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Captain Tito

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Everything posted by Captain Tito

  1. That er those craaaazy Junior Mints the deer left
  2. Big birthday wishes to Golden Shellback, Elainiac the Mad, Harpoon Hannah, and Serendipity!! Here's to ye all for a year filled with fair seas and good libations!!
  3. Aye mateys, what be yer faverite online site fer diggin up some Pirate booty, be it fer yer outfit, yer quarters, yer ship, yer kiddies fer fun or any good reason to get some stuff? If'n ye choose other, be so kind as to share the place with us. Give some input even if ye choose one thats given. Here's to ye mighty shopper!!
  4. Very well done M'lady!! :)
  5. Thank ye Mr. Pyle. That must have slipped me when I originally checked the link.
  6. Ukranian Eggs r totally awesome mates. I be seein plenty o' workshops on them in recent years and even some kits in craft stores, but I can't say as to how the finished product comes out with those. Haven't tried it. All ye power to those who can. Tip me hat and fire a round o' salute to ye Katarina!
  7. No doubt so many women were undocumented or recorded. Bonny and Reade were just the most famous. The Chinese regarded women on a higher status than did Western Europeans to boot. All of ye good luck on searchin for more info.
  8. Thank ye Angus fer makin this pub what it is. Here's also to the new Captain. A toast to both
  9. The pounders be firin a mighty salute for ye!! Happy Berfday Matey!!
  10. Tell her it just be fun too matey. I agree and relate with all ye who brought it out without knowin how to sail. Its in ye and its tons o fun once its out. :)
  11. Sorry this one be belated miss. I hope yer day was filled with joy n happiness. Here's to ye!
  12. A belated salute to ye m'lass!!
  13. Aye M'lass twas the finest day when ye came to be!! Heres to ye always!!
  14. The Waterford Rose
  15. A Happy Easter to all ye mateys out there. Please enjoy this greeting! http://www.beatgreets.com/view.pd?i=170479...=y&source=bg999 Lent be a gettin over!! Drink up me hearties YOHO!! (and eat all the chocolate ye can get yer teeth into!!)
  16. Wizkids be sayin sometime during the 3rd quarter o' the year. So we be talkin July, August, September. They say to keep lookin at their site for more updates as the summer goes on. LETS BE KEEPIN WATCH TOGETHER MATEYS!!
  17. A 21 gun congrats to ye!! May ye have a happy and healthy family across every horizon ye sail to. I have a 3rd comin meself and let me say that the thrill, she never goes away.
  19. Gotta share this one. Me wifey's school in West Leyden, NY is havin a Scholastic Bookfair this week. The bookfair theme? PIRATES!! They had a total Pirate Day and kick off assembly this past Friday where most all the teachers and principal dressed up like Pirates, they told Pirate jokes and had all kindsa fun. I wrote a couple of the jokes they used an even wrote a short Pirate ditty usin their school in it. Anybody out there have any similar piratey experiences either in a school ye teach in, or one you attended as a little sea urchin? Perhaps ye did a pirate appearance for school kids? Tell us about it matey!!
  20. Bess me only be gettin on once a week till the end of Cuaresma (that be Lent). I couldn't pass up me time this week without raisin me glass to ye, a lady with class. Hope ye have many more happy ones!!
  21. Me thinks they missed out on many an opportunity to truely sell to the public legit-like.
  22. They just sell stuff without thinkin ($) don't they.
  23. Born in Syracuse n raised in Batavia, NY. Lived for 6 years in SC and now have been living the last 3 in Boonville, NY which is 1 1/2 hrs away from Alex Bay, home of Bill Johnston's Pirate Days each August (which I hope to be attendin this year)
  24. Happy belated Captain Jack!
  25. A birthday toast to ye!!
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