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Everything posted by Lady Seahawke
Just got the word this evening I have to work on Sunday, so I won't be able to make it this year
Well, now tat be a problem...I tried yer link 'nd got told tain't ther anymore. but, I twill be look'n later in ta week to confirm tis still go'n on.
well if'n I tain't work'n on Sunday, I be ther. HUZZAH!
Top 10 items for your pirate kit
Lady Seahawke replied to Gentleman of Fortune's topic in Thieves Market
Ok, top ten items. personal to walk about ta Ren Faires Well AH CLOTHES would be #1. I do believe we could be arrested walking about in our birthday suits hummmm 2nd, hat, boots, make walking a bit more comfortable. 3rd. sword, daggers and various weapons..all peace tied of course. 4th drinking and eating utensiles. (comes in handy on a long hot day ey?) 5th. Spyglass for spy'n all those handsome gents walking about the fairs. 6th, compass, sextant, comes in handy for navigat'n the faires 7th, Oh oops need a belt to hold all said equipment. 8th, ah, coin to spend.... 9th ditty bag to hold plunder 10th...sigh a ship to sail away in. -
'ello, just got a new book entitled. "She Captains - Heroines and Hellions of the Sea" by Joan Druett. this from the DJ Long before women had the right to vote, earn money, or have lives of their own, "she captains" - bold women distinguished for courageous enterprise on the high seas - thrilled and terrorized their shipmates, performed acts of valor, and pirated with the best of their male counterparts. ........ an old Shantty O come list a while, and you soon shall hear By the Rolling seas lived a maiden fair Her father followed the smuggling trade Like a warlike hero Like a warlike hero that never was afraid. Now in sailor's clothing young Jane did go Dressed like a sailor from top to toe Her aged father was the only care Of this female smuggler Of this female smuggler who never did despair With her pistols loaded she went aboard And by her side hung a glittering sword, In her belt two daggers, well armed for war Was this female smuggler, Was this female smuggler who never feared a scar. .......................... Armed to the teeth with cutlasses and pistols, they inspired awe and admiration as they swaggered about in facy hats and expensive finery, killing many a man who cowered cravenly before them.
OH bys ta way did any ye hap to put yer name in ta draw'n at the S CA RenFaire last may? I did an yea twas a sales tactic but, got m'self a 4 day/3night cruise to Mexico out of it.
*sauntering in....* Bakersfield? well, now tis be a might interest'n...nae do I know ther be a faire nears ther...might I inquire where, when, how much?
Well since I am not going to spend money on firing flints...Most re-enactorments focus on the gents...the ladies are just show...not in the action. So, I have non-firing replicas. Good enough says I. My swords and daggers, well, I am lucky enough to live close to swordsonline warehouse...and can get them at a pretty good price. They keep a barrel that has those with small dents and dings in them (hey taking a piece from another ship would have the same...so why not save a few coins ) The rest of m'garb has been fairly descent priced...though m'bodice was a bit steep...sigh, god given can't help it...had to find something to fit proper...narrow middrift....upper ...ah ...bit generous to say the least...so got one and have to have it adjusted for the difference. Some of my accessories I made and that saved me some coin. Consequently, it seems I will be spending most of my money on my boots. I need good fitting ones. (because of a severe injury to my leg....thankfully I can walk but the metal shaft makes it difficult to find a pair of boots) So, the boots will be the most expense because it looks like they will need to be custom fitted.
*draggingme self back in drooling over the blades above...*..".ok, yes I know" *sniffle hanging head though still eyeing beautiful wonderful blades*... "can't pirate a fellow pirate...tis ta code... hehe..umm if'n wonder if they can float to m'ship? did I hear ya say a NO!" * sniffle, "dang it..are you sure about that? OK! (*()^&^*^%%$...anyway.... "oh, yeah you ask'n why am I back...sorry, I realized tat I forgot I also have a spanish rapier, and a spanish officer sword. *one more peek at the lovely blades and beautiful axe...then a quick hop back through the cyber hole. *
ok, let's see getting out my box from the closet... 2- large triangular double sided push hunting blades...with eagles heads on the both sides of the blade on emblazed on the sheaths. These will be strapped to me boots. 1- large hunting blade that has an hawk as the handle, and egyptian carvings on the blade (straped to me belt) 1- sunken treasure blade, this has a mermaid on the faux bone sheath and tallship on the handle, (tucked in m'sash) 1 - folder with Amazon and her hawk on the handle. (to hang from m'belt) 1 - tanto, (strapped to m'back) 1 - Katana (from m'samari days...ok, tis m'persona remember) 2- celtic dirks these are strapped to my baldric 2 - 6 ft. whips (one strapped to me hip) 1 - 18c cutlass and flint combo (the flint is actually part of the cutlass and it is used for boarding) ok in actuality it is one I just keep in my collection rarely ever take it out for my persona. 1- 18c naval cutlass (hangs by m'side of course) 1- eating dagger - ok, I use it to eat wit but, a brok or two did find not a good idea to distrub me when eating m'victuals... located tucked into a armlet on my upper left arm. 1- roman shortsword, ok, just in my collection not used for m'persona's costume 3 - goddess cermonial swords... 1 - is for casting m'calls to Oya. ...2 of which are for friends. dang keep putting off sending them out. Got to do that before they think tain't send'n em. 3 - small throwing daggers that are located in m'tricone... have m'special containers for m'special ummm concoction for m'blades. A little dab will do ya...in that is 1 - I have one scottish flint (ok, replica tain't gonn'a have a real one unless I have been trained with it.) 1- Russian flint (replica) that has a hawk on the handle end. (ok again see the name. ) - both flints to be tucked into m'sash. 1 double headed pushdagger with eaglehead for handle. - ok,ok, I am into hawk and eagle...hey, look at the name ok! : 2 - small flint pistols (one to be tucked into the bodice the other is a gift to a friend. really have to send it out ) OH, almost forgot, I do have a late 17c/early 18c crossbow ...yep got to have m'crossbow....cause what descent Amazon would go witout her crossbow hummmm... yes it is almost pistol like in construction...but a crossbow. now am looking to get a couple more of flints then I should be set for m'persona's arsenal. ...
