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El Pirata

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Everything posted by El Pirata

  1. You mean those not be true? Avast I need to hang me teachers from me yardarm!
  2. I like their pirate ring better.
  3. I always be likin PIrates Gold fer Sega Genesis, but now we be talkin really old school.
  4. Enough with the teasing, I be wantin to see the finished product. I must be sayin though, the teaser looks good.
  5. Hey there lass. Not sure on the name issue but I heard tale that the head was dried out and drank out of for years. No one knows what heppened to the actual head in recent times though.
  6. A non-firing replica is a weapon? Oh man. I guess they might as well take all the pens, pencils, clothes and cars from high school students because any of them can be used as a weapon.
  7. Look out for Nav Rules, they can be a bit tricky.
  8. I found this while surfing this morning: http://larryvoyer.com/Piratical/pirate%20p...tes-antiqua.htm
  9. Drink more rum. It was a halucination from rum deficiency.
  10. Were they stored on your server or here? :violent2: :sex: :violent3: :cussing:
  11. I guess the modern day pirates are more similar to the pirates of old.
  12. Where's Hot Topic? Got a link or another means of contacting them?
  13. Still looking for seat covers. I guess a steering wheel cover is a step in the right direction....
  14. I tried and tried to find a red peeping tawm but to no avail. Maybe next time.
  15. Anyone have their favorites? Here are a few I am partial to:
  16. Guess you never heard what Jesse James wanted to try...
  17. Is this anything like a bow legged woman on a ferris wheel?
  18. http://www.colonialpanama.com/mybio1.htm
  19. http://www.indyprops.com/pp-azcoin.htm
  20. Oh yeah, they have 2 types, the face on both sides or the face on one side and that wierd design on the other.
  21. Reproductions from New Zealand. http://www.indyprops.com/ Like $30 each. They are not the cheap plastic painted gold ones nor are they light aluminum ones. These are a heavy metal and the gold actually looks real.
  22. I be havin 4 of the original 882 pieces now. Well not actually originally but I could always wish.
  23. I filled the bathtub with scalding hot water and a little bleach then let it soak a for a few hours and let it air dry.
  24. It's made from a heavy cotton. Very coarse thread much like that of the times. The inside liner is a fine thread cotton.
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