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Captain Tito

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Everything posted by Captain Tito

  1. Aye m'lass I be sure twill be runnin next year even if it doth not sell right away.
  2. Welcome lass. May ye find yer seas fair and yer treasures many here among us!!
  3. Go smartly me hearties to www.sobebev.com and check out the Sobe Gear!! A Grape Grog Tshirt be costin only 5 doubloons and 50 centavos!! Sign yerself up fer Sobe's onlin info and orderin gear has NO SHIPPING!! I asked m'lady fer one fer me berfday!!
  4. Aye this one doth blow me out o' the water!! Most o'ye have been reppin about goin to the NY Ren Faire, which is down state, and I am sure a bit bigger than this one. I can vouch for the Sterling Ren Faire. M'lady and I have both been to it and it is a pleasure to experience. Any of you who do venture into New York State to find a Ren Faire ought to try out this one some summer. Sterling is located up on Lake Ontario a bit north of Syracuse along route 481. The Faire bases itself in the year 1585 in the village of Warwick, not far from London. In fact just a few weeks ago, the Faire was highlighted in a PBS special called Old Renaissance, New Renaissance that discussed the Renaissance itself, and also the modern day celebration of it in Faires across the country. It showed you around the Sterling Festival as an example as to how Ren Faires are. The one thing that I must feel sorry about in regard to the Sterling Faire right now is that to me knowledge, there is nothing much ado about Pyrates. When m'lady and I last paid our respects a few years ago, they had 1 Pyrate by the name o' Ebenezer Crumbee (Patrick Johnson) who performed a hilarious show called Tales O' The Sea where he would tell a sea story and get the audience to help him "recall" what happened next. The improv of it all reminds me of Who's Line Is It Anyway. I found me a ticket order form and program from this years Faire and sadly did not see ol Crumbee and "Tales" as part of it all these days. Nor did they have any special Pyrate weekends like other Faires have been reportin. I wish luck to the lad/lass who doth buy it. I see it hath 2 bids already and hopes that maybe the new owner will get a new situation fer pyrates to partake of in the Faire.
  5. Aye m'lass it be a great pleasure to hope ye had a jolly one with plenty o' toastin to ye and a year full o' great treasures ahead!!
  6. Yah but fer 3 bucks its still not bad. See Disney shoulda had there own cheap one that was really close to the movie (fer like 10 bucks). Instead its either really cheap or expensive. Oh well. Still a good deal.
  7. Sendin a fine belated to one of the finest on the 7 seas
  8. A belated berfday to ye!!
  9. Aye m'lass ye can get Morgan's Revenge (or maybe a few sets of it to add more coins thus adding more players) and have the spinner add a drink or two to the ante o' the pot!!
  10. Yah so far I gots 2 packs and its kewl. I be gettin more over time. Aye Morgan, the best way is to go to www.wizkidsgames.com and get yerself an account. After which ye can find out where the nearest dealers of their games are to ye, and chances arrrrr at least one of the joints carries it. Or ye can look up games in the yellow pages and see what ye turn up. It not be available at places like Walmart yet. Hopefully it'll go as big as Magic so it'll get more exposure that way but right now it be just beginnin :)
  11. Aye mateys if'n ye read my event post about Alex Bay's Pirate Days then ye knows about Bill Johnston. I thought that twar all there was to it. Seems the illustrious pirate also found himself as keeper of the Rock Island Lighthouse (just west of Alex Bay on the mighty St. Lawrence) fer a time in the early 1800s. Then I come to find out the real kicker!! Unlike most of his pirate breatheren, HE WAS PARDONED, BY PRESIDENT HARRISON!! Just goes to show ye, some Pirates have ALL THE LUCK!!
  12. Bess may a grand wave come and carry ye to the spot of the finest treasure yer heart would desire!! Happy Birthday!!
  13. Aye mateys me got me Aztec Gold from deadmentellnotales.com the other day. The chain was ok but me switched it with a Black Hills Gold Chain that be holdin it better. Not be a bad deal fer gettin one considerin Disney didn't issue em themselves fer the movie!! Want one but don't got the bucks fer the genuine stuff?? Deadmentellnotales.com has got it for ye!! :)
  14. Aye m'fair lass we done posted 'bout it but all the more excitement, the better!! :) It be comin into stores that carry wizkids games stuff, this Thursday or Friday. Hope ye get some and have a bloody good time of it!!
  15. Aye, any of ye grand revelers see ANY info there as to WHEN they are going to release the Jack Sparrow figure (the 18 inch one ) and also HOW MUCH it will cost. I got the Lee's Toy Review and they talk about the smaller ones coming in January/February and that the 18 incher of Jack alone will be first. It just doesn't say WHEN. Any help here will be greatly appreciated!! YOU ALL HAVE A GREAT TIME!! :)
  16. Me flags be lowered and my pounders be firin in salute to ye on yer berfday Cap'n!!
  17. It be almost time fer Bill Johnston's Pirate Days in Alex Bay, NY. I be takin me oldest youngen Matthew up with me fer the first invasion on the 14th. Anybody goin fer that one, or the 21st, or any day in between??
  18. OOOOps sorry bout that Paisley. Yah lass I be hopin ye have better luck with the jury rig too.
  19. Aye m'lovely lass. The only VA Pyrate fest I be knowin of is way down in Hampton Roads. Blackbeard of course. There is one crew kinda near ye, just up in Olney Md. They be called Merrick's Privateers. They be listed in the crew directory in NQG. Maybe they know something about the area. Good luck in workin to become a pirate. Deadmentellnotales.com, teachshole.com and portroyaltradingco.com are all good places to get gear to get ya goin. Aye me caught yer photo and ye be pretty as the girlfriend lass me once had in Fairfax. Me thinx she went to yer highschool 2 :) She didn't grad from there though cuz they moved by her senior year. Good luck and keep it real!! Like yer website 2.
  20. The new Pirates Of The Spanish Main game that has been talked about and shown in this here plunder forum before is being released to the general public on the 28th day of the 7th month of the 2thousand and 4th year of our Lord!! Let us all set sail to our nearest game shop that day and make this one a big success!!
  21. Now that would be the true challenge. Eliminate down to two finalists in Florida, and then have the finals for the championship the week after, up in the cooooooooold Seattle waters, to see who REALLY wants to win!!
  22. Happy Birthday Scarlett Rackham!! May fair winds and fine treasures find there way to yer ship!!
  23. Aye Penny m'lass it be a grace whene're ye come among us here regarless of how long o' short a time in between. May ye be met with great success in all yer endeavors be they pyrate o' non-pyrate. May yer talents uncover treasures for ye that be greater than even Jack Sparrow himself could trace. Here's to ye!!
  24. Happy Berfday Cap'n!! I'll fire all me pounders to ye!!
  25. Appy Berfday Stitch. May yer year be filled with fun voyages and many treasures!!
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