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Captain Tito

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Everything posted by Captain Tito

  1. Aye matey that be just toooooooooooooooooooooo FUNNY!! Me first date was on the 20th Anniversary Voyage of that ship after it sailed into the harbor of MTV back in 86!!!!
  2. Aye Bess now will this mean they be havin Muppets at the parks? Its just to weird to picture Kermit and Mickey.........at least for now anyway.
  3. Aye Mardi Gras parties be all the fun m'lady. I bet ye got showered with beads!! ....or at least they tried.
  4. That be quite scarey m'lass cuz right now it's great but when it falls its like every other fad, it FALLS and then nobody notices it. It be like me brother n'law who's into RC cars. He loves em like a pirate loves their ship. His step brothers got "into it" cuz he was. But they run their cars down and are then on to the next "big thing". WE are like me brother n'law. Unfortunately the rest of the shoppers are like his steps about pirates right now. Lets hope when it not be so kewl, that it doesn't fall completely. All we can do is keep promoting. Here's to ye on yer birthday ahead o' time Root Beer!!
  5. Aye, and with those guns ye ought to be noticed more too! Here's to ye!!
  6. Happy Birthday matey!! May the next year bring calm seas for ye.
  7. I suppose that all depends WHO your bilge rat be!!
  8. I be agreein with ya Scupper meself. I know the climate isn't the same all around the place. But it has been a hard winter in the colder spots this year. There will be more to jab about soon. We'll see if Capt. Sparrow and POTC get anymore awards. There be more festivals of all kinds when it gets warmer all over. As pirates, we just keep on sailin till we find somethin. :)
  9. The six pounders be firin a loud salute and may all the mateys here be toastin ya for a very Happy Birthday!! Where in SC do ya take quarter? I used to be hidin out in Kingstree till I ran up here to the northeast.
  10. If breakfast cereal characters could collect unemployment there would be quite a long line, as many of the longtime animated Mateys of, say, the 1960s thru 1980s have had to walk the plank. Most notoriously are all the co-stars of Captain Crunch!! Now I like the guy, and the cereal, but its sad that the Crunchberry Beast, and that dog that used to be on his Peanut Butter Cereal, all got the heave ho!! Seems to me I remember another Captain Crunch co-star of some years back that was a mean Pirate. My memories were jarred even more when I walked into a collectors shop and saw a bobble head of the very Pirate. He was animated (well duh) wearing Pirate garb (double duh) and had an evil face kind of like Gargamel from the Smurfs. Thing is, he was in a container where I couldn't get at him. I don't remember what his name was!! Does anybody remember this Captain Crunch Pirate, and what his name was???
  11. You not be kiddin M'Capn!!
  12. I TRIED THE FRUITY BOOTY!! AWESOME!! (unfortunately this and the regular cheese booty be all thats available round these parts)
  13. Saranac be good for Root Beers. So might be Goya Ginger Beer. Of course ye all know I be likin the Grape Grog. CHEERS
  14. Black Tom Bonney
  15. Hey Gabby, doesn't it figure?? And to think the French folks didn't even want the park to begin with!!
  16. Thanks Wolfy some pics posted would be cool. I guess "said restaurant" went out when they re-did Fantasyland back in 83. Before then would have been the time to see it.
  17. Beauty is only skin deep. NOW I GET IT!!!
  18. What's a Pirate's favorite vacation spot? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Arrrrrrrrrruba!!
  19. That be the finest float in the festival m'ladies!! Glad you all had fun. Reminds me of Seattle's Seafair parade last summer. Paisley, yer son be lookin awesome!! I be (hopefully) takin me boy to the Alex Bay parade this summer. Any advice??? Elaina, glad you had a great time at the ball. I am sure all ye non-mystic order peeps outclassed the mystic orderers and their sad rules!! Here's to ye all (toasts to the ladies and bows before them with a graceful kiss to their hands)
  20. Happy Birthday to Jenny G, The Jackyl, Piratewench18, and Atlantic Enchantress!! May each of ye be guided through the year on a voyage full of life's greatest treasures. A raise o' the rum to ye
  21. Love ye rightbackatcha Maggie!
  22. I taught at a parochial school in SC for 6 years and the Social Studies teacher there did a whole unit on Piracy for her 8th graders. They each did a full project on one Pirate and annually displayed them in the hall. I was able to lend my map to them (that Treasure Map of Sunken and Buried Treasures that they sell on parchment paper) each year. Wish I could help em now that I'm even more into it.
  23. Wish I could make chase out to that one. After seein the Seafair parade last July, I wishin I could be at this. Anyway me hearties, send a salute to the folks at Pirates Plunder for me.
  24. Here's to ye m'good matey. Have a rollickin good time of it now.
  25. (Capt Tito bows to the fair Lady Elaina and in recognition of her definite beauty, and thanks for her getting the beads, kisses her hand in a warm devout gesture) More poetry to come to ye m'lass :)
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