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El Pirata

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Everything posted by El Pirata

  1. We had a storm hit Norfolk this morning and it sunk one of our boats which we happened to have tied off on carrier row. We are not sure exactly what happened and will not know for sure until Friday when it is planned to lift it from the water and either try to get it to float by itself or set it on a barge for a trip back to Useless. I would elaborate more but I am heading back to work a full 4 hours after returning from dealing with this fiasco all day for another 18 - 20 day full of fun and adventure. Army, pee all that you can pee..... Incidentally, the water here is about 60 feet deep and the boat has bottomed out. Enjoy...
  2. Oh yeah, keep 'em coming. Thanks for the pics so far.
  3. I am looking for some pics of Dawg Brown and Google has pretty slim pickings. Anyone hook me up?
  4. I've been in more than my share of scraps over the years but I have mellowed out of the past 10 years or so and have not been in one since then, thereabouts. Well mid - late 90sish.
  5. Dupe post. I closed this one and moved the other to Initiation Rites.
  6. 4 Bells is like 2 in the afternoon? Sorry my squid terminology is a little rusty. If memory serves up to 8 bells broken down into 30 minutes intervals. The dog watch is probablyt a baseline of which sets of hours we are talking about.
  7. Crikey, I leave for week and we get 3 pages of posts. Is that a hint???? I wonder....
  8. That was a cool opening scene in Sponge Bob.
  9. A diet pepsi will suit me just fine.
  10. Actually I'd probably notice I had a wet feeling sometime around noon tomorrow. The cool part is now I know who to blame.
  11. Stay tuned to the forum? I assure you that did not need to be mentioned.
  12. Ay wench, be quiet or me get my caveman club and show you stars.
  13. Has anyone mentioned a pulse is a nice thing in a woman?
  14. Man that would definately be cool. Wish I was there to attend.
  15. I was only there for a couple of days and all I did was partied in Santo Domingo.
  16. Too bad there'd never be a tv series about that.
  17. I was thinking you were talking about the company Cold Steel selling hooks now. I would probably be interested in a hook though, probably better if it was chrome plated.
  18. I visited there twice. Great scenery. The lasses were great to look at and really friendly too.
  19. There are pirates in Colorado?
  20. Maybe make it like Hardware Wars.
  21. Anyone know of where a review for Tropico 2 is online?
  22. I guess that means I'll have a few late Christmas presents.
  23. What, put a paperbag over the man's head and beat him with a club, say a little caveman style?
  24. Am I the only single one left? It almost looks like the rest of the singles either got themselves hitched or found significant others.
  25. What was this about a piercing?
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