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Captain Tito

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Everything posted by Captain Tito

  1. Yep the speakers be workin great!! *firetrucks pull in* Over here folks!!!!!!
  2. So are we to surmise that, after all that, their was no damage done to the grotto whatsoever???
  3. So I guess we've all been DRAFTED!!!!
  4. Ye don't suppose she had the ROMAN CANDLES INSTEAD!!!! HIT THE DECK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  5. *hands Rum to Diego, takes some for heself and watches the grotto burn, not quite figuring out what to do about it.* Aye Phil and Christine, ye mateys need any help, or first aid???
  6. Aye Christine ye want some rancero sauce to go withem?
  7. A techno mix from Montreal :angry: :angry:
  8. :angry: Aye lass no!! Twas snuffy's Magic Ukelele!! :angry:
  9. Aye mateys m'cabin boy and I staged one of the most epic battles fer treasure that pirate toys have seen in a century!! Twas the pirates of the Imaginext set and their grand ship, takin on the SS. Rubber Duckie pirated by none other than Ernie and Elmo. Both ships championin a fine trunk o' treasure to be plundered by the winner. Ernie and Elmo gave a great challenge and almost had the Imaginext crew out run (hidin behind the Imaginext battle castle and its cannons) But arrrrr, the Imaginext crew of mateys prevailed, firin at will, causin the SS. Rubber Duckie to take a dive deep into the waters below, not before takin Ernie and Elmo aboard, and their mighty treasure too!!!!!
  10. I only be wishin more card joints would sell these pirate games. Ye go in to one and all they have are Yu Gi Oh and Magic, and maybe Pokemon. I don't know how many clerks I've asked that reply back that "they don't carry that one" (referring to POTSM)
  11. That be a rap!!! Roll the credits!!!
  12. Tito comes to help with Christine. He cradles her in his arms and affixes some alcohol to her wound and a bandage. Taking her ashore he mixes a blend of seaweed tea and tries to get her to drink it slowly while he holds her head up. Finally she comes to. The whole area is surrounded by fire in an attempt to burn off the vampires. Tito makes a cross out of 2 crab claws found on the beach, ties it around some hide off his sandals, and puts it on Christine hoping no more vampires come back. After he sees that she's stable, he goes to help Rogue and Diego with the arrows.
  13. Good questions!! I haven't seen it in a year now, but rememberin all those parts its like Yeah, how would that really work??
  14. Aye but then the horrid odor began ta spread. All of a sudden it came from more than just the ship. It came from, it came from US!!!! Our clothes!!!! Our hair!!!! Everything we had!!!!! We all smelled just like the whole rotten lot!!! What were we to do now????
  15. Tito sees somethin weird sittin on the beach. Goes over and discovers 4 eyes layin there, havin just come to shore. He hollars over to Rogue and Christine Uhhh lasses??? Me thinks he may be right!! He motions to Diego to come over and help figure out what to do about the eyes.
  16. Good stuff mateys. Enjoyed it tremendously!! :) Cheers!!
  17. Aye they be awesome. Too bad be so many doubloons fer em.
  18. You know I was just messin with you Laura
  19. That's funny Christine!! :)
  20. I would rather be AGAINST VD than in support of it!! Now if its Valentines Day you be meanin, I'll come to that party too. :)
  21. Aye Mary good luck with it and all!! :) ooooooh the warm temps at this here lagoon feel good compared to 18 below where I am the rest o'the time brrrrrrrrrrrrrrr!!
  22. Yah I likes Christine's idea. Do it but fer a limited time only, kinda like Knott's Berry Farm's "Knott's Scarey Farm" if'n they still do that.
  23. Ye sings Pirate songs and other sea shanties whilst ye dust the wood around the house.
  24. Go on Diego. I'll catch the fishies fer ya n'have lunch already fer everybody whens ye return. Aye Rogue, where might ye be doin yer chilly dip??
  25. Ye might be a pirate if'n ye dumps a whole bottle a rum inta the batter of the cake ye just made fer yer wife's birthday.
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