my costume parrot on (one of those you fasten onto your shoulder) and everything. It was a riot to watch them watch me and shake in their shoes.
  23. For any of you big fans who haven't , a great read is the original "Peter and Wendy" as it was called. I lived the semester of my student teaching in this historic mansion and they had this library that had all kindsa orignial print classics. Peter n Wendy was one of em and I just totally got into it. And ya know it was more than just a kids book. (It was long, for one thing) I think the new movie is more than just a kids movie. Its ok for kids but its got maturisms in it too so its not like re-telling Disney. I think most of us scuvies forget that so many childrens stories were originally written with darker parts to them than we have ever been told. Lots has been shmoozed over in recent decades. Good to see this movie be less-shmoozey I agree with all ya on board that Wendy shoulda gone with hook. I mean even with Peter returning in the play, she has ta ditch him. Theres no going back with him. With hook there woulda been an enormous future of adventure. As for all ya ladies, I'm sure James Hook would love to have all ya classy lasses on board (Captain Tito tips his hat to ya)
  24. I read a blip on the net that some time ago, Disneyland in Cally, remodeled their POTC ride to make it, as it said, "more politically correct". Now I rode it back in 83. What did they change? What was wrong, that was "corrected"? What do any of you ride fan mateys feel about it? Was it worth the effort? Feel free to share thy mightyest wisdom on this issue so I mayest be enlightened.
  25. Ohhh it was cool. Should still be on!!! That and Pirates of Dark Water. Did anybody ever see that one? Both Pan and Dark Water were very good. Its a shame they don't show them anywhere right now.
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