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El Pirata

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Everything posted by El Pirata

  1. Definately a far cry from Looney Toons that I grew up with but still cool.
  2. Ok there mariners anyone know why they call it flemishing a line? I've been knowing a thing or two in the nautical department for most of my life but this one just came to me right now.
  3. Mind you, I'm slow so could you explain that one, I didn't get it.
  4. I think that's the kind of relationship my daughter has with me...
  5. I never thought of anyone one the wiggles as HOT but if you like it more power to ya.
  6. Sponge Bob is pretty cool but I mean Gloomius Maximus the space pirate from Rollie Pollie Olie rocks!
  7. You said it brother. Quite possibly one of the dumbest programs ever produced for TV. Thank goodness I only have one set and don't watch anymore prime time crap. Those damnable Neilsen ratings would go nuts trying to figure out my family's habits. Wartooth They'd see a lot of the Wiggles and Rollie Pollie Olie if they were monitering my habits at home.
  8. I didn't say I liked the show. I actually only watched the episode where the seal was voted off the island. I can't remember the circumstances surrounding my decision to watch, maybe someone else was watching and I had an hour to kill.
  9. I used to play a mean Stairway on the guitar.
  10. No, you have a link or a location to look, aside from just this site?
  11. I did like the site too.
  12. No laundry this week, gotta get a big pile for my "island."
  13. Who was the gay dude that won on one series. Hopefully he's not one of the ones coming back for their super survivor or whatever it's called. If memory serves they had an ex navy seal on that same series.
  14. Cold Steel has always made some decent knives that last a long time. I hated visiting their web site, though, there's another paycheck spent already....
  15. Does "Mount Dirtyclothes" count as an island?
  16. I was thinking the red in the carpet from juice might be from the "bloody battles" but thyoughts like that are not for a 5 year old. Remember to her no one ever dies.
  17. (sigh) 'Tis my fault Lasseter... and I regrets the disturbance of yer topic. I was in the troughs of fever at the time I posted and saw foolish humor in it at the comparison of Pirate chest and.... Pirate chest. Sorry lad. Sorry. Don't take all the blame. I find meself thinking impure thoughts when I read the title of the thread, even before I read the content.
  18. New addition to the set. I found the Buccaneer Bay set and Makayla dug out an old pirate ship I bought her a few years ago.
  19. I found the whole site disturbing...
  20. I can't wait to see the pics.
  21. Catchy name. Prolly fits most of us here, cept me.
  22. I was browsing through Maxim or some such magazine and there was a picture of a full sized heavyweight boxer's hands. Everyone remarked how big they were until I put my hands on the page and they said I had big hands. So to answer your question, double D.
  23. Huge. I wear a 15 1/2 ring that barely fits.
  24. Nice site.
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