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Captain Tito

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Everything posted by Captain Tito

  1. *makes one extra gooey and hands to Scupper to feed Merry* Aye Merry little Julia be stealin me heart each day. The older 2 be makin fine cabin-kids round here too. *Gets em real gooey for the lovely Laura, Macaw, and Siren, thus feedin each one of em individually to their hearts content*
  2. LOL I mean she be the type of young person I be talkin about!! Not that I was referrin to her specifically Heres to ye Sakura and all youngens who wish to know more and can also enlighten the older folks.
  3. Lady Sakura, though not as young as those I said in me earlier post, is exactly who I was talkin about; she likes pirates, ren faires, and wants to know more.
  4. Aye it gave me Will Turner
  5. try the usual barnesandnoble or borders .coms
  6. Aye m'lass yer work be a joy to read as always!! :)
  7. Yah it be quite a debate. Some think he was real as the stories say. Some think he was totally fictional. Others even think he was real but the stories are far fetched about him. I be readin Gasparilla - Pirate Genius right now and I highly recommend it. But in the forward it does make it sound like he was just fiction. Whatever be the truth, he certainly is a legend!!
  8. Aye m'lass I have quite a curiosity 'bout that book, especially since Dave Barry be a co-author. I be right in the middle of Gasparilla - Pirate Genius right now. Hopefully I'll be lookin it up soon.
  9. I agree with all the comments that most of the younger ones who post just to see their ranks go up, eventually go away. Ye must admit though that sometimes we get some younger ones 14-16 years or so, who are into either Pirates, Ren Faires, or other subjects here, where they are eager to learn more, and also have thier own experiences to share. We need to help nurture those youngens, so their interests don't fade, the way we want the "post-happy" ones to.
  10. *goes over to the fire and whips up some goooooey chocolatey smores to feed the lovely lasses* Who be first??? Merry and Scupper here be some for ye own together
  11. Yes m'lass ye be next. *Allows Laura to turn over, then affixes a fine dab o'coconut oil to her back and begins a deep soothing rub*
  12. *dabs the coconut oil and gives Christine a soothing backrub*
  13. Aye Christine that be way sad. So sorry to hear about it. *offers a hug and one of me famous backrubs* After Christine, backrubs for all ladies who doth ask!! :)
  14. The Captain Sets sail. He searches for his treasure. He spys a mermaid. She waves right to him. She is a beautiful one. He dives to meet her. They swim together. The Captain kisses her hand. She kisses him back. The mermaid leads him to where his treasure is found. He tries to take it. The waves get restless. She leads him back to his ship. She has saved his life. His treasure is her. Not gold or silver doubloons. He loves her always
  15. Happy Talk Like A Pirate Day Mateys!!!
  16. They got a few tunes in thar off the Pirates Gold cd by Jolly Rogers. I have that one and highly recommend it. :)
  17. Grunt The Black Moon 201 ships AND I DIED PEACEFULLY!! Must be I retired to a quiet life in the tropics after that 201st ship!
  18. Awesome pics Christine and Morgan!!!
  19. Aye m'lass looketh like MOST of Florida might be spared a visit this time. Can't guarantee nothin but the maps look possible. It'll be hard for wherever it does hit, as she's a big one not just in strength but in size too.
  20. Aye mateys fer me birthday I got the No Quarter Given Pirate Songbook (vol2). Its an awesome resource fer pirate songs and all. Great fer any of you "oom-chuck" pianists out there with chords in the left and melody in the right.
  21. Yeah I know its supposed to be "Who will SELL* Jack Sparrow"
  22. Aye m'hearties but does anyone now what kind o'store will be sellin the Jack Sparrow figure once it appears in November? We talkin mainstream like ToysR and WallyWorld, or are we talkin The Disney Store or Spencers, or are we talkin just game, comic and hobby shops. Filleth me in if ya have a lead on that one eh??
  23. Aye M'lady twas a very fine day. And thanks fer da Rum *hic*
  24. Aye congrats!!! A new matey to share me berfday with!! In the meantime (till he's old enough) here be a toast to his parents!!
  25. Aye the tub be fine m'lass! :)
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