Aye Siren ye be another beautiful mermaid in the waves!!
*adorns her with a shell necklace*
*blushes and returns the kiss in thanks*
*starts a major splash war with Laura, then picks her up and does a carrying dunk into the next wave* 1,2,3, hold your breath, here we go!!!
*changes into his suit under a towel*
Aye m'lovely ladies who would like to join me in a moonlight dip in the lagoon. It be a beautiful and warm night here (unlike me own digs where it be freeeeeeeeeeeezin, right Laura , though I be sure you're town be a bit warmer than mine.)
So come on Laura, Siren, Christine, Merry!! Who be with me???
Aye Siren, ya know, about 10 minutes after I wrote up yesterday, I was like "Holy Bung Holes I forgot SIREN!!" And I'm not just saying that, I really did. Extra special hugs for ye Siren. I be so sorry!!
*offers Laura some Captain Morgan Parrot Bay for her tankard*
Got some of the Pirate Booty snacks. Cheese, fruity and the whole works. Y'all have some. Ohh yeah got some York Peppermint Patties too!!
Aye Christine come have some snax and take a loadoff.
Laura have a raidin good time in Connecticut!!
Does get rather quiet with the raids n Piratey stuff in the NE once the fall finally gets into winter. But ye can find em.
In the meantime it still be snowless. Too bad there wasn't one in NY now.
Nay in particular m'lass. I just like to make friends.
But if ye can think of anything than it be fine too.
*clinks Laura's mug she be holdin whilest gettin warm by the fire*
Aye Christine!
To bad deadmentellnotales.com doesn't still have the swashbuckler hat I got from them. It was popular (last year) affordable, but unfortunately went fast.
Aye Siren welcome back!!
I actually discovered ye back last night on that one about the youngens usin the Pub. You go girl!!!
Here be some nice hot cider grog for ye on a cool fall day/night
Yeah having been through half of it so far, it is a good story, but it even says at the beginning that its fiction based.
Tell me, and I know that theres a big debate as to whether Gasparilla was real or not, but is there a better, more "factual" book on the man??
Aye m'lasses n lads it be a cold one again tonight.
Me likes the fall nights though. Brisk and darker.
*breaks out more Cider Grog fillin Laura's mug and anyone else who done asks for some*
Aye m'lovelies tonight it be a bit nippier so I be warmin yer hearts with some mulled cider grog. *starts ladling it up for all*
Yeah guys can have some too
Aye Cap'n now that I think about it, though it be just a movie, they do make reference to that band of Pirates in Spartucus (with Kirk Douglas) when the slave army is trying to launch an escape/defense against the Roman armies out to get them.
Anybody ever seen the Maritime Pirates of Greenport Long Island, NY in action? On their site they talk about having a Pirate Museum in Greenport, but unfortunately they haven't updated their site.
Has anybody seen any of their performance work, or been to the museum??