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Captain Tito

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Everything posted by Captain Tito

  1. Lil bit o'Boston y LA BANDA GORDA!
  3. Aye lass we got it last year too!! Great fun attacking the Imaginext Battle Castle we also got!! Aye, here in NY I've heard some call it Wally World and some WalMart. Haven't heard Tar-Jay though.
  4. Aye Christine ye be such a beauty ye always make us men blush too! :)
  5. Reporting for duty as a gunner, comissioned by Diego. Where abouts might I be of the best service to ye?
  6. Well I got Sparrow too, but to sympathize with ye all (in the opposite situation of course) I once got Elizabeth Swan
  7. Arrrrrr I second that lads 'n lasses. It be a fun place to plunder around in! :)
  8. Nay lass, got the right one!
  9. very cool Cinn
  10. Aye lad I know about that one. 'Twas goin on when m'boy and I got there and hung out in the park before the invasion. The boats were runnin quite a race.
  11. Aye m'lovely lass it be the same Alex Bay, NY :) I can't think of a more Piratey town in all Upstate, NY. The Pirate Days there are all in celebration of the infamous Bill Johnston. He was an Early American Patriot who became a renegade pirate in the early 1800s. He was involved, with a band of men, in the movement to take Canada as part of the US. He and his men launched a border attack against the British, who of course still had a hold on Canada, though they had lost the US colonies in the Revolution. The most infamous act they perpetrated was of blowing us the British ship, The Sir Robert Peel. They all became wanted by both the Canadian and American Governments, and managed to evade them by hiding out amongst the 1000 Islands. Years later Johnston was pardoned of all crimes by whichever US President was in office at the time, and became a lighthouse keeper of one of the lighthouses along the St. Lawrence. Go figure!!! A pirate story with a happy ending!! Anyway, Alex Bay celebrates Johnston for 10 days. This year its August 12th - 21st. There are things going on each day, but the most active times are the 2 weekends that the festival runs through. Each weekend features a Childrens parade, strolling pirate and sword acts throughout town and the famous "invasion" by Johnston and his men, where they sail in at the main port on the St. Lawrence II, invade, and are awarded the keys to the town. There be deals throughout the week for those who come "dressed as a pirate". There be night block dances, magic shows, treasure hunts for great prizes, and all sorts of chortling fun!! The second weekend also features a bigger parade as well, on the final Sunday. It be VERY worth checkin out.
  12. Aye lass, it be a shame Sterling doesn't have a Pirate weekend like other ren faires do these days. It be a shame the show about Tails Of The Sea (or something like that) is no longer there too. Would like to return to Sterling someday. Are ye plannin on goin ta ABay at all fer Pirate Days?
  13. Aye Tortuga I thought I was giv'n ye a compliment
  14. Aye lasses, regardless of what ye wear, ye all be beautiful!!
  15. Both the lyrics and the picture ROCK!! :)
  16. Aye lass, we be "kinda close" to Syracuse, but not quite (Boonville) Me lady grew up in Clay, NY, but we don't get out that way too often. She does play recorder though, both Alto and Tenor. What do ye needeth to know about writing for it? If'n ye ask me (ye can send a personal message if ye wants) I can ask her if she would know, and then I'll answer back.
  17. Here be I fer all to see. Thanks to Christine fer yer help lass! :)
  18. Aye lass ye be looking very fine loverly in the moonlight.
  19. Aye lasses, while things be warmin up, who wants ta join me in a moonlight dip?
  20. Aye lasses and lads I be here and the grill be firin up! :) *gives the lasses big hugs and kisses* Tankards be filled too!!
  21. I wish the Pirateer website would get back into service. Everytime I try to go there its under construction and something about being tied up in the courts etc..
  22. Of course Captain Jack Sparrow, but also Gina Davis' character in Cutthroat Island. She was a hotty!!
  23. *tries to find Christine ta give her a really big hug* Aye m'lass guess what!! Yer Lagoon has reached 100 PAGES!!! LETS PARTY!!!
  24. Aye lass nothin can combat that like a good MERENGUE!! :) *gets the tempo spead up real good*
  25. *Salsa Band sets up, warms up, and starts everybody groovin'*
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