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Captain Tito

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Everything posted by Captain Tito

  1. Aye it certainly be from where I be standin! LOW of 70 tonight!! HOT STUFF MATEYS!! Lets party!!
  2. *fills his tankard and takes a sip* wheeeeeeewww heeeeeeeeewww!! Potent is just a beginning o'what this stuff be!
  3. Aye lass good luck to ye! I be prayin that all'll be fine! Hugs!
  4. Siren me whole hearted prayers are out to ye that ye will recover well. Hugs to ye!!
  5. Aye Mary hope it turns inta somethin good for ye! :)
  6. *finds a grove o'palms and hangs out under 'em gettin a little sun and a little shade* Anyone care ta join me?
  7. *shark comes this close and then curses havin just missed Diego as he gets out of the water* Aye the lasses be lookin mighty fine :) Here's to the ladies!
  8. Come on guys we gotta join em. *goes to the waterfall and lets it cover him then swims over to the ladies*
  9. Aye but we did!! *picks up some tropical flowers and weaves them into a romanesque like tiarra and places them on Christine's forehead, to go with her toga.* They look lovely on ye lass.
  10. Sounds good to me!!
  11. *come in givin Christine and Fancy hugs, wishen em a fine day*
  12. Commence licking mateys!! *pours the Parrot Bay over Fancy*
  13. Aye mateys just got some o'me Parrot Bay stash out o' the tub's fridge. Anybody interested in sharin??
  14. *comes ashore and presses play on the radio box, blaring kewl Salsa music* Ok everybody join in! :)
  15. Aye lass it be a pleasure to have yer company. Ye looketh fine in yer suit
  16. *Comes and takes a relaxing dip in the lagoon.*
  17. Don't squeeze the Charmin!
  18. OMG the stupid thing didn't take me to the last page!!
  19. roasting on an open fire
  20. Aye lass if they know what a talented and beautiful lass they'd be gettin, they'll call soon!!
  21. Aye Kendra it be a fine work indeed!! :) *Hugs*
  23. Aye Diego! *pours a few more shots for each* Lets drink to a fine spring and summer ahead. A quite tropical day t'was. Long gone is the snow, ice, and cold, till next year!!
  24. Aye Phil and Hetha just don't fall in the flames! *Serves drinks to the others*
  25. Aye lasses and lads I just finished a bonfire for all to come sit around!! Thar be a cooler over on that dune full o'libations and if'n ye need a place to ice up yer rum Mad Jack, thar be room in it. What be yer pleasures mateys?
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