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El Pirata

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Everything posted by El Pirata

  1. There goes another paycheck... I love leather stuff.
  2. I remember the parrots in the jungle school zoo in Panama could curse better than any soldier, seaman, airman, or jarhead that I have ever heard, including myself.
  3. I like everything about it except the fact it's made from vinyl (however you spell the dern word!). I tend to be a bit of a mook and break fragile things rather easily, tough things break rather easily too.
  4. I'm not even gonna say what they told me in rehab about that combo.
  5. I hate to open a can of worms but sometimes that's the only way to overcome fear. While I would prefer little by little but there really times where you need to react immediatly and forget the fear.
  6. Better her than me. I couldn't imagine not enjoying sailing on a ship, sailboat, dingy, etc.
  7. Happy birthday.
  8. That sounds like one heck of a movie. I hope he decides to put it on screen.
  9. Oh yeah baby, just like that.....
  10. I just remembered last week I saw the DVD for sale at WalMart for $10 or less. I was half tempted to buy the DVD at such a cheap price.
  11. What aside from the 666, does that mean?
  12. I have the Virginia plate PIRATA.
  13. All of the Army boat I have been on over the years have the distinct pleasure of having all handrails and wheels wrapped with parachute cord. I must say that it's a very long process and you do end up losing a great deal of skin off your hands however the results look awsome.
  14. Well made yes but a bit too rich for my blood.
  15. It ended already with the low low price of $250.
  16. That would be flemishing.
  17. I tend to think of it along those lines too. I mean when Morgan sacked Panama in 1671 he assembled a large pirate force and named his own second in command of the force of 2000 pirates. I doubt seriously that anyone had elected Morgan as the overall Captain for the attack. Jack probably had assembled a crew as he did in Tortuga to find the Aztec gold. I agree calling the crew mutaineers as they did steal Jack's ship from him.
  18. How about I break the keg with me fist instead and ye all can have a drink on the house.
  19. I guess that would be a great idea if my guitar was on the same coast as I was. Assuming that my parents have not sold it yet I might pick it up the next time I head out west, probably in about a year.
  20. Yup the links worked. The figures are similar to the army men that were popular when I was a kid? Maybe an inch tall or so?
  21. You mean "swim call" isn't how they did it in the olden days?
  22. Aside from navigating by them I don't know another meaning.
  23. Haven't played since high school.
  24. I don't even want to know what you meant by that.
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