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El Pirata

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Everything posted by El Pirata

  1. True it was 2 licks and a chomp but the owl said 3.
  2. According the the old tv commercial it only took 3 licks.
  3. Virus and spyware free.
  4. Pirate Barney, that was a little tooo, hmmmm, well you understand. I did like Richard Simmons walking the plank.
  5. Probably an uneventful evening after the clubs get put down.
  6. Cavemen used clubs with decent effectiveness for that purpose.
  7. The feeling is mutual.
  8. Dude, that's pretty harsh.
  9. I found this theme this morning. Hope it is not a repeat post. http://www.topthemes.com/item.php?id=1659
  10. Ya know I was being careful not to imitate the falling part until you had to show that pic. Like I said, was. There went my back again and my diet pepsi.
  11. Count yourself blessed.
  12. I resent that remark. There truly are more things to finding Miss Right than cleavage, most specifically looks can be waived for Miss Right NOW. Also rings on the ring fingers resembling an engagement or wedding types are also good indicators whether you may find yourself bloodied and bruised.
  13. Lasses and those dern romance novels. I wonder if they had romance novels back the golden age? If not then that's probably a favorable time to dream about living in....
  14. Even better. Thanks.
  15. I imagine the hotel info is for the non-locals. The date is the thing I really needed which I now have. Hopefully I will be able to attend this year.
  16. What else is on this lovely gem so I can know whether to cancel that check to Greenpeace so I can buy the new edition.
  17. Actually I was thinking about if she was that tired of her husband she could have just left him and let him pay for the divorce or stay married until he hit it big then get the divorce and demand HALF.
  18. Speaking of cheddar, where do you buy cheddar powder to put on popcorn? I normally will open a package of mac & cheese and add cheese sauce on top since I have yet to find the correct location to find the actual item to add to popcorn.
  19. Great pics. Looks like you had fun.
  20. Can I get some information about the planning of this event. I really wanted to get involved this past summer but somehow I completely forgot about the event and didn't realize until a few weeks ago.
  21. I agree completely.
  22. I agree with the growing up part... Why??? I like being a 12 year old in an adult's body.
  23. Actually I was rambling of odd names I remember seeing or hearing over the years. It appears neither is an actual web site but the drunkchicks one does forward you to a site your mother would probably not approve of. About the best site I have seen on the net, which is now long gone, was www.helpmedivorcemyhusband.com. I saw it on some talk show or something and thought they had to be lying. After typing the address, sure enough there was a site. It had a paypal link for you to make donations so this woman could have enough money to afford a divorce. The part I found the most disturbing was people were willingly giving money to her for this endeavor.
  24. I hope the best for those of you who might be trying to get into the next movie. I will say, ENOUGH!!! It's been 18 months since the last one came out, lets finish the next one so we can see it.
  25. Perhaps, www.drunkchicks.com
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