I recently got "The way of the Pirate" by Robert Downie This has a very brief history of Piracy, A list of articles, and the positions on a pirate ship. Then the rest of it is a "Who's Who in Davey Jone's Locker" Listing the pirates by last name, then under that gives their real name, a brief history if it is known. What ship they were on, how they got it, or it got them as the case may be, and how they met their end if it is known. Really very fascinating.
Both times I have been there I haven't had a problem getting there. Now there was a line once I drove into the park. But that went relatively quickly. Leaving the second time was a different story...LONNNNNNG line, but it was moving steady. So I didn't think it was that bad. Parking on the other hand not a great situation, so if'n you don't want to hike from no man's land get there somewhat early. keep plenty of fluids with you. I found out the hard way the last time and this weekend is suppose to be even hotter.
I recently got a new book entitled "The Pirate Dictionary" by Tery Breverton. Ok, we KNEW someone was going to do this ...dang too bad I didn't think of it. It even has a listing under "Pirate and buccaneer Prizes" that gives the most successful capture and raids with date, Captain, ship prize or place looted and the value at the time. along with lots of other interesting information.
hum consider'n tat Oct tis m'birthday month, just might head tat way to celebrate it. As Pirate Petee do ask ther be a site wher a Lady can check it out?
Sorry, won't be there this weekend, free spending dubloons tapped out till next payday. But am interested in the other upcoming faires in the CA area. Am willing to travel ...just need to get the listof when and where.
Well, I did go back on the 15th and had a very good time. Sigh unfortunately, I didn't do as before and so had to buy m'meal inside and got little for what I paid for. Might I suggest for those that are part of Faire that some water/drink stands be situated throughout paths next year. All the food/drinks stands were right inside the gate and if'n you are walking the entire area a cool drink on a very hot day would be nice. Actually I did have some to start but that went quickly enough and since I was walking around I didn't realize How dehydrated I was getting. I stopped at the coin booth and the gentleman took one look at me and asked me if I was all right, he was kind enough to give me a cool soda (didn't charge me for it...must have looked bad.... ) was very grateful for the assist. Once I started drinking it down I realize that I was dyhrated. So a word of warning...make sure you keep water with you. I know the faire back in Ohio had a nice policy they had a person walking about on the hot days with a water sprayer and doushed anyone needing/wanting a cooling off. Diego (hope you don't mind my shorting your name a tad) I will have to check into the other faires you mentioned am most interested in visting them. Huzzzah
I went to the Southern Faire last weekend and had a blast. I got there at about 1pm and left at about 5pm. Went to two of the stage shows and had some good old fashioned belly laughs. Found a booth "Pirate's Cove" just inside the gate area and got some very nice items and at a (IMHO) reasonable price. I did eat before I got there so I didn't have the expense of paying for grub at exhorbent doubloons. Everyone I spoke with was very friendly and helpful. Over all was more then satisfied, and may go back again tomorrow. The only thing that could have made it better for me is some parking markers so finding the car, while carrying m'plunder, would have been easier.
June 2nd. I am sooooo there...smile.
Thank you Lady Snow, it is hard to get over a dagger being stuck in the back from one while another sticks one in the heart especially again. It was a very long time before I opened back up to anyone and yet it happened. Someday I will learn I guess. I guess I will need to keep everyone at arm's length and lock my heart away.
how am I feel'n ...seems that I trust the wrong people...been betrayed again..
Thanks I have applied to the list.
My pyrate novel comes out tomorrow-god, i need rum
Lady Seahawke replied to Nelson Cooke's topic in Thieves Market
sounds very cool! Will look into ordering it. -
well at first m'name was chosen Lady Seahawke...cause...well, am a Lady and second am the hawk of the sea. As time has gone by, and developed at the writing site...I added a first name of Cassandra. For as it is being revealed that the title Lady was rightfully hers by birth, Cassandra is a fitting first name as it will be shown that she has a tendacy to help others (if somehow her anger is stirred from some type of injustice). She tends to do her pirating mostly against the Dutch, French, and of course Corsairs (persona history and all ya know)...umm though the one here is the exception...I am sure. Seahawke...again, once ta prize tis spied ta prize tis mine. And a hawk tis very good at spy'n ta prize then swoop'n down to snatch it from ta sea. That is the short version.
Anyone know anything about The Gathering, or SDN?
Lady Seahawke replied to CaptKoraRoberts's topic in March
Anything happening up in that area in Sept? I may be heading that way the 1st or 2nd week of Sept of this year